Environmental policy places great emphasis on the implementation of a circular economy model, in which products and raw materials should remain in circulation for as long as possible and waste generation should beminimized as much as possible. The starting point for the effectiveness of these measures is the identification of opportunities for optimal use of both: raw materials and waste based on knowledge of their chemical composition. In the area of sewage sludge management, most research work to date has focused on investigating its fertilizer value (nitrogen, phosphorus), identifying the composition of organic matter and the content of heavy metals, primarily cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, mercury and chromium. The occurrence of other trace elements has been studied to a limited extent. Meanwhile, such studies could not only expand the body of information in environmental geochemistry with new data, but could also beusedin the analysis of environmental pressures associated with sewage sludge recovery and disposal processes. In the aspect of the environmental use of sewage sludge, especially in agriculture and for land reclamation, more complete data on the chemical composition of sewage sludge, and thus on the potential pollutant load contained in it, could be useful for decision-making and the implementation of solutions to maintaining the chemical balance and biodiversity of soil ecosystems. This article presents information on the occurrence of 1 7 trace elements determined in 49 sewage sludge samples from different wastewater treatment plants from Poland, both in terms of the types of wastewater treated and the technological processes used.
The goal of this study is to establish the impact of tillage (reversible to a depth of 25–28 cm and irreversible to a depth of 25–28, 15–18 and 5–8 cm) and the fertilizing products such as LEANUM and VITAMIN O7 (liquid and powdered, respectively) for growing Hemingway and Harmonium hybrids with FAO 280 and 380 on the leaf area duration (LAD) and the concentration of chlorophyll а and b. The leaf area duration was measured by the method of M. I. Orlovskyi and calculated using the formula. The content of chlorophyll a and b in maize leaves was determined using the ULAB 102 Spectrophotometer. In general, the effect of biofertilizer treatment on the leaf can be noted by increasing the leaf area duration. Thus, for Harmonium, with any variant of tillage, the leaf area duration increased on the variants of foliar treatment. And on irreversible tillage for three years, an increase in the leaf area duration was noted with the use of pre-sowing inoculation with the studied fertilizing products, one treatment with LEANUM foliar, and a combined treatment with LEANUM + 1 LEANUM. It is worth noting that disking to a depth of 5–8 cm only led to a decrease in the leaf area duration during the cultivation of Harmonium. However, when growing Hemingway, almost all variants had a positive effect on the leaf area duration, with the exception of inoculation (when using both fertilizing products). An interesting fact is that in most cases, an increase in the leaf area duration led to a decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll a, but did not lead to a decrease in the total concentration of chlorophylls a and b, due to an increase in the concentration of chlorophyll b. It should be noted that biofertilizer treatment and tillage significantly affected the concentration of chlorophyll a and chlorophylls a and b, but chlorophyll b was not affected by tillage. When growing Hemingway, neither biologics nor tillage had any effect, while other pigments had a significant effect.
Spatial analysis was used to analyze the environmental quality of soil in the Al-Zarqa region in order to identify sources and estimate heavy metal concentrations, which aided in the assessment of soil quality and heavy metal pollution. The primary goal of this study was to assess the environmental impact of heavy metal pollutants in the Al-Zarqa region. To assess pollution levels, the concentrations of Cu, Mn, Cd, and Pb were measured in surface soil (sediment) samples collected from Khirbet al-Samra. A total of sixteen samples were analyzed. The elevated levels of Cu and Cd are primarily attributed to various sources such as the weathering of nearby rock formations and the release of agricultural waste materials. An evaluation of sediment contamination was conducted using pollution indicators including Geo-accumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), and pollution load index (PLI). Spatial distribution analysis was used to determine the distribution pattern of each metal. The results revealed that metal concentrations (Cu, Pb, and Mn) are higher, while Cd concentrations are lower than the maximum allowed limits. The results from the EF analysis indicated elevated concentrations of Cu and Cd in the sampled area. In terms of the Igeo analysis of Khirbet al-Samra sediments, it was found that the concentrations of Pb, Cu, and Mn are within safe levels and relatively unaffected by human activities, whereas the concentrations of Cd exceed the mean values, suggesting a higher level of contamination specifically for cadmium. The potential sources of heavy metals in the investigated area were identified using factor analysis, and the geographical distribution of heavy metals was shown using spatial distribution. The examination of correlation coefficients revealed diverse relationships between the different parameters, depending on the source of input for each metal.
In many countries around the world, the thermal treatment of waste plays an important role in the waste-management system. As a result, electricity and heat are produced. However, solid residues are produced in the form of bottom ash, fly ash (FA) and air pollution control (APC) residues. Alternative raw material resources are currently being sought, one of which may be anthropogenic materials from waste thermal treatment processes. This paper presents the results of a study on the trace element content of FA and APC residues from three different installations: municipal solid waste incineration (grate boiler), sewage sludge (fluidized bed boiler) and hazardous waste (rotary kiln). Research methods such as ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry), ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma/atomic emission spectroscopy) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) were used. The results obtained indicate that the chemical composition of FA and APC residues depends mainly on the type of waste being converted, the thermal process and the flue gas treatment method. Ash from sewage sludge incineration in particular contains significant amounts of P and Sb - elements classified as critical raw materials (CRM). In addition, they also contain other valuable metals such as Ag and Zn, in amounts far exceeding the average crustal abundance. In addition, residues from the incineration of hazardous waste may pose a potential risk to the environment due to the presence of significant amounts of heavy metals such as Pb, Cd and Hg.
W wielu krajach na świecie termiczne przekształcanie odpadów odgrywa istotną rolę w systemie gospodarki odpadami. W efekcie produkowana jest energia elektryczna oraz cieplna. Z drugiej strony powstają także stałe pozostałości w postaci popiołów dennych, popiołów lotnