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This study aims to establish a multicriteria-based model for understanding green logistics in Taiwan's maritime freight transport industry. Prior studies have emphasized certain successful results from using green measures on the operational logistics operations, including establishing a competitive advantage and economic benefits. However, the literature tends to be inadequate and fragmented when discussing how green logistics relate to environmental sustainability. This study proposes a framework containing 5 aspects and 35 criteria. The fuzzy Delphi and best-worst methods are adopted to evaluate the validity and reliability. A decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method is used to examine how the attributes’ interrelationships. The results reveal that green packaging and green transportation become the determining aspects to enhance green logistics. The top five criteria to prioritize is presented including product life cycle impact, green packaging material, use of energy at facilities, intermodal transport, emissions of transporting vehicles within the area of facilities.
Współczesne inwestycje budowlane, w tym inwestycje kolejowe lub drogowe poprzedza szereg analiz warunkujących wybór optymalnego wariantu ich wykonania. Wielokryterialne analizy porównawcze stanowią doskonałe wsparcie procesu podejmowania decyzji wykorzystując zarówno dane ilościowe, jak i jakościowe. Zakres artykułu obejmuje analizę porównawczą przy wykorzystaniu różnych metod wielokryterialnego podejmowania decyzji, m.in. AHP, TOPSIS, COPRAS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE w celu minimalizacji subiektywności ostatecznej oceny rozpatrywanych wariantów. W artykule podjęto próbę uwypuklenia wartości poznawczej wykorzystanych metod i możliwości implementacji wyników w praktyce na przykładzie Szczecińskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej.
Modern construction investments, including railway or road investments, are preceded by a series of analyzes determining the optimal variant of their implementation. Multi-criteria comparative analyzes provide excellent support for the decision-making process using both quantitative and qualitative data. The scope of the paper includes a comparative analysis using various multi-criteria decision-making methods, including: AHP, TOPSIS, COPRAS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE in order to minimize the subjectivity of the final assessment of the considered variants. The paper attempts to highlight the cognitive value of the methods used and the possibilities of implementing the results in practice based on Szczecin Metropolitan Railway.
Recent years have seen a huge development in the subject of supply chain risk management. In this increasingly uncertain world, the use of practical and effective tools for decision making and risk mitigation has become more necessary than ever. In this research, mitigation strategies for a tier one multinational company operating in the automotive industry and providing an assembly operation to final customer Renault Tanger and Renault SOMACA were prioritized according to their effectiveness, as well as their implementation costs. Based on research in the literature and the opinions of experts in the field. 44 risks and 55 mitigation strategies were identified. FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) method was used based on the latest AIAG 2019 edition to filter and identify the risks to be prioritized, we used then a multi-objective optimization approach to identify the mitigation strate-gies that constitute the Pareto front for each of the risks and finally used the EDAS method for the final ranking of the strategies. Our case revealed that strategies like ensuring elaborating a contingency planning and defining the responsibilities, imposing contractual obligations on subcontractors, applying a flexible supply contract were found to be relevant risk mitigation strategies for the company. Managers interested in mitigating risk can deploy this model to prioritize risk mitigation strategies.
The health of the supply chain, the company's performance, and the quality of the production as well as the success of the entire enterprise, directly depends on the reliability of the company's existing suppliers. Processing enterprises that depend on suppliers are trying to find the best option that will satisfy all customer requirements. With high-quality and inexpensive raw materials, the products produced by the enterprise will largely determine its economic indicators such as revenue, profit, and profitability. Therefore, this enterprise is especially faced with the issue of choosing the most appropriate supplier of resources. Basically, for processing enterprises it is very important to consider the parameters such as quality of incoming materials, terms of supply of raw materials, price of received raw materials, terms of contracts. The challenge in determining of supplier is how to choose reliable suppliers that can maintain supply chain continuity in an environment of ever-increasing instability and uncertainty. For this purpose, a methodology for selecting suppliers using Z-numbers was proposed. Using fuzzy Z numbers in supplier selection, decision-makers can assign values to various criteria in a way that reflects both the uncertainty and the confidence associated with those values. This can lead to more nuanced and robust supplier selection processes, considering a wider range of factors and uncertainties.
