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Transformacja ustrojowa w Polsce odbywa się na wielu płaszczyznach. Jednym z jej bez wątpienia istotnych elementów jest proces reformowania górnictwa węgla kamiennego trwający już 35 lat. Upadek poprzedniego systemu politycznego wymusił przeprowadzenie koniecznych zmian i postawił przed górnictwem wiele nowych wyzwań, zwłaszcza w kontekście przystąpienia w struktury UE. Zmieniające się przepisy prawa, wdrażane programy miały na celu przekształcenie i zmianę tej jednej z najbardziej trudnych do zreformowania branży i jej przekształcenie do zasad wolnego rynku. W ramach tego rozdziału przeprowadzona została krótka analiza przekształceń w sektorze górniczym. Zmiany organizacyjne, własnościowe oraz techniczne wpłynęły na efekty ekonomiczne oraz społeczne. Pojawiająca się kumulacja zagrożeń (kryzysy ekonomiczne, pandemia COVID, wojna w Ukrainie) stały się najlepszym wyznacznikiem tego, czy transformację sektora można uznać za udaną, czy jednak zakończyła się porażką.
Political transformation in Poland takes place on multiple levels. One of its undoubtedly most important elements is the process of coal mining reforms, lasting 35 years to date. The fall of the previous political system has mandated making necessary changes and placed in front of coal mining many new challenges, especially in context of joining the EU. Changing laws and implementing programs served the goals of restructuring and altering of this most difficult to reform trade, and its change to meet the rules of free market. Within this chapter a brief analysis of alterations within the mining sector was performed. Organizational, ownership and technical changes had an impact on economic and social effects. The accumulation of threats (economic crisis, COVID–19 pandemic, war in Ukraine) has become the best benchmark for if the transformation of the sector was a success, or has it ended in failure
Closed methane hard coal mines may become a source of methane used in the energy industry. There are many unliquidated tunnel workings left, they contain lotof workingswith a large capacity of free space, and a network of cracks formed in the rock mass. Release of methane to the atmosphere is practically reduced to zero. Closed mines can be a source of methane used to produce energy. This article presents the example of the "Moszczenica" mine as a source of methane, which is captured and converted into electricity and heat.
A comprehensive scientific approach will facilitate rationalization processes and minimization of mine liquidation costs. The study, based on a statistical analysis of liquidation processes in 19 mining plants from 2015 to 2023, proposes a method for preliminary estimation of costs and time of potential liquidation of hard coal mines. The method can be used for preliminary estimation of mine liquidation costs and as a cost management tool. The method does not refer directly to the liquidation processes used in SRK S.A. therefore, it can also be used by any entity in mine liquidation process as a comparative tool for detailed and multi-criteria estimation of the costs of planned mine liquidation.
Mining plants liquidatingtheunnecessary objects, especially shafts, encounter difficulties related mainly to the selectionof appropriate technology. In this material, we present solutions fortwo more difficult cases. The first consists in liquidating the shaft without making dams and maintaining the water permeability of the backfilling(Głowacki shaft), while the second one is the liquidation of the shaft, leaving theladder compartment, pipelines and with the so-called artificial bottom which isin the shaft (Jas II shaft).
According to the tests results of the technology of reverse jet flow, tobalancethe geometric and physical parameters of the active zones of the reaction channel of the underground gas generator during the gasification of low-power coal seams. The parameters of activation of the oxidizing and reducing zones of the fire blowout were established, taking into account the outgassing of the coal seam in space and time, the impactof mining and geological parametersas well asgeotechnical and thermochemical processes, securing the evenadvance of the fire blowout along the length of the reaction channel of the underground gas generator. It was established that the intensification of the gasification process of thin and ultrafine coal seams increases the quantitative and qualitative parametersof exothermic and endothermic reactions, which have an impacton increasing the efficiency of the underground georeactor and determines the quality parametersof the gasification product.
R&D work regarding the innovative mine transportation system, planned to be powered by the three-phase busbar, developed within theRFCS project "Increase of mines efficiency and health protection through the innovative transport system based on BUSDUCT" is discussed. Assumptions regarding the construction of the locomotive and the production of nitrogen from the air for inerting purposes are discussed in the first part, whereas in the second part adapting thecurrent collector’s brushes to nitrogen injection, the relevant CFD calculations, the stand for testing the inertization, are presented. Many interesting experiments on the effectiveness of inertization using explosive mixtures of hydrogen and air are illustrated, described and discussed.
Statistical data on occupational diseases recorded by the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz, Poland, indicate a renewed increase in the number of cases of pneumoconiosis in Poland in recent years, especially in the PKD section of mining and quarrying industries. At the same time, in 2018 as a result of the implementation of directives of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, the changes were introduced to the Polish legislation in the area of protection of workers from the risk of exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic agents related to the respirable fraction of crystalline silica found, among others, in mine dust. As a result of these solutions, since 2020 we have seen a spike in the number of miners employed in conditions of risk of carcinogenic dust. These facts indicate that despite the wide measurement of harmful factors in coal mines, the effectiveness of preventive measures taken does not bring tangible benefits, and OSH services have problems with the proper assessment of industrial dust hazards at workplaces. In the article, based on surveys, diagnostic (health) tests of workers and verification of the risk assessment methods used, the authors try to point out the most common mistakes made in estimating the level of risk associated with exposure to industrial dust.
Based on the results of tests of the monorail transport system using suspended diesel locomotives with traditional transport beams and with the use of an innovative system of transport beams for the delivery of heavy loads, it was found that to reduce the dynamics of the load to the elements of the suspended route segments fastened to the arches of the arch support, it is beneficial to use the proposed an innovative technical solution that increases the reliability of the route catches to the support arches, which is important when transporting heavy loads. The new solution significantly reduces the dynamic loads to the route catches to the support arches by redistributing the load over a greater number of sections of the suspended monorail route. It has been proven that during the period of intensification of preparatory work, these technical solutions make it possible to keep to the timely preparation of new mining pillars and are perceived as a promising direction for improving the existing transport system for the mines of the region and ensuring the operational parameters of mining transport equipment at a high technical level in the specific conditions of the mines of Western Donbass.
To ensure safety in underground mining, it is imperative to equip yourself with electric leakage protection. Today, underground mines are gaining a high degree of mechanization and using more power electronics to enhance the operation and organization of power supplies, including the application of power electronics for DC power transmission in mining. i.e., separate the rectifier (AC-DC) from the inverter (DC-AC) with a long DC cable. The transmission of DC power changes the structure of the mine power network; then there will appear a power network with an industrial frequency of 50 Hz, a DC power network, and a power network after the variable frequency inverter. Due to the mutual interaction between DC power networks and AC power networks, leakage protection devices are unreliable, causing unsafe conditions in mining. The content of the article is to determine the leakage current in the power network when using converters in DC power transmission in mining. The research results are the basis for calculating and selecting leakage protection equipment for the purpose of improving safety in underground mining in Vietnam.
In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been applied in the mining sector for a variety of purposes. This paper discusses the use of UAVs in the management of mine waste dumps based on analyzing scientific publications (January 2010 to May 2023). Three bibliography databases including Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science were used to perform a thorough assessment of the literature. This study provides a comprehensive overview of UAV applications in mine waste dumps including environmental management, terrain surveying and 3D modeling, and safety and risk management. The obtained results of the study hope to give a technical reference, enhancing the understanding of UAV monitoring in mine waste dump.
Content available remote Przebudowa systemu odwodnienia pod nowe fronty zwałowe w KWB Turów
Przebudowa systemu odwodnienia polegała m.in. na likwidacji pompowni i układu rowów oraz budowie nowego systemu drenaży wraz ze studniami głębinowymi oraz instalacją elektryczną. Jak przebiegła ta inwestycja?
Content available remote Odwadnianie kopalni na przykładzie Zakładów Górniczych Lubin
W artykule przedstawiono warunki hydrogeologiczne, schemat odwadniania i urządzenia zabudowane na pompowniach głównego i rejonowego odwadniania O/ZG „Lubin”. Zastosowanie systemów sterowania i monitoringu pozwoliło na wprowadzenie automatyzacji i zdalnego sterowania, przyczyniając się między innymi do wzrostu bezpieczeństwa pracy, z jednoczesną obniżką kosztów.
