Purpose: Nowadays, the number of threats for public security is constantly growing. In Poland, the crisis management system was established to counteract them. In the paper, its functioning is shown in the context of the Łódź voivodeship, where in each poviat and commune the crisis management teams work. The main purpose is to identify the stages of the decision making in the crisis management process. The second aim is to show the role of the decision-making body and principles and factors in the decision-making process. Design/methodology/approach: The paper has been prepared on the basis of reports and opinions of employees of crisis management departments in the region and the source literature. Findings: In a crisis management the decision has an important role. The decision, as a directive, organizes and stimulates the common effort of the people. The quality of the decision depends on the correctness of the decision-making process. This process should be a logical set of ordered operations, which help human to conduct rational analyses and resolve the problems. Research limitations/implications: The employees of the crisis management departments in the Łódź voivodeship have achieved a high level of management skills, they have developed effective methods and rules for making decisions. To make the decisions in the crisis conditions they prefer the situational approach, which is the result of the systemic approach. As a result, the practical situational directives are created, which means that in a particular situation particular actions, types of motivations, management styles, etc. are applied. Originality/value: The paper is the first attempt to study this issues in the context of the Łódź region. The paper should be read by managers which interests are focused at the crisis management.
Prace badawcze VIII Komisji, zostały opublikowane w XXXVII tomie w części B8 Międzynarodowego Archiwum Fotogrametrii i Teledetekcji, oraz zostały zgrupowane w 12 Sesjach Tematycznych na których zamieszczono 227 artykułów . Grupy tematyczne to: 1/ Obszary Zurbanizowane – Analiza Wpływu na Środowisko; 2/ Zagrożenia, Klęski i Zdrowie; 3/ Atmosfera; Klimat i Badania Pogody; 4/ Zarządzanie Badaniami Środowiska Tropiku; 5/ Zasady Dostępu do Danych; 6/Zarządzanie obszarami Nadmorskimi, Prognoza stanu Oceanów; 7/ Zasoby Wód, Zarządzanie i Bezpieczeństwo, 8/Badania Polarne i Alpejskie; 9/ Obszary pustynne, Degradacja Powierzchni Pustynienie; 10/ Rolnictwo Precyzyjne i Rolnictwo Zrównoważone 11/Zrównoważona Gospodarka Leśna i Gospodarka Krajobrazu; 12/ Kartowanie Geologiczne, Geomorfologiczne i Geomorfometryczne. Do VIII Komisji należą również 4 Sesje Tematyczne: THS 19 - Integrowane Zarządzanie Obszarami Nadmorskimi ThS20 Zdrowie Ludności; ThS 21 Model 3D w zastosowaniach leśnych oraz Sesja Specjalna SS 12 Obserwacje i monitorowanie Regionów Polarnych
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