Zdrowie łańcucha dostaw, wydajność firmy i jakość produkcji, a także sukces całego przedsiębiorstwa, zależą bezpośrednio od niezawodności obecnych dostawców firmy. Przedsiębiorstwa przetwórcze zależne od dostawców starają się znaleźć najlepszą opcję, która spełni wszystkie wymagania klientów. Dzięki wysokiej jakości i niedrogim surowcom produkty wytwarzane przez przedsiębiorstwo będą w dużej mierze determinować jego wskaźniki ekonomiczne, takie jak przychody, zyski i rentowność. W związku z tym przedsiębiorstwo to stoi przed szczególnym wyzwaniem, jakim jest wybór najbardziej odpowiedniego dostawcy zasobów. Zasadniczo dla przedsiębiorstw przetwórczych bardzo ważne jest uwzględnienie takich parametrów, jak jakość przychodzących materiałów, warunki dostaw surowców, cena otrzymanych surowców, warunki umów. Wyzwaniem przy określaniu dostawcy jest wybór wiarygodnych dostawców, którzy mogą utrzymać ciągłość łańcucha dostaw w środowisku stale rosnącej niestabilności i niepewności. W tym celu zaproponowano metodologię wyboru dostawców przy użyciu liczb Z. Wykorzystując rozmyte liczby Z w wyborze dostawców, decydenci mogą przypisywać wartości do różnych kryteriów w sposób, który odzwierciedla zarówno niepewność, jak i zaufanie związane z tymi wartościami. Może to prowadzić do bardziej dopracowanych i solidnych procesów wyboru dostawców, biorąc pod uwagę szerszy zakres czynników i niepewności.
Because of its excellent mechanical qualities and weldability, titanium alloy is used in many different biomedical applications. Wire electrical discharge machining may be used to machine materials with such greater strengths and intricate forms. Using Taguchi-Data Envelopment Analysis-based Ranking (DEAR) approach and zinc-diffused coated brass wire electrode to improve Titanium alloy machining was the goal of this research project. The quality metrics that were taken into consideration were sur-face roughness, kerf width, and material removal rate. Among the selected factors, with an error of 2.7%, the optimal configuration of input factors was determined to be 130 µs (Ton), 40 µs (Toff), 50 V (SV), 6 A (IP), and 8 Kg (WT). Due to its relevance in the process of deionization, the Ton is the high-est influential parameter for creating quality measurements.
Improving product quality while making decisions remains a challenge. The objective of this research was to develop a model that supports the precise enhancement of product quality through comprehensive analysis of possibilities, product incompatibilities, root causes, and recommended improvement actions. The model incorporated various tools and methods such as the SMARTER method, expert team selection, brainstorming, Ishikawa diagram, 5M+E rule, FAHP, and FTOPSIS methods. The study demonstrated that integrating quality management tools and decision-making methods into a unified model enables the accurate prioritization of activities for product quality management. This integrated approach represents the novelty of this research. The model was evaluated using a mechanical seal made of 410 alloy. The research findings can be valuable to enterprises seeking to enhance product quality at any stage of production, particularly for modified or new products.