A retrospective study on accident analysis of the United States mines for 36 years was achieved using statistical analysis on the MSHA's accident databases between 1983 and 2018. A regression model of generalized estimation equation (GEE) was used for unbalanced panel data that provided 95,812 observations for 19,924 mine-ID-year in aggregate, coal, metal, and non-metal mines. The contributions of various parameters, including mine type, injured body part, days lost, age, and experience on the rate of accidents and injuries were investigated across the commodity types. The results showed coal miners in the East region are at a higher risk of accident. The results of regression analysis show that mine-tenured workers have a vital role in accident frequencies. Analysis of the injured body part on the injury rate indicates that the upper body injuries are the most significant among all mine types. Also, the fatality rate is significant in aggregate, and coal mines in comparison with metal and non-metal mines.
Occupational safety is an extremely important area of concern in every company. In mining companies, it occupies a particularly high position in the hierarchy of tasks and objectives. An accident at work is defined as a sudden event, caused by an external cause, resulting in injury or death of a worker and which occurred in connection with work. An accidental event consists of a number of interrelated adverse technical, organisational, environmental and human events. However, it is recognised that human error (interference) is usually the initiating factor of an accident at work. Among the causes of errors can be distinguished primarily: human failure, characteristics of the tasks performed, the conditions of the physical environment and the impact of the social environment, technical conditions. Therefore, within the framework of accident prevention, apart from the technical sphere, attention is also paid to the sphere of management – motivation, proper training, information flow, as well as assessment of psychophysical features of employees and their adaptation to the workplace. It is even more justified in the situation, where as it results from many years' data of the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the so-called human factor is responsible for about 60% of accidents at work in Poland. €e level of accidents can be analysed from several angles. Interesting is correlation of level of accidents from factors, which have influence on management. €en it is possible by controlling these elements to influence the number of accidents at work. It is especially important in such branch as mining, in which according to GUS data the highest number of accidents was registered in Poland. Intuitively, most causes of accidents, according to the literature, are caused by human factors. A fall in the accident rate should be a natural consequence of a reduction in the workforce. However, a reduction in employment must not result in a decrease in labour productivity. In this article, the authors present the results of a study of correlation between these three indicators: employment level, productivity and accident rate, in Polish coal mines over the period 2003–2020.
Bezpieczeństwo pracy jest niezwykle istotnym obszarem troski w każdym przedsiębiorstwie. W przedsiębiorstwach wydobywczych zajmuje wyjątkowo wysoka pozycję w hierarchii zadań i celów. Wypadek przy pracy definiuje się jako zdarzenie nagłe, wywołane przyczyną zewnętrzną, powodujące uraz lub śmierć pracownika, a które nastąpiło w związku z pracą. Na zdarzenie wypadkowe składa się wiele powiązanych ze sobą niekorzystnych zdarzeń technicznych, organizacyjnych, środowiskowych i ludzkich. Uznaje się jednak, że zazwyczaj czynnikiem inicjującym wypadek przy pracy jest błąd (zakłócenie) człowieka. Pośród przyczyn popełniania błędów można wyróżnić przede wszystkim: niesprawność człowieka, cechy realizowanych zadań, warunki fizycznego środowiska oraz wpływ środowiska społecznego, uwarunkowania techniczne. Dlatego w ramach profilaktyki wypadkowości oprócz sfery technicznej zwraca się uwagę również na sferę zarządzania – motywację, prawidłowe szkolenie, przepływ informacji, a także ocena cech psychofizycznych pracowników i ich dopasowania do stanowiska pracy. Jest to tym bardziej uzasadnione w sytuacji, gdzie jak wynika z wieloletnich danych GUS, za około 60% wypadków przy pracy w Polsce odpowiedzialny jest tzw. czynnik ludzki. Poziom wypadkowości można rozpatrywać w kilku ujęciach. Interesująca jest korelacja poziomu wypadkowości od czynników, na które ma wpływ kierownictwo. Wtedy można sterując tymi elementami wpływać na liczbę wypadków przy pracy. Jest to szczególnie ważne w takiej branży jak górnictwo, w którym według danych GUS odnotowano ich najwięcej w Polsce. Intuicyjnie naturalnym następstwem zmniejszenia zatrudnienia powinien być spadek poziomu wypadkowości. Jednakże zmniejszenie stanu zatrudnienia nie może powodować spadku wydajności pracy. W artykule autorki zaprezentowały wyniki badania korelacji między tymi trzema wskaźnikamiwskaźnikami: poziomem zatrudnienia,wydajnością i wypadkowością, w polskich kopalniach węgla kamiennego na przestrzeni lat 2003–2020.
Globalna produkcja górnicza osiąga właśnie najwyższe poziomy w historii – w 2018 roku liczba ta wynosiła ponad 17,7 miliarda ton. Wraz z rozwojem górnictwa, rośnie również zapotrzebowanie na wdrażanie rozwiązań, które pomogą w większym stopniu zadbać o bezpieczeństwo pracowników kopalni. Z pomocą przychodzi technologia, która nie tylko minimalizuje ryzyko, ale pozwala podnosić efektywność operacyjną.
A level of mine safety is related directly to the condition of its shafts. Thus regular monitoring and maintenance of shaft lining and equipment is vital. However such works are always hard and dangerous, as they are conducted from conveyances. Working platforms are a significant improvement in case of emergency shaft works. However, they need some extremely precious time for assembly. An idea of pull out working platform combines safety and convenience of typical working platform with short time of its installation. Following work presents the idea and construction of the mobile working platform unit, which is a solution for improvement of shaft works conducted from the compartment of the conveyance, as the platform uses cage for transport and operation.
Currently, with the increase in mining output leading to deeper mining levels, the volume of heading face serving production has also increased. The thermal environment tends to worsen when digging deep due to the geothermal's effect, which increases the air temperature at the heading face. According to QCVN01/2011-BCT, the temperature at the heading face is not allowed to exceed 300C. To ensure this, in Vietnam today, mainly forced ventilation method uses local fans to provide a clean amount of air to ensure a favorable environment for workers. With the forced ventilation method, the duct position is usually arranged on the side, and the distance from the duct mouth to the heading face is determined to ensure that l < 6√s. In this study, a numerical simulation method by Ansys CFX software is applied to study the influence of several factors such as duct position, air temperature of duct, and roughness characteristics of roadway on the temperature of the mine air at the heading face. The models are set up with six duct positions and four air temperature of duct parameters. Model 1 (y =1.1 m) is better than models 2 to 6 in terms of temperature distribution and the lowest temperature values. Four models have different wind temperatures, and we can see the significant influence of the inlet air temperature of the duct on the thermal environment of the heading face. The results show that with the model T = 297.15K, the temperature value on the roadway length is guaranteed as specified < 303K. The result is a reference for determining the duct position and cool for the high-temperature heading face.
Explosion-proof transformers 6/1.2 kV is important electrical equipment responsible for supplying electricity in underground mine electrical networks. A failure of this transformer will cause an interruption in the power supply and loss of safety in underground mining. Usually, explosion-proof transformers in underground mine electrical networks are designed and manufactured to work with ideal parameters such as sinusoidal currents, and the network structure is symmetrical. However, today in underground mine electric networks, many power electronics are connected to the network, such as inverters and soft starters. As a result, a current flowing through the transformer is non-sinusoidal, overloading the transformer even by working with the design specifications. This paper studies the influence of harmonics on the working efficiency of a 6/1.2 kV transformer in a pit mine. Research results suggest reasonable solutions for transformer operation to ensure longevity and not cause damage to the transformer.
In the process of underground mining, the mining system changes for various reasons. One of the main reasons is changes in the mining production plans, especially the scales and outputs. Nowadays, coal mines in Vietnam have been expanding in width and depth, and so have the mines’ ventilation systems. Consequently, there will be changes in the alteration of the structure of the design ventilation system, which reduces the effectiveness of the ventilation and does not meet the main objective of mine ventilation, directly affect the safety of the working environment in the mine. Therefore, it is necessary to research the improvement of the ventilation system with the development and specific conditions of underground coal mines in Vietnam, improving the efficiency of the ventilation work and assuring the safety of the mine environment. Cam Thanh coal mine, Ha Long coal company, Vietnam, is the case study for this research. The article considers the plan of increases the mining output by more than 1.5 times, propose solutions to improve the ventilation system accordingly, helping the company proactively implement the production plan, ensure the working environment's safety, and reduce the costs of mine ventilation.
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