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W rozdziale przedstawiono próbę restrukturyzacji Kompanii Węglowej SA w latach 2015–2016. Spółka ta znajdowała się w tym czasie na krawędzi całkowitego bankructwa. Przy udziale szeregu firm doradczych został przygotowany wówczas program restrukturyzacji, który w założeniu miał radykalnie zmienić organizację i sposób funkcjonowania KW i doprowadzić ją do trwałej rentowności. Ta próba zakończyła się niestety całkowitym fiaskiem, bowiem z przyjętych tam celów zrealizowano właściwie jedynie przewidziane dofinansowanie dostarczone przez spółki państwowe. Z pozostałych założeń udało się zrealizować niewiele. Zabrakło bowiem odwagi i determinacji w wdrażaniu najtrudniejszych założeń restrukturyzacyjnych. Reforma ta w konsekwencji została więc porzucona. Doświadczenia związane z budową tego planu oraz próbami jego implementacji powinny być jednak brane pod uwagę przy ewentualnych dalszych działaniach zmierzających do poprawy rentowności górnictwa węgla kamiennego.
The chapter presents an attempt to restructure Kompania Węglowa SA from 2015–2016. At that time, the company was on the verge of complete bankruptcy. With the participation of a number of consulting companies, a restructuring program was prepared, which was intended to radically change the organization and functioning of KW and lead it to lasting profitability. Unfortunately, this attempt ended in a complete failure, because only the planned funding provided by state-owned companies was actually achieved. Almost none of the remaining assumptions were achieved. There was a lack of courage and determination in implementing the most difficult restructuring assumptions. This reform was consequently abandoned. However, the experience related to the development of this plan and attempts to implement it should be taken into account in any further actions aimed at improving the profitability of the hard coal mining industry.
Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the analyzes and surveys carried out, a set of conclusions can be presented, the most important of which include conclusions relating to social issues – implementation of the economic transformation in mining communes and poviats is possible in the coming years, but the communes are not prepared for the transformation. The negative effects of the employment restructuring process on the local economy may be noticeable in significant liquidation of enterprises cooperating with entities restructuring industry, reduction of revenues to the budget of local government authorities and reduction of demand on the local market. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. The attempt to capture the phenomena and processes presented here that may result from the transformation of hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at a better comprehension of the task that may be played by the local government in the area of which operating or closed mines and mining companies are located. On the basis of the results of the survey, it is mainly noticed that there is a need to define the challenges and tasks that should be undertaken in real action by the institutions responsible for the transformation of mining communes – especially due to the need to limit the social and economic consequences that may appear in the transformation process, both in the area of mining communes mining and in their surroundings.
Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the interviews carried out, it seems that all the expert assessments and opinions expressed confirm thesis that if the changes related to the just transition process cannot be stopped, then one must learn to take advantage of it. The view expressed above regarding the process of just transformation, which implies both economic and social challenges that are important for mining communes, among which the following deserve special attention as increasing the importance of the participation of mining communes in making government decisions, more friendly conditions shaping cooperation, need for mining communes to implement projects based on local mobility, adaptability and social sensitivity, need to increase social awareness related to mining in mining communes with responsibility for the just transition process, disappearance of state policies in the implementation of social functions in the phase of ongoing changes and taking them over by the local society. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. Based on the assessments and opinions of experts, it seems that in the perspective of the predictable occurrence of the transformation process, it could be important for local governments, and in particular mining communes, to promote actions for an evolutionary, not short-term shift from coal-based energy to low-emission sources - striving to make it a multi-stage and long-term process. Equally important may be the pursuit of solutions according to which the principle of introducing funds directly to individual communes for the implementation of the just transformation process will be adopted. Must be considerated need for local governments, including mining communes, to obtain state intervention appropriate to the scale of the challenges, while equipping them with reliable and comprehensively planned proposals for transformational activities limiting their spontaneity.
