Artykuł przedstawia podejście do identyfikacji rodzaju szkła oparte na teorii zbiorów przybliżonych w programie RSES. Przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy tej metody, opisano proces analizy danych oraz zaprezentowano wyniki identyfikacji rodzaju szkła.
The article presents an approach to glass type identification based on rough set theory in the RSES program. The theoretical basis of this method is presented, the data analysis process is described and the results of glass type identification are presented.
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations General Assembly focuses on economic development, poverty cessation, environmental sustainability, and good governance at all levels, including peace and safety. For electric power distribution concessionary companies in Brazil, it is necessary to evaluate their sustainability and performance according to the parameters laid by the National Electric Power Agency (ANEEL). For that purpose, sixty-two indicators were assembled that were directly and indirectly associated with sustainability for 38 companies in the period-2013-2021. This study proposes a new application with a conditional risk matrix and decision rules aimed at the integrated assessment of sustainability and performance of electric power companies using the conditional probability of indicators in the ascent or descent of the companies’ classification. A set of “if..., then...” decision rules were inferred by the algorithm VC-DomLEM using concepts from the Rough Sets Theory and the Dominance principle, Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA).
Big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (IoT) are still very popular areas in current research and industrial applications. Processing massive amounts of data generated by the IoT and stored in distributed space is not a straightforward task and may cause many problems. During the last few decades, scientists have proposed many interesting approaches to extract information and discover knowledge from data collected in database systems or other sources. We observe a permanent development of machine learning algorithms that support each phase of the data mining process, ensuring achievement of better results than before. Rough set theory (RST) delivers a formal insight into information, knowledge, data reduction, uncertainty, and missing values. This formalism, formulated in the 1980s and developed by several researches, can serve as a theoretical basis and practical background for dealing with ambiguities, data reduction, building ontologies, etc. Moreover, as a mature theory, it has evolved into numerous extensions and has been transformed through various incarnations, which have enriched expressiveness and applicability of the related tools. The main aim of this article is to present an overview of selected applications of RST in big data analysis and processing. Thousands of publications on rough sets have been contributed; therefore, we focus on papers published in the last few years. The applications of RST are considered from two main perspectives: direct use of the RST concepts and tools, and jointly with other approaches, i.e., fuzzy sets, probabilistic concepts, and deep learning. The latter hybrid idea seems to be very promising for developing new methods and related tools as well as extensions of the application area.
In the article are described problems related to creation and maintenance of situational awareness systems. The definitions of concepts of situation and its identification are presented. An approach based on situational knowledge representation with ontological models is selected for attaining situational awareness in complex intelligent enterprise systems, where objects can be in several situations in the same time and some situations are defined imprecisely. Granular computing approach is used for reduction of situational knowledge management complexity. In order to work with situation defined imprecisely, rough set approximations are proposed for situation definition. The usage of mechanisms inherent to ontological modeling for situation representation and reasoning about them are also discussed.
Celem artykułu jest wykorzystanie teorii zbiorów przybliżonych do indukcji reguł decyzyjnych warunkujących zastosowanie ekologicznej oceny cyklu życia w zidentyfikowanych modelach biznesowych MŚP. Wykorzystano w tym celu wyniki badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego w ramach projektu PARP „Wzorce zrównoważonej produkcji” oraz zdefiniowane typy modeli biznesu. W opracowaniu przedstawiono typologię modeli biznesu MŚP, dokonano klasyfikacji zmiennych na decyzyjne i warunkowe oraz wyznaczono reguły decyzyjne dla poszczególnych typów modeli, które prowadzą do zastosowania ekologicznej oceny cyklu życia.
The aim of the paper is to use Rough Set approach to induce decision rules on LCA use in selected business models of SMEs. For that purpose the results of “Sustainable production patterns” PARP survey are used together with defined business model types. The typology of SME business models are presented in the paper, and is used to classify companies to different business model types. It is followed by development of condition attributes and decision attribute sets and induction of decision rules for different business model types.
The main aim of this paper is to introduce the possibility for applying rough sets theory to analyze the test result which candidates for special operator (ATC controller) must took while their recruitment. Recruitment after reaching the person being trained, consisting of two parts (theoretical and practical) and lasting more than two years. The candidate must be distinguished features such as an excellent orientation in space, perception, logical thinking, divided attention, stress resistance, ability to plan, very good health and a very good knowledge of Polish and English. Paper consists a detailed description of the recruitment for special operator – ATC controller position and brief introduction to the rough sets theory including basic concepts and methodology. The analytical part of this paper describing set of psychophysical characteristics of operator, means by which and based on actual data, decision table is created. Afterwards all data are analyzed in the special computer software. The paper ends with a summary, the results of the analysis are discussed.
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The purpose of the article is to describe the complexity index as a quantitative parameter and indicate the position in the hierarchy of factors affecting urban riverside landscape on the example of the Odra River in Wroclaw.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest opisanie wskaźnika złożoność jako parametru ilościowego oraz wskazanie miejsca w hierarchii czynników oddziałujących na wartość krajobrazu nadrzecznego miast na przykładzie Odry we Wrocławiu.
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Przetwarzanie znaczących ilości informacji pochodzących z obrazów radiograficznych oraz automatyczne wykrywanie wad połączeń spawalniczych z dużą dokładnością jest możliwe dzięki zastosowaniu rozwiązań opartych na teorii zbiorów przybliżonych oraz zastosowaniu jej w systemach komputerowych, które umożliwiają szybkie przetwarzanie znaczących ilości danych. Wspomniana metoda ma solidne podstawy matematyczne, których zastosowanie umożliwia określenie istotności atrybutów mających znaczenie dla identyfikacji niedoskonałości, natomiast ostateczna ocena reguł tworzy bazę wiedzy umożliwiająca komputerowe wskazywanie określonej klasy wady spawu. Opisana technika umożliwiła klasyfikację wad w bardzo wysoką dokładnością dla rzeczywistych danych pochodzących ze zdjęć rentgenowskich połączeń spawalniczych.
Processing of large amount of information deriving from radiographic images and automatically detecting of welding joints imperfections with high accuracy is possible by applying solutions based on rough sets theory and usage of this theory on computer systems that are capable to make fast calculations on huge number of information. The theory posses solid and confirmed mathematical foundation that allows applying it for calculation of attribute importance that have huge significance for identification of weld imperfections, whereas final extracting rules creates knowledge base that gives possibility for computer aided pointing specific class of weld imperfection. Technique that is described in the paper was capable of classification of weld defects with very high accuracy for real data originating from radiographic images of weld joints.
This article shows the application of the authors’ own method for visualizing multidimensionality, i.e. so called Pipe of Samples, which makes possible to visualize up to 360 dimensions. This approach constituted the base for development of evolutionary discretisation algorithm dedicated for pre-processing of data to be processed using rough sets theory. The study presents operators of crossing, mutation and selection. Structures of the algorithm data have been prepared on the basis of the aforementioned visualization so that each of the achieved individuals described one complete discretisation solution. Hence, in the proposed approach, the population is a set of many complete discretisations of all the attributes. The solution is optimized by means of evolutionary search for the optimum. The study includes results of experiments that compared LDGen adaptation algorithm with other discretisation methods used in rough sets theory. As main components of the article may be regarded such elements like visualisation method, evolutionary data discretisation method including dedicated operators and discussion on the results of experiments.
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In contemporary manufacturing industry many varied methods are used for controlling process parameters, ranging from paper SPC charts to automated closed loop systems. In recent years a remarkably increasing interest in application of supporting systems based on computational intelligence methods, utilizing company recorded data, is observed. Most frequently, methods of automated knowledge extraction from data in the form of logic rules are utilized, based on classification learning systems. A growing interest of industrial applications of rough sets theory (RST) is observed in that area, which can provide with various types of important information concerning complex manufacturing processes. In the present paper the main elements and characteristics of RST are expounded and compared to another learning system – widely used decision trees (DTs). Current applications of the both methods in manufacturing industry are briefly reviewed. Results of the paper authors’ research concerning two important issues of RST and DTs applications in foundry production are presented. They include assessment of correctness of relative significances of process parameters of arbitrary nature (e.g. physical, human, organizational etc.) and evaluation of reliability of engineering knowledge in the form of logic rules. The numerical experiments, carried out on simulated and real data, related to foundry technology, have shown that RST can be a valuable tool for control of complex manufacturing processes and it performs remarkably better then DTs.
We współczesnym przemyśle wytwórczym stosowanych jest wiele różnorodnych metod do sterowania i kontroli parametrów procesów, począwszy od papierowych kart kontrolnych SSP, a skończywszy na systemów automatycznych, pracujących w zamkniętych pętlach. W ostatnich latach obserwuje się znacznie zwiększone zainteresowanie stosowaniem systemów wspomagających opartych na metodach inteligencji obliczeniowej, wykorzystujacych dane zarejestrowane w przedsiębiorstwie. Najczęsciej wykorzystywane są metody zautomatyzowanego pozyskiwania wiedzy z danych w postaci reguł logicznych, oparte na klasyfikacyjnych systemach uczacych sie. W tym zakresie obserwuje sie wzrastąjace zainteresowanie przemysłowymi zastosowaniami teorii zbiorów przybliżonych (ang. skrót RST), które są w stanie dostarczyć różnego typu informacji o złożonych procesach wytwórczych. W mniejszym artykule przedstawiono główne elementy RST i porównano z innymi systemami uczacymi się – szeroko stosowanymi drzewami decyzyjnymi (ang. skrót DTs). Dokonano krótkiego przeglądu aktualnych zastosowań obu systemów w przemysle wytwórczym. Przedstawiono wyniki badań autorów artykułu dotyczące dwóch istotnych rodzajów zastosowan RST i DTs w produkcji odlewniczej. Obejmują one ocene poprawności wyznaczania względnych istotności parametrów procesu o dowolnej naturze (np. fizycznej, ludzkiej, organizacyjnej) oraz ocene wiarygodności wiedzy inżynierskiej w postaci reguł logicznych. Eksperymenty numeryczne, przeprowadzone na danych symulowanych i rzeczywistych, związanych z technologią odlewniczą pokazały, że RST może być wartościowym narzędziem sterowania złożonymi procesami wytwarzania, spełniając swoje zadania istotnie lepiej niż DTs.
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This article presents the LDGen method which is based on genetic algorithm. The author proposed evolutionary approach to the solution of the discretization problem for systems that induce rules on the basis of rough sets theory. The study describes details of the method with special focus on the crossing operator. The proposed approach concerns working with multidimensional samples. Thanks to application of the author's own method of for visualizing multidimensionality, i.e. so called Pipes of Samples, it was possible to visualize up to 360 dimensions, which is usually sufficient in case of problems the Rough Sets Theory deals with. Mutation and crossing methods were developed using this visualisation so that, for real numbers, it allowed to create individuals that describe one solution of the discretization. Hence the population is a set of many complete discretizations of all the attributes.
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Two types of data mining tools, suitable for semi-automatic generation of knowledge in a form of logic rules, are presented in the paper: decision (classification) trees and rough sets theory algorithms. A comparative evaluation of rules obtained by these two methods, used for decision concerning application of feeders for grey iron castings, is performed. Data sets obtained as readouts form a semi-empirical nomograph of Holzmüller and Wlodawer were used for the testing. It was found that both methods lead to similar rules, which are also in agreement with the foundry practice. However, the decision trees were unable to provide some important and reliable rules, which were generated by the rough sets theory algorithm and they can also generate rules which are not supported by the training data.
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The rough sets theory is at present one of the most modern tools used for the analysis of tests results being specially loaded with considerable errors. The tests results of the surface fatigue life both the machines elements (e.g. rolling bearings) and their parts or specially made samples can be regarded as such results. The presented paper includes the analysis of the influence of different parameters of the surface layer of cylindrical rolling elements on their surface fatigue life spread. The analysis was made with the use of the rough sets theory.
Teoria zbiorów przybliżonych jest aktualnie jednym z najnowocześniejszych narzędzi służących do analizy wyników badań szczególnie obarczonych znacznymi błędami. Do takich wyników zaliczyć należy rezultaty badań powierzchniowej trwałości zmęczeniowej zarówno elementów maszyn (np. łożysk tocznych), jak i ich części składowych czy specjalnie wykonywanych próbek. W prezentowanym artykule zamieszczono analizę wpływu różnych parametrów warstwy wierzchniej walcowych elementów tocznych na rozrzut ich powierzchniowej trwałości zmęczeniowej. Analizy dokonano z wykorzystaniem teorii zbiorów przybliżonych.
The paper addresses the problem of analysing information tables which contain objects described by both attributes and criteria, i.e. attributes with preference-ordered scales. The objects contained in those tables, representing exemplary decisions made by a decision maker or a domain expert, are usually classified into one of several classes that are also often preference-ordered. Analysis of such data using the classic rough set methodology may produce improper results, as the original rough set approach is not able to discover inconsistencies originating from consideration of typical criteria, like e.g. product quality, market share or debt ratio. The paper presents the framework for the analysis of both attributes and criteria and a very promising algorithm for generating reducts. The algorithm presented is evaluated in an experiment with real-life data sets and its results are compared to those by two other reduct generating algorithms.
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