In recent years, due to the proliferation of inertial measurement units (IMUs) in mobile devices such as smartphones, attitude estimation using inertial and magnetic sensors has been the subject of considerable research. Traditional methods involve probabilistic and iterative state estimation; however, these approaches do not generalize well over continuously changing motion dynamics and environmental conditions. Therefore, this paper proposes a deep learning-based approach for attitude estimation. This approach segments data from sensors into different windows and estimates attitude by separately extracting local features and global features from sensor data using a residual network (ResNet18) and a long short-term memory network (LSTM). To improve the accuracy of attitude estimation, a multi-scale attention mechanism is designed within ResNet18 to capture finer temporal information in the sensor data. The experimental results indicate that the accuracy of attitude estimation using this method surpasses that of other methods proposed in recent years.
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W niniejszym artykule opisano czujnik składu gazu pozwalający na badania dowolnych mieszanin trójskładnikowych. Opisano pierwotnie planowane zastosowanie czujnika, jego zasadę działania, budowę oraz możliwości zastosowania w badaniu udziału wodoru w składzie gazu ziemnego. Podano zalety proponowanego rozwiązania jak i jego ograniczenia.
This article describes the gas composition sensor that allows testing of any ternary mixtures. The originally planned application of the sensor, its principle of operation, construction and applicability in testing the proportion of hydrogen in the composition of natural gas are described. The advantages of the proposed solution as well as its limitations are given.
MEMS technology has made sensors for measuring barometric pressure and altitude above sea level very cheap and widely used in many consumer electronic devices. This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the sources and types of errors in the barometric altimeter using the standard atmosphere model (ISA). Methods for correcting principal errors caused by non-standard sea level conditions are described and compared. A method of correcting errors in the case of altimeter horizontal movement to the air column and total pressure measurement was proposed. It was compared with another method known from the literature. In the numerical experiment, data recorded by a bicycle computer equipped with a MEMS-based barometric altimeter was analyzed. As the GPS data of the route covered was also known, it was possible to compare the recorded altimeter data with the heights determined from the digital terrain model (DTM), which in this case were considered accurate. The error of the measured altitude calculated in this way was tried to be divided into the principal error, the external error caused by the sensor movement, and the barometer drift. Hence, a numerical experiment was carried out in which, based on the recorded data, an attempt was made to reconstruct non-standard sea level conditions and the impact of speed on the sensor measurements. Furthermore, a method of solving such a reverse problem was proposed. The results of the presented studies can be used in the design of systems correcting the indications of barometric altimeters. The accuracy of the altitude measurement is especially important for small controlled flying objects (UAH) and when recording the route of vehicles moving on the ground.
The horizontal movement of the pressure sensor in relation to air masses may cause erroneous indications of the altimeter due to the possible measurement of the total pressure, which is the sum of the static and dynamic pressure. This problem mainly concerns devices of small dimensions equipped with barometric altimeters made in MEMS technology, performing complex movements. Small dimensions make it difficult to arrange the pressure intake slots in a way that ensures the measurement of static pressure. Examples include drones (UAH) or bike computers. The aim of the research was to develop an altitude correction formula depending on the speed of the pressure sensor relative to air, which, contrary to those found in the literature, would take into account changes in air density with altitude. The theoretical analysis of the influence of the speed of movement on the indications of the barometric altimeter was evaluated in this paper based on the standard atmosphere model. Methods of correcting errors caused by the measurement of total pressure were proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed methods was verified with simulations (Matlab). Experimental studies were also carried out, which confirmed the theoretical considerations. The experiments performed showed that the problem of correcting errors caused by incorrect measurement of static pressure is very complex. The inertia of the barometer indications plays an important role. The direction of airflow and pressure distribution on the flowing object are also important. The results presented in this paper can be used in the design of systems that improve the quality of barometric altimeter readings. This is particularly important when designing low-budget drone navigation systems and it will improve flight safety.
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Road traffic parameters in a selected road cross-section can be measured using various techniques. Such measurements can be made in the visible wave band, the audible frequency band or they can be based on vibrations. Most vibrations in the roadway are generated by vehicles moving in a traffic flow. This paper presents a simplified way of traffic flow measurement based on an analysis of road surface vibrations generated by vehicles. The vibrations originating from individual vehicles depend on the latter’s specifications and technical condition, as well as on the road’s pavement type, design class and condition. As part of this research an attempt at the parametrization of the traffic flow in a selected road cross-section was made using a road surface vibration analysis method. For this purpose a prototype measuring system equipped with an ADLX335 accelerometer was built. Road pavement vibration measurements acquired in this way were collated with measurement data obtained from a manual traffic recorder. The results show that the presented method is suitable for road traffic flow estimation.
Pomiar parametrów ruchu drogowego w wybranym przekroju drogi zrealizowany może być z wykorzystaniem różnych technik. Pomiar może być wykonany w pasmie fal widzialnych, pasmie akustycznym lub z wykorzystaniem drgań. Większość drgań w pasie drogowym wywołują pojazdy poruszające się w strumieniu ruchu. W artykule przedstawiono sposób uproszczonego pomiaru natężenia strumienia ruchu z wykorzystaniem analizy drgań powierzchni jezdni wywoływanych przez pojazdy. Drgania pochodzące od poszczególnych pojazdów zależą od ich parametrów technicznych i stanu technicznego, jak również od rodzaju nawierzchni, klasy technicznej i stanu drogi. W artykule przedstawiono także próbę parametryzacji strumienia ruchu drogowego w wybranym przekroju drogi z wykorzystaniem metody analizy drgań nawierzchni. W tym celu użyto prototyp układu pomiarowego wyposażonego w akcelerometr ADLX335. Uzyskane w ten sposób wyniki pomiarów drgań nawierzchni zestawiono z danymi pomiarowymi z ręcznego rejestratora ruchu. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników wykazano, że prezentowana metoda pozwala na szacowanie natężenia strumienia ruchu drogowego.
W artykule przedstawiono najnowsze osiągnięcia w konstrukcji lamp rentgenowskich, które można określić drugą rewolucją. Mianowicie podstawowy problem jaki stwarzają dotychczasowe rozwiązania wynikające ze stosowania termicznego źródła elektronów ( problem chłodzenia, sterowania pracą lampy) został rozwiązany poprzez wykorzystanie nanotechnologii do konstrukcji innowacyjnych źródeł elektronów w oparciu o emisję polową (nanorurki węglowe czy mikro-ostrza).
The article presents the latest achievements in the design of X-ray tubes, which can be described as the second revolution. Namely, the basic problem posed by the current solutions resulting from the use of a thermal electron source (including the problem of cooling, tubes control) has been solved by using nanotechnology to construct innovative electron sources based on field emission (carbon nanotubes or micro-tips).
Numerous technological applications use MEMS capacitive sensing technique as a major component, because of their ease of fabrication process, inexpensive and high sensitivity. The paper aims at modeling interdigitated capacitive (IDC) sensing. Virtually observe the contribution of variations in geometrical parameters to sensor efficiency and optimization factor. The sensor design is verified through ANSYS simulations. Results indicate “an efficient but poorly optimized sensor is better than a well-optimized sensor”. It is difficult to detect capacitance in the range of few pF generated using capacitive sensing. How it can be maximized with dimension optimization is focused in this paper.
The demand for smartphone positioning has grown rapidly due to increased positioning accuracy applications, such as land vehicle navigation systems used for vehicle tracking, emergency assistance, and intelligent transportation systems. The integration between navigation systems is necessary to maintain a reliable solution. High-end inertial sensors are not preferred due to their high cost. Smartphone microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are attractive due to their small size and low cost; however, they suffer from long-term drift, which highlights the need for additional aiding solutions using road network that can perform efficiently for longer periods. In this research, the performance of the Xiaomi MI 8 smartphone's single-frequency precise point positioning was tested in kinematic mode using the between-satellite single-difference (BSSD) technique. A Kalman filter algorithm was used to integrate BSSD and inertial navigation system (INS)-based smartphone MEMS. Map matching technique was proposed to assist navigation systems in global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-denied environments, based on the integration of BSSD-INS and road network models applying hidden Marcov model and Viterbi algorithm. The results showed that BSSD-INS- map performed consistently better than BSSD solution and BSSD–INS integration, irrespective of whether simulated outages were added or not. The root mean square error (RMSE) values for 2D horizontal position accuracy when applying BSSD-INS-map integration improved by 29% and 22%, compared to BSSD and BSSD-INS navigation solutions, respectively, with no simulated outages added. The overall average improvement of proposed BSSD-INS-map integration was 91%, 96%, and 98% in 2D horizontal positioning accuracy, compared to BSSD-INS algorithm for six GNSS simulated signal outages with duration of 10, 20, and 30 s, respectively.
A measurement system includes all components in a chain of hardware and software that leads from a measured variable to processed data. In that context, the type and quality of the sensors or measuring devices are critical to any measurement system. MEMS/IMU sensors lag behind leading technologies in this respect, but the MEMS/IMU performance rapidly changes while is relatively inexpensive. For this reason, the paper proposes some investigations of currently available MEMS/IMUs, but in an array configuration. The article presents the results of research undertaken on this type of IMU sensor configuration under quasi-stationary and dynamic conditions and answers the question of whether the precision of current MEMS technologies for acceleration and angular velocity sensors is still improved using this kind of approach.
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Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) has been highly valued since the size of the MEMS structure is miniaturized, the spacing between the components is in the nanometer range, and the behaviors of friction and adhesion greatly affect the reliability of MEMS. An atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to observe the surface morphology of carbon nanotube (CNT)/polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) film, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to analyze the chemical state of typical elements on the surface of the film. The friction and wear properties of composite nano-films under macroscopic conditions were systematically studied. The research results show that the composite nano-film has excellent anti-friction and anti-wear properties.
The article presents the possibilities of using popular MEMS inertial sensors in the object tilt angle estimation system and in the system for stabilizing the vertical position of the balancing robot. Two research models were built to conduct the experiment. The models use microcontroller development board of the STM32F3 series with the Cortex-M4 core, equipped with a three-axis accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope. To determine the accuracy of the angle estimation, comparative tests with a pulse encoder were performed.
Currently, various methods are used to assess the biocompatibility of materials. After an in-depth and detailed review of the literature, the method used in the research was selected. As part of the experiments, a method based on the analysis of the values of electrical parameters of cell cultures measured in the presence of electrodes was used. The electrode is a structure made of a thin layer of metallization. It measures the change in resistance, impedance and capacity of a mixture of cells and the substance in which they are grown. The plate containing the electrode assembly is called the measurement matrix. Currently, commercially used test matrices are made of gold or platinum. However, their high price means that large-scale research is significantly limited. In order to increase the access to the widespread use of this method, it was decided that it was necessary to use cheaper materials, reducing the necessary costs of conducting experiments. Considering this, an attempt was made to use a different conductive material to build matrices compatible with the ECIS® Z-Theta measurement system. Their use would enable in vitro research on living cells. In the presented work, titanium was used as a material that may turn out to be an alternative to the materials currently used. Its application to the production of matrices will allow to study the influence of this metal on the behavior of cells.
Obecnie, do oceny biokompatybilności materiałów wykorzystywane są różne metody. Po dogłębnym i szczegółowym przeglądzie literatury wybrano metodę, którą wykorzystano podczas prac badawczych. W ramach przeprowadzonych eksperymentów wykorzystano metodę bazującą na analizie wartości parametrów elektrycznych kultur komórkowych, zmierzonych w obecności elektrod. Elektroda jest strukturą wykonaną w cienkiej warstwie metalizacji. Służy do pomiaru zmiany wartości rezystancji, impedancji oraz pojemności mieszaniny złożonej z komórek i substancji, w której są one hodowane. Płytka zawierająca zestaw elektrod nazywana jest matrycą pomiarową. Aktualnie, komercyjnie stosowane matryce testowe wykonane są ze złota lub platyny. Ich wysoka cena powoduje jednak, że prowadzenie badań na szeroką skalę jest znacząco ograniczone. Aby zwiększyć dostęp do powszechnego korzystania z tej metody zdecydowano, że koniecznym jest stosowanie tańszych materiałów, redukując niezbędne koszty prowadzenia eksperymentów. Zważywszy na to, podjęto próbę zastosowania innego materiału przewodzącego do budowy matryc kompatybilnych z systemem pomiarowym ECIS® Z-Theta. Ich użycie umożliwiłoby prowadzenie badań nad komórkami żywymi in vitro. W przedstawionej pracy jako materiał, który może okazać się alternatywą dla materiałów wykorzystywanych obecnie wykorzystano tytan. Jego zastosowanie do wytworzenia matryc pozwoli zbadać wpływ tego metalu na zachowanie komórek
Artykuł przedstawia ewolucję jednej z najbardziej zaawansowanych technologii testowania płytek krzemowych. Rozwój nowej metody budowy kart testowych w pełni oparty został na technologii MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems), w tym wykorzystaniu urządzeń do automatycznego montażu μkontaktorów na ceramicznej podstawie. W artykule omówiono zmiany MicroSpring™ technologii podążającej za wyzwaniami przemysłu półprzewodnikowego i przykłady technologii zaawansowanej do testowania SoC (System on a Chip).
This article presents the evolution of the most advanced silicon wafer test technologies. The development of a new method of probe card construction was fully based on MEMS technology, including the use of devices for automatic assembly of probes on a ceramic substrate. The article discusses the evolution of the MicroSpring™ technology to address the challenges of the semiconductor industry and examples of advanced technology for SoC (System on a Chip) testing.
W artykule przedstawiono opracowany głównie na potrzeby robotyki mobilnej system sterowania bezwładnościowego, który opiera się na pomiarach sił w postaci przyspieszeń i prędkości obrotowych działających na mikroukład. Opisano ideę konwersji danych pomiarowych na sygnały sterowania, poprawiając ich dokładność przy wykorzystaniu filtru komplementarnego lub Kalmana.
The paper presents inertial control system meant mainly for mobile robotics. System uses accelerations and angular speeds measured by inertial measurement unit in order to convert them to control signals. Idea behind conversion is described, and the way to improve measurements by implementing either complementary or Kalman filter.
The paper presents the technology for obtaining NiFe/Ti/NiFe layer structures in MEMS technology using magnetron purge with the assumption of being used as semi-magnetic sensors. A series of samples was made on a glass substrate with a sandwich structure, where the individual layers were 100 nm NiFe, 10 nm Ti and on top again NiFe with a thickness of 100 nm. Measurements of DC resistance of the obtained structures in a constant magnetic field, which was produced by neodymium magnets and an electromagnet, were carried out. The obtained results confirm the occurrence of phenomena known as the magnetoresistance effect. The influence of the spatial arrangement of structures relative to the constant magnetic field vector was checked and proved.
W pracy przedstawiono technologię otrzymywania struktur warstwowych NiFe/Ti/NiFe w technologii MEMS metodą rozpylania magnetronowego w założeniu mających służyć jako czujniki pól magnetycznych. Wykonano serię próbek na szklanym podłożu o budowie kanapkowej, gdzie poszczególne warstwy stanowiły 100 nm NiFe,10 nm Ti oraz na wierzchu ponownie NiFe o grubości 100 nm. Przeprowadzono pomiary rezystancji stałoprądowej otrzymanych struktur w stałym polu magnetycznym, które było wytwarzane przez magnesy neodymowe oraz elektromagnes. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzają występowanie zjawisk określanych jako efekt magnetooporowy. Sprawdzony oraz udowodniony został wpływ ułożenia przestrzennego struktur względem wektora stałego pola magnetycznego.
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Koncepcję i strategię mikro- i nanotechnologii przedstawił R.P. Feynman w 1959 r. Wprowadzenie ich do praktyki nastąpiło po opracowaniu i wdrożeniu skaningowego mikroskopu tunelowego (1981 r.) oraz mikroskopu sił atomowych (1985 r.). Dalszy rozwój mikro- i nanotechnologii zaowocował opracowaniem i zastosowaniem mikro- i nanoelektromechanicznych systemów (MEMS, NEMS), których produkcja rośnie od lat 90. o ok. 17÷20% rocznie. Wytwarzanie mikro- i nanoelementów występujących w tych układach jest trudne technologicznie z uwagi na niewielkie wymiary oraz często złożoną strukturę zewnętrzną i wewnętrzną. W takich przypadkach racjonalne może być zastosowanie metod wytwarzania przyrostowego. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wytwarzania przyrostowego, głównie w mikrotechnologiach.
In 1959 R.P. Feynman has presented the concept and strategy of micro- and nanotechnology development. Their introduction to the practice took place after working out the scanning tunneling microscopy (1981) and atomic force microscopy (1985). In the further development of micro- and nanotechnology the micro and nano electromechanical systems (MEMS, NEMS) have been worked. MEMS and NEMS are widely applied in majority of modern equipment and the production of the equipment increases about 17÷20% per year since 1990s. MEMS and NEMS manufacture usually is a difficult technological problem because of small dimensions and complex outside and inside structures. In such cases the application of additive manufacturing processes can be very promising. In the paper the possibilities of additive manufacturing processes applications, mainly in microtechnologies, is presented.
Przechyłomierz (inklinometr) to czujnik specjalizowany, którego zadaniem jest pomiar kąta w zględem p łaszczyzny poziomej lub pionowej. Urządzenie to należy do podstawowego wyposażenia jachtów. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przedstawienie procesu projektowania, budowy i tworzenia oprogramowania cyfrowego inklinometru służącego do stosowania w jachtach i w innych jednostkach pływających. Projekt przechyłomierza zakłada zastosowanie czujników mikromechanicznych sterowanych przez mikrokontroler. Program do wyznaczenia przechyłu wykorzystuje dane z wbudowanego akcelerometru, żyroskopu i magnetometru. Urządzenie jest zdolne do dokładnego wyznaczenia kąta przechyłu niezależnie od działających na nie drgań. Skonstruowany układ umożliwia zarówno zapis danych, jak i przesyłanie ich w czasie rzeczywistym do podłączonego komputera. Hermetyczna obudowa zapewnia odporność urządzenia na niekorzystne warunki atmosferyczne. Wbudowany układ podtrzymywania napięcia zasilania umożliwia prawidłową pracę urządzenia podczas wystąpienia spadku napięcia lub chwilowego odcięcia zasilania.
Clinometer, inclinometer – a specialized sensor, whose task is to measure the angle with respect to the horizontal or vertical plane. These devices belong to the basic equipment of yachts. The aim of this publication is to present the process of designing, building and software development of an inclinometer for use on yachts and other vessels. The inclinometer design assumes the use of micromechanical sensors controlled by a microcontroller. The software uses the data from the built-in accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer to determine the tilt. The device is able to accurately determine the angle of heel regardless of vibrations. The constructed system enables data storage as well as sending them in real time to the connected computer. The hermetic casing ensures the device’s resistance to adverse weather conditions. The built-in backup power supply system enables proper operation of the device during a voltage drop or temporary power cut.
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Celem przeprowadzonych prac badawczych było określenie wpływu miedzi na wzrost hodowli komórek podczas badania in vitro. Dodatkowo, sprecyzowanie w jakich warunkach wykorzystanie danego materiału będzie wystarczające i pozwoli na otwarcie nowych ścieżek rozwoju. W ramach prac badawczych zaprojektowano i wykonano kondensatory grzebieniowe z miedzi na biokompatybilnych podłożach. Warstwy metalizacji osadzono metodą rozpylania magnetronowego na różnego rodzaju materiałach. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano na podłożach z poliwęglanu, spełniając wszystkie, wcześniej określone wymagania, biokompatybilność oraz wytrzymałość na wykorzystywane podczas prac technologicznych roztwory chemiczne. Zaprojektowaną geometrię kondensatorów grzebieniowych uzyskano w procesie fotolitografii. Wytworzone struktury testowe wykorzystano do monitorowania wzrostu hodowli komórek odzwierzęcych, za pomocą pomiarów parametrów elektrycznych. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają na ocenę możliwości wykorzystania miedzi w różnorodnych zastosowaniach biotechnologicznych.
The target point of the research work was to determine the effect of copper on the growth of cell culture during in vitro testing. In addition, specifying under which conditions the use of a given material will be more appropriate and sufficient, will allow opening new development paths. For this purpose, copper comb condensers were designed and made on biocompatible substrates. The metallization layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering on various materials. The best results were obtained on polycarbonate substrates, meeting all the previously specified requirements, including biocompatibility and durability of chemical solutions used during technological works. The designed geometry of comb capacitors was obtained in the photolithography process. The generated test structures were used to monitor the growth of zoonotic cell culture by measuring electrical parameters. The obtained results allow to evaluate the possibilities of using copper in various biotechnological applications.
The advance of MEMS-based inertial sensors successfully expands their applications to small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), thus resulting in the challenge of reliable and accurate in-flight alignment for air-borne MEMS-based inertial navigation system (INS). In order to strengthen the rapid response capability for UAVs, this paper proposes a robust in-flight alignment scheme for airborne MEMS-INS aided by global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Aggravated by noisy MEMS sensors and complicated flight dynamics, a rotation-vector-based attitude determination method is devised to tackle the in-flight coarse alignment problem, and the technique of innovation-based robust Kalman filtering is used to handle the adverse impacts of measurement outliers in GNSS solutions. The results of flight test have indicated that the proposed alignment approach can accomplish accurate and reliable in-flight alignment in cases of measurement outliers, which has a significant performance improvement compared with its traditional counterparts.
In this paper the analysis of a MEMS vibrating gyroscope model is presented. The FEM analysis of the 3D structure has been performed in COMSOL Multiphysics software. Author took particular attention on mechanical properties particular parts of this device especially combs (used in electrostatical actuators and sensors) in drive and sense directions. For further electrostatic analysis (which is not covered in this article) this analysis has enormous meaning because any deformation of comb structure during operation influences on quality of electrostatic actuating and sensing. In this paper author performed stress results and deformation analysis in sense direction, however similar conclusions one can be drawn for drive direction.
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