Ukraine which is experiencing the war is an exemplification of the state that requires urgent military, material (e.g.: reconstruction of infrastructure) and first of all humanitarian aid. The aim of the paper is to identify task for civil protections in the future war environment and consequently suggest how to organize the civil protection to face the new realities. The emergency/humanitarian operations in Ukraine prove that delivering any aid should be coordinated by the centers/units consisting of the representatives of all sectors responsible for providing security to citizens. This units would ensure higher effectiveness and minimize/eliminate tasks duplication. The method applied for this research is a case study of the Russian - Ukrainian war (2022) with a focus on civilians, critical infrastructure and assistance provided as the referral points of the analysis. The concept of ecosystem as a multi-actor network and the concept of fractal organization are the theoretical base for the analysis.
The Polish political transformation of 1989 brought significant changes not only on the political and social levels but also on the economic level. The Polish economy, which until then had been a centrally planned economy, had to be rapidly changed into a free market economy. As a result of this, a lot of areas of the economy had to be transformed including the mining industry, especially hard-coal mining. In 1990, there were seventy-one mines in operation in Poland, employing nearly 400,000 people. The process of decommissioning these mines, which continues to this day, began in 1994. Walbrzych coal mines were among the first to be liquidated. Poland has long been dependent on coal for energy production, but the country is facing increasing pressure in the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources in order to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change in order to fulfil EU climate policy assumptions. Civil society organizations in Poland were associated with the political transformation, as the changes in the system has opened the doors for the social participation in decision-making processes. Civil society organizations in Poland have been actively pushing for policies and initiatives that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and the phasing out of coal. However, it should be underlined that the role of civil society in energy transformation is crucial as on the one hand, it should be an advocate of change, but on the other hand, civil society has to take an active part in the discussion on the challenges of the transformation, such a change in the employment structure which is an inevitable consequence of the energy transition. The scope of the paper is to provide a set of tools for the civil society participating in energy transformation processes.
Polska transformacja ustrojowa w 1989 roku przyniosła istotne zmiany nie tylko na płaszczyźnie politycznej, społecznej, ale także gospodarczej. Polska gospodarka, która do tej pory była gospodarką centralnie planowaną, musiała zostać gwałtownie przekształcona w gospodarkę wolnorynkową. W związku z tym przeobrażeniom musiało ulec wiele dziedzin gospodarki, w tym górnictwo zwłaszcza węgla kamiennego. W 1990 roku w Polsce działało 71 kopalń, zatrudniających blisko 400 tysięcy osób. Trwający do dziś proces likwidacji kopalń rozpoczął się w 1994 roku. Wałbrzyskie Kopalnie Węgla Kamiennego były jednymi z pierwszych, które zostały zlikwidowane. Polska od dawna jest uzależniona od węgla w produkcji energii, ale kraj stoi w obliczu rosnącej presji na przejście na czystsze i bardziej zrównoważone źródła energii w celu zmniejszenia emisji dwutlenku węgla i złagodzenia skutków zmian klimatycznych, aby wypełnić założenia polityki klimatycznej UE. Organizacje społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w Polsce były związane z transformacją polityczną, ponieważ zmiany ustrojowe otworzyły drzwi dla społecznej partycypacji w procesach decyzyjnych. Organizacje społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w Polsce aktywnie włączają się do debaty związanej z transformacją energetyczną. Podkreślić należy jednak, że rola społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w tym procesie jest zróżnicowana. Z jednej strony wywierana jest presja na rządzących, związana z szybkim odejściem od węgla, z drugiej jednak strony społeczeństwo obywatelskie wyraża swój niepokój dotyczący zmian w strukturze zatrudnienia, która jest nieuniknioną konsekwencją transformacji energetycznej. Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie narzędzia pozwalającego zwiększyć społeczną partycypację w procesie transformacji energetycznej przy jednoczesnej budowie konsensusu społecznego.
Content available Sustainable Industrial Development in Vietnam
Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest industrial growth rate in the world. However, growing in the industry is based on the width factor and labour - intensive industries and assembly. The goal set out to 2030 is to turn Vietnam into a Middle-Income Country (MIC) with a modern industry that poses many challenges, requiring the industry to need stronger restructuring to improve competitiveness. competition and deeper participation in global value chains. From the analysis of the current situation of industrial development in Vietnam, the article identifies the limitations in the sustainable development of Vietnam's industry and gives orientations and solutions to promote the sustainable development of Vietnam's industry in the context of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the digital economy.