During the past few years, the number of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs) manufactured and purchased has risen dramatically. It is predicted that it will continue to spread, making its use inevitable in all walks of life. Drone apps are therefore expected to overrun the app stores in the near future. The UAV’s software is not being studied/researched despite several active research and studies being carried out in the UAV’s hardware field. A large‐scale empirical analysis of Google Play Store Platform apps connected to drones is being done in this direction. There are, however, a number of challenges with drone apps because of the lack of formal and specialized app development procedures. In this paper, eleven drone app issues have been identified. Then we applied the DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method to analyze the drone app issues (DIs) and divide these issues into cause and effect groups. First, multiple experts assess the direct relationships between influential issues in drone apps. The evaluation results are presented in spherical fuzzy numbers (SFN). Secondly, we convert the linguistic terms into SFN. Thirdly, based on DEMATEL, the cause‐effect classifications of issues are obtained. Finally, the issues in the cause category are identified as DI’s in drone apps. The outcome of the research is compared with the other variants of DEMATEL, like rough‐Z‐number‐ based DEMATEL and spherical fuzzy number, and the comparative results suggest that spherical fuzzy DEMA‐ TEL is the most fitting method to analyze the interrela‐ tionship of different issues in drone apps. The findings revealed that highest influenced values feature request (DI9 ) 3.12, Customer support (DI6) 2.91, Connection/Sync ((DI4) 2./72, Cellular Data Usage ((DI3) 2.51, Battery (DI2) 2.31, Advertisements ((DI1) – 0.3, Cost (DI5) – 0.5, Additional cost (D11) – 0.5, Device Compatibility (DI7) – 0.96, and Functional Error (DI10) – 1.2. The outcome of this work definitely assists the software industry in the successful identification of the critical issues where professionals and project managers could really focus.
Smart cities are included in the literature as a technology-based concept that has been on the agenda in recent years and whose framework is constantly changing with the changes in technology. There are different frameworks and indexes to define the smartness of a city. Smart City Index 2021 published by Institute for Management Development (IMD) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is one of the accepted studies in the world. In the report of Smart City Index 2021, 118 cities are evaluated in five criteria namely health & safety, mobility, activities, opportunities (work & school) and governance. To re-evaluate the cities and compare the results, a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) process including Entropy based Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) and Addivite Ratio Assessment (ARAS) methodology is applied in this paper. To prioritize the criteria, entropy weight method is used. 118 cities are ranked both technologically and structurally using the COPRAS and ARAS method. As a result of the analyses, according to these methods, the rankings of the smart cities are the same. Also, when technologically smart cities are listed, it is determined that the first three countries are Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, and at the same time, Abu Dhabi, Chongqing, Hangzhou in terms of structurally.
Successful mine planning is necessary for the sustainability of mining activities. Since this process depends on many criteria, it can be considered a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. In this study, an integrated MCDM method based on the combination of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the technique for order of preference by similarity to the ideal solution (TOPSIS) is proposed to select the optimum mine planning in open-pit mines. To prove the applicability of the proposed method, a case study was carried out. Firstly, a decision-making group was created, which consists of mining, geology, planning engineers, investors, and operators. As a result of studies performed by this group, four main criteria, thirteen sub-criteria, and nine mine planning alternatives were determined. Then, AHP was applied to determine the relative weights of evaluation criteria, and TOPSIS was performed to rank the mine planning alternatives. Among the alternatives evaluated, the alternative with the highest net present value was selected as the optimum mine planning alternative. It has been determined that the proposed integrated AHP-TOPSIS method can significantly assist decision-makers in the process of deciding which of the few mine planning alternatives should be implemented in open-pit mines.
The current collapsible pot hauler uses a wooden frame, thus making much space in the working area of the fishing boat and also at this time challenging to find the best quality wood at this time. In this study, the wood material would replace by metal; the selection of the proper material is critically needed. A suitable material means the applied material has to deal with environmental conditions. Finding the appropriate material applied to the collapsible pot hauler; can be determined using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach. After selecting the proper material, the collapsible pot hauler simulates the material stress using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulation. The material for the new model of collapsible pot hauler was selected using the WSM method. The material with the highest rank (selected) is AISI 304, with a preference value of 3.58. The static strength simulation using the FEA method utilizing Solidworks Software shows that the yield strength value is still below the material properties, which a maximum value is 200. MPa, the material safety factor is the minimum value above one, which is 1.24 on the line spool plate shafts. It means that the material AISI 304 is safe to be applied to the collapsible pot hauler.
Inland waterway transport (IWT) is currently in focus for EU countries due to a shift in policy towards a more sustainable and green economy. The aim of this article is to analyze the possibility of using a grey incidence analysis (GIA) to identify key factors related to the functioning of the IWT system. GIA is classified as a multi-criteria decision-making method and is one of the key applications of grey systems theory (GTS), i.e., systems with incomplete and uncertain information about structure and behavior. GIA identifies the most favorable (or quasi-preferred) system characteristics and the most favorable (or quasi-preferred) system factors. The identification of such characteristics and factors enables a reduction in the inconsistencies in decision making on the functioning of the system. The application of the GIA to the assessment of the IWT system is an original concept.
Celem artykułu jest ocena efektywności ekonomicznej trzech sposobów wykonania robót dociepleniowych ścian zabytkowego budynku wg analizy LCCA (ang. Life Cycle Cost Analysis) oraz metody wielokryterialnej PROMETHEE. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników określono najkorzystniejsze rozwiązanie, potwierdzając wybór wariantu docieplenia ścian zewnętrznych, który w rzeczywistości został zrealizowany w przypadku zabytkowego budynku dworku w Skrzynkach k. Poznania.
The aim of the article is to assess the economic efficiency of three ways of performing wall insulation works for a historic building based on the LCCA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis) analysis and the PROMETHEE multi-criteria method. On the basis of the obtained results, the most favorable solution was determined, thus confirming the selection of the external wall insulation variant, which was in fact implemented for the historic manor house in Skrzynki near Poznań.
In the contemporary period of the green economy, energy planning has grown more complicated due to the inclusion of numerous standards, including technical, social, economic, and environmental. This, in turn, restricts the ability of decision-makers to make the most efficient use of energy resources. In addition, the difficulty of energy planning is exacerbated by topographical restrictions on renewable energy systems, the majority of which are found in nature. Based on factors such as total installed capacity, total reservoir capacity, total surface capacity, the height, length, number of units, and the cost of the dam were used to determine the finest hydro power project in India, according to this study. For performance evaluation, multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques like analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS (technique for order reference by similarity to ideal solution) are used in conjunction with VIKOR (vlekriterijumsko kompromisno rangiranje) for performance evaluation. AHP is used to calculate the weights of each criteria. The TOPSIS and VIKOR methods will utilise these weights to choose the optimal option. For the purpose of demonstrating the approaches’ applicability, an in-depth case study of various hydropower facilities in India was carried out.
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W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano metodę Taguchiego do rozwiązania hierarchicznej analizy problemu decyzyjnego [Analytic Hierarchy Process - AHP] oraz metodę Simple Additive Weighting [SAW] w celu znalezienia optymalnej serii zapraw tynkarskich do izolacji, w oparciu o wiele kryteriów. Najpierw zastosowano metodę Taguchi w celu określenia planu eksperymentu z czynnikami: cementem, wapnem, dolomitem i perlitem na trzech poziomach dozowania, dla każdego z nich z ortogonalnym planem L9. Następnie, zgodnie z projektem, przeprowadzono eksperymenty metodą ultradźwiękową, określono wytrzymałość na ściskanie, przyczepność, nasiąkliwość kapilarną i przewodność cieplną. Wagi ważności kryteriów uzyskano metodą AHP, a punktację poszczególnych serii obliczono metodą SAW. Na podstawie wyników uzyskano optymalne poziomy czynników i otrzymano optymalne składy.
In this study, an integrated approach by Taguchi, Analytic Hierarchy Process [AHP] and Simple Additive Weighting [SAW] method was proposed to find out the optimal insulation plaster mortar series, based on multiple criteria. Firstly, Taguchi method was applied to define the experimental design plan, with the factors of cement, lime, dolomite and perlite in three levels for each with L9 orthogonal design. Then, ultrasonic pulse velocity, compressive strength, bond strength, capillarity water absorption and thermal conductivity experiments, were made according to the design. The importance weights of criteria were obtained by AHP and the scores of the series were calculated by SAW method. The factors’ optimum levels were obtained based on the scores and the optimal series was proposed.
Suggesting the proper location for logistics facility can be considered as a decision making problem, wherein the final solution/decision is affected by multiple external or even internal circumstances. In order to address the decision making issues, various multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques may be implemented; and hence, they can be applied even when making a decision about an adequate logistics service center (LSC) placement in an examined territory (i.e., national logistics network of the selected territory), which is an aim of this manuscript. Following the statements above, as for the individual instruments of MCDM to be implemented in terms of the crucial objective of this research, the definite decision making process will be carried out by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) followed by the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), on the basis of criteria weights defined by the Saaty pairwise comparison method. The methods used appear to be ideal instruments towards decision making on the most suit-able location which is represented by the region in our case. Subsequently, these will be ordered from the most preferred to least one by using a preference ranking. As a result of the application of AHP and TOPSIS approaches, based on the conducted calculations in regard to decision making on identifying the proper LSC location out of eight selected regions, one specific region will be defined as the most suitable (so-called compromise) scenario. Individual tools allow for reducing the number of assigned criteria that are taken into account in searching process for individual solutions. In order to objectify the entire decision making procedure, ten topic-involved experts having practical experience with a subject of logistics object allocation will be asked to participate in the process. Preferences differ from one decision maker (expert) to another; hence, the outcome depends on who is making decisions and what their goals and preferences are.
Zastosowanie technik MCDA może stanowić nieocenioną pomoc w poszukiwaniu rozwiązań optymalnych na każdym z etapów procedury analitycznej, a zwłaszcza na etapie przygotowania próbek do analizy, gdzie wariantowaniu może podlegać wybór technik, odczynników chemicznych, w tym rozpuszczalników, a także dobór optymalnych warunków prowadzenia procesów.
Development of design characteristics based dynamic decision support framework is presented in the current study, to facilitate the decision makers in the transformation of system in the industry 4.0 paradigm. The model development is designed for a robust decision-making approach to integrating human and machine knowledge to adopt smart technologies and system design. The system is based on prioritization of the industry 4.0 design principles and characteristics including flexibility, self-adaptability, self-reconfigurability, context awareness, decision autonomy, and real-time capabilities. It has been revealed from an industrial field study, the companies facing difficulty to transform the system, and systematics approach needed to overcome the challenge. A decision support process has been developed as an integrated approach to embedding human knowledge. The developed process has been validated using Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, the results depict the operational flexibility, has been most crucial transformation characteristics prioritized using the Analytical Hierarchical Process. The developed process has the capability to help the system development and estimate the factors involved in the transformation.
The present work proposes several pre-injection patterns to reduce nitrogen oxides in the Wartsila 6L 46 marine engine. A numerical model was carried out to characterise the emissions and consumption of the engine. Several pre-injection quantities, durations, and starting instants were analysed. It was found that oxides of nitrogen can be noticeably reduced but at the expense of increasing consumption as well as other emissions such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. According to this, a multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model was established to select the most appropriate parameters. Besides, an artificial neural network (ANN) was developed to complement the results and analyse a huge quantity of alternatives. This hybrid MCDM-ANN methodology proposed in the present work constitutes a useful tool to design new marine engines.
In this study, TOPSIS and PIV methods were applied for multi-criteria decision making in hard turning process. Experiments have been conducted in accordance with an experimental matrix designed by the Taguchi method with a total of twenty-seven experiments. At each experiment, the values of coolant concentration, nose radius, coolant flow, cutting velocity, feed rate and depth of cut have been changed. Surface roughness, flank wear and roundness error have been selected as output criteria. The weights of criteria have been determined by three methods, inclusive of Equal weight, ROC weight and Entropy weight. The combination of multi-criteria decision-making methods with three weighting methods gives six ranking options of the experiments. The purpose of ranking the experiments is to find the experiment at which the three output parameters are ensured to have the minimum value simultaneously.
In this paper, we apply a computational model for multicriteria decision making in traffic jam problems. First, we propose a system to determine the optimal shortcut road by reading the number of cars in each street using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Then, we have processed the data of traffic jam problems using Choquet integral with writing algorithm and computer program as a working procedure.
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