W artykule przedstawiono zarys działań o charakterze restrukturyzacyjnym w sektorze dystrybucji energii elektrycznej w jednym z podmiotów zlokalizowanych na terenie Pomorza środkowego. Zwrócono uwagę na szczególne uwarunkowania sektora w tym regionie, tuż po zakończeniu II wojny światowej. Podkreślono znaczenie, i głębokość przeprowadzonych reform w sektorze dystrybucji energii elektrycznej. Zasygnalizowano kilka krytycznych efektów restrukturyzacji sektora, z pozycji klienta, pracownika organizacji, które nie powinny wpływać na ogólną pozytywną ocenę przemian.
The article presents a number of observations of a person dealing with the operation of the distribution network in one of the power plants in Central Pomerania. The conditions in Central Pomerania that we found after the end of hostilities were presented. This aspect, according to the author, was of significant importance in the first period of operation of the energy sector in this area. A fairly well electrified area in comparison to the "lost" eastern lands, a significant degree of property damage, the structure of the incoming population to the "regained territories" and a significant degree of collectivization of agriculture were significant conditions, slightly different to other areas of the country. A look from many sides on the next stages of the sector's restructuring was presented. The last years of the last century were treated as a particularly important period of changes. This is the time of the most profound changes in the Polish energy sector. The perception of subsequent restructuring activities through the eyes of the client, local government authorities and energy worker is definitely different and assessed differently. The article sheds light on the effects of restructuring measures from these perspectives. We cannot speak of an evaluation here, as the signaled statements are not based on detailed statistical research, but only on opinions collected by an energy worker over many years.
Purpose: The article focuses on the issue of energy transition in relation to Polish entities operating in the energy sector. The aim of the article is to analyse and assess the scale of the changes in the business models of energy companies resulting from the transformation. Design/methodology/approach: The literature on the study of energy models and transformation has proposed theoretical frameworks to support energy transformation. They provide inspiration to examine the impact of energy transition on the business models of Polish traditional energy companies operating in the form of integrated capital groups. Three energy companies of the Polish energy sector, operating in the form of integrated capital groups – PGE, TAURON and ENEA – were selected for the study. The research used such methods as literature review and materials concerning the current situation and market trends in the energy sector as well as case study research. The research model uses the approach proposed by A. Osterwalder and Y. Pigneur, describing the rationale behind the way in which an organisation creates value and provides and profits from the value created. Findings: The article summarises the results of research devoted to the changes in the configuration of the business model of a traditional energy company in the context of building a new energy market structure, characterised by distribution of generation sources, fast-growing prosumerism, intelligence of solutions resulting from the innovative ICT technologies applied and virtualisation of the offered customer value. The research covered selected Polish energy companies operating within the structure of capital groups. Practical implications: The presented summary of the impact of the energy transition confirms that its presence triggers profound changes in the business model of the traditional energy company and its components. Originality/value: The article presents a synthesis of the regulatory, legal and market conditions shaping the scope and depth of the transformations in the energy sector. The article summarises a review of new business models in the power industry and defines directions of changes in the business model of an energy company, which were determined as a result of the research. The article also discusses a possible scenario for further restructuring and changes in the business model of an energy company in the light of governmental programmes for the transformation of coal production assets and hard coal mining.
Content available remote Audyt finansowy w kontekście procesu restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw
Współcześnie różnorodne przedsięwzięcia innowacyjne i restrukturyzacyjne na trwałe zostały wpisane w funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa. Umożliwiają one - drogą zasadniczych, gruntownych zmian - zachowanie w przedsiębiorstwie równowagi wewnętrznej i równowagi z otoczeniem, a w konsekwencji wzrost jego wartości rynkowej i konkurencyjności. Celem opracowania jest pokazanie roli audytu finansowego jako narzędzia informacyjno-kontrolnego wspierającego proces restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw. Postawiono tezę, że audyt finansowy stanowi ważny element procesu restrukturyzacyjnego wspomagający skuteczną i efektywną odbudowę przedsiębiorstwa. Stwarza szanse zdynamizowania procesów strategicznych przedsiębiorstwom w trudnej sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej oraz zdrowym firmom, zarówno stojącym przed koniecznością sprostania wyzwaniom współczesnej konkurencji, jak i inicjującym zmiany w otoczeniu. Przedsiębiorstwa, które nie prowadzą ksiąg rachunkowych, a zatem nie sporządzają sprawozdań finansowych, mają ograniczone informacje o kondycji finansowej i majątkowej. Praktyka pokazuje, że sprawozdania finansowe nadal pozostają głównym źródłem informacji finansowych, natomiast ich wiarygodność, przejrzystość i jakość ujawnień są kluczowe dla pozyskania zaufania uczestników rynku oraz wzbogacają wiedzę i doświadczenie kadry zarządzającej przedsiębiorstwem.
Nowadays, various innovative and restructuring undertakings have been permanently integrated into the functioning of enterprises. Through fundamental changes they enable the company’s internal equilibrium, balance with the business environment and, consequently, its market value and competitiveness. The aim of the study is to present the role of financial audit as an information and control tool supporting the restructuring process of enterprises. It was assumed that financial audit is a key element of the restructuring process, which is contributing to efficient and effective rebuilding of the enterprise. It offers the possibility to accelerate strategic processes for businesses with both difficult economic and financial conditions and companies in good economic shape. Moreover, it also helps companies facing the challenges of today’s tough competition and those that initiate changes in their business environment. Companies that do not keep books of accounts and therefore do not prepare financial statements have limited information on financial health and assets. Practice shows that financial reports remain the main source of financial information while the credibility, transparency and quality of disclosures are key to gaining stakeholders’ confidence and enriching the knowledge and experience of the company’s management.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to illustrate how important strategic decisions are throughout the process of organisational restructuring and to evaluate the entire process. Design/methodology/approach: Case study of ZPR Group, a media company that operates in Poland. Findings: The analysis presented here on the example of the consolidation of the ZPR Group's sales departments may serve as a starting point for further in-depth analyses which will take into account the aspects of organizational restructuring. Research limitations/implications: The article is based on a case study of the selected organization and in the future this research could be developed in other organizations of this sector or as part of comparative analysis with organizations from other sectors. Practical implications: The article presents a practical assessment of organizational restructuring in the media sector. Social implications: The article presents the social dimension of restructuring processes to some extent. Originality/value: The article presents restructuring and consolidation processes in the media industry.
Purpose: To diagnose causes of unsatisfactory (failure factors) of restructuring operations undertaken in public hospitals located in the Silesian Province (Śląskie Voivodeship). A level of achievement of an individual objective set for restructuring operation was a measure of their effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach: The present research study was conducted in three stages and preceded by pilotage. In the first stage, the process of restructuration as perceived from public hospitals was analysed, in the second stage - from the point of view of their establishing entities. Two survey questionnaires were used to accomplish these stages. The research studies were conducted among the management staff of 17 public hospitals and among 14 establishing entity representatives. The third step was aimed at assessing and sorting all the identified failure factors. The group expert assessment method was applied for its implementation by 20 people. Findings: The most common objective of public hospital restructuration was to improve the quality of provided services and then to reduce debts. The average degree of achievement of the first objective amounted to 75.2%, while the second - 67.7%. The research studies led to the identification of 30 factors which have a significant negative influence on restructuration; among them 'adoption of improper assumptions on the restructuring plan in relation to financial forecasting' was considered the most important. Research limitations/implications: The research studies were conducted in public hospitals located in the Silesian Province (Śląskie Voivodeship) and which operated as independent public health-care units. Practical implications: In order to conduct restructuring operations, public hospitals and their establishing entities should apply project management methodologies, under which they will plan and implement their restructuring operations. Originality/value: Studies have shown the effectiveness of restructuring hospitals located in Silesia and identified the factors that have a negative impact on hospital restructuring.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explain the process of military personnel reconversion, as well as to assess its impact on the improvement of the social security of soldiers discharged from professional military service as a result of the restructuring of the armed forces. Method: The scientific methods used in the paper include: analysis and criticism of the literature on the subject, as well as logical analysis and construction. The research was carried out on the basis of data on the Polish Armed Forces. Results: Analysis of the available sources allows for a thesis that reconversion of military personnel may have a significant impact on the improvement of the social security of military professionals and the condition of the armed forces, provided that the organizational and legal conditions are fully adapted to its needs. Conclusions: Currently, reconversion of military personnel is carried out under optimal conditions and has the appropriate organizational potential and legal basis to secure the restructuring process of the Polish Armed Forces.
Technical, technological, IT and organisational progress is most evident in industry. In a situation where innovations are accompanied by structural and political changes, it is all about restructuring. In Poland, restructuring processes occurred most frequently in the 1990s. Currently, the phenomenon still occurs, but on a much smaller scale, with the transformations concerning generic, personnel and processes structures. The textile industry is still significant and is a hallmark of the Łódź region in Poland. The recent past has shown that companies from the textile industry, although very fragmented, remain on the market and are doing well in the new economic system. The purpose of the study is to assess the financial condition of municipalities and cities with district rights in the context of the restructuring activities of the textile sector, with particular emphasis on local government units of the Łódź region in the years 2007-2017. The work consists of three parts. In the first, the authors include theoretical premises for the restructuring of enterprises. The second part contains research hypotheses which have been empirically verified with an econometric model developed in the last part of the work. The purpose of the econometric model is to describe the relationship between the self-financing indicator and the explanatory variables, which largely describe the financial condition of enterprises in the textile sector in Poland over the period between 2007 and 2017. The results of the research conducted allow to conclude that the financial condition of communes and cities with district rights is diverse, and is affected by factors related to the location, type and level of development of local government units. In addition, the restructuring which took place in industry, in particular the textile industry, had a positive impact on the financial condition of local governments, in particular on their level of self-financing.
Celem artykułu była identyfikacja uwarunkowań kondycji finansowej, ocena jej zróżnicowania oraz wskazanie determinant wpływających na jej poziom w gminach i miastach na prawach powiatu w kontekście działań restrukturyzacyjnych sektora tekstylnego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem JST aglomeracji łódzkiej w latach 2007-2017. Praca składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej z nich autorki zawarły teoretyczne przesłanki restrukturyzacji przedsiębiorstw. W drugiej części zawarto hipotezy badawcze, które w ostatniej części pracy zostały empirycznie zweryfikowane poprzez opracowanie modelu ekonometrycznego. Celem skonstruowanego modelu ekonometrycznego jest opisanie zależności między wskaźnikiem samofinansowania, a zmiennymi objaśniającymi, które w dużej mierze opisują kondycje finansową przedsiębiorstw sektora włókienniczego w Polsce na przestrzeni lat 2007-2017. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwoliły na stwierdzenie, iż kondycja finansowa gmin i miast na prawach powiatu jest zróżnicowana, a wpływ na to wywierają czynniki związane z położeniem, typem oraz poziomem rozwoju JST. Ponadto restrukturyzacja, która miała miejsce w przemyśle, w szczególności przemyśle włókienniczym wywarła pozytywny wpływ na kondycję finansową samorządów, a w szczególności na jej poziom samofinansowania.
Można domniemywać, że po ustaniu stanu epidemii zwiększy się liczba nowych wniosków o ogłoszenie upadłości, co może wpłynąć negatywnie na stosunki pomiędzy kontrahentami. A upadłość nawet mniej istotnego kontrahenta będzie powodować duże koszty finansowe w długiej perspektywie.
The purpose of the study is to show the importance of restructuring in the process of systemic change of the company towards its development based on the results of scientific research and experience in business management practice. The essence, significance and types of restructuring are presented. The methodical assumptions of the company's restructuring programme were characterised. The author has adopted a hypothesis that restructuring is a universal tool for determining and directing the processes of systemic change in the company aimed at the development thereof.
The paper is devoted to the issue of the relationship between managerial competencies and the success or failure of restructuring in small businesses in Poland. It presents the determinants and selected characteristics of companies’ operations (the scale of their business activity and age, the market they operate in, as well as the experience and level of business knowledge of their managers) along with the characteristics of crisis situations and restructuring measures undertaken. In the second part of the paper, the results of empirical research conducted with the use of the CATI technique on the sample of 130 Polish micro and small enterprises in the construction materials distribution sector are presented. The research confirms the hypothesis concerning the existence of a significant positive correlation between managerial competencies and the effectiveness of restructuring of the surveyed companies influenced by the nature and intensity of the crisis.
Przedstawiona została geneza procesu zmian, na przykładzie drukarni, w nawiązaniu do problemu powodzenia wprowadzanych zmian pod kątem uwarunkowań zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych. Wdrożona została metoda doskonalenia – Lean Management. Opracowane, przeprowadzone i przedstawione badania związane z wykryciem problemów powstających podczas procesu produkcyjnego, stały się punktem wyjściowym przy wyborze odpowiednich narzędzi służących eliminacji marnotrawstwa.
Presented was the Genesis of the proces changes, for example, the printer „Serigraph”, in reference to the problem good luck changes for the external and internal conditions. Implemented improvement method – Lean Management. Developed, conducted and presented a study related to the detection of problems arising during the production proces, have become the starting point when choosing the appropriate tools to eliminate waste.
W 1989 roku zainicjowane zostały reformy gospodarcze w Polsce, których istota sprowadzała się do stworzenia podstaw gospodarki rynkowej. W okresie transformacji przedsiębiorstwa przemysłu stalowego musiały dostosować się do nowych wymagań systemu opartego na wolnym rynku. Rząd opracował poszczególne programy restrukturyzacyjne, które miały usunąć deformacje w strukturach funkcjonowania hut i stworzyć nowe formy organizacyjne przedsiębiorstw hutniczych. Wprowadzane zmiany w przemyśle stalowym miały doprowadzić do stworzenia konkurencyjnego rynku stali wobec innych podmiotów zagranicznych. Od transformacji gospodarcze minęło trzydzieści lat. W okresie tym dokonały się istotne, wręcz kluczowe zmiany w przemyśle stalowym w Polsce. Niniejsza publikacja jest syntezą zrealizowanych zmian na rynku stalowym w ostatnich trzech dekadach.
In 1989, economic reforms were initiated in Poland, the essence of which was to create the foundations of a market economy. During the transformation period, steel industry enterprises had to adapt to the new requirements of the market economy. The government has developed individual restructuring programs that were to remove deformations in the structures of the steelworks and create new organizational structures for steel enterprises. The changes introduced in the steel industry were to lead to the creation of a competitive steel market in relation to other foreign enterprises. Thirty years have passed since the economic transformation. During this period key changes in the steel industry in Poland took place. This publication is a synthesis of implemented changes in the steel market in the last three decades.
Aflexible fractal-like aggregate modelwas used to study deformation and fragmentation of the structure of fractal-like aggregates via their impaction with rigid rough surface.Aggregateswere conveyed one at the time towards a surface under vacuum conditions. The number of primary particles remaining in each fragment, ratio of average fragment radius of gyration after impaction to the average fragment initial radius of gyration and ratio of average coordination number to the initial coordination number were monitored for each individual aggregate. Results demonstrate that depending on the impact velocity, the fractal dimension of the aggregate, the strength of bonds between primary particles, the stiffness of the aggregate structure and the diameter of primary particle composing an aggregate, restructuring or breakage of the aggregate occur. Moreover, in the analysis of the ratio of coordination number of aggregates after impaction to the initial coordination number, three regimes were distinguished: first no deformation at low impact velocities, second restructurisation regime and finally fragmentation regime where partial or total fragmentation of aggregates was observed.
Uchwalenie nowej ustawy Prawo restukturyzacyjne w Polsce spowodowało, że coraz więcej przedsiębiorców decyduje się na skorzystanie z sądowej ścieżki naprawy swoich przedsiębiorstw. Wynika to z faktu, iż otoczenie gospodarcze dynamicznie się zmienia, co przekłada się na sposób konkurowania i działania podmiotów gospodarczych na rynku. W przedmiotowej pracy autor przedstawia konsekwencje wszczęcia postępowania sanacyjnego z perspektywy organów sprawujących władzę oraz grup interesariuszy w postaci wierzycieli, właścicieli, instytucji finansowych itd.
The adoption of the new Restructuring law in Poland resulted, that more entrepreneurs deciding to use the judicial path to restructure their businesses. This is due to the fact that the economic environment is changing dynamically, which has impact on the way companies compete and operate on the market. In this article, the author presents the consequences of initiating a restructuring proceeding from perspective of the enterprise authorities and stakeholder groups, i.e. creditors, owners, financial institutions, etc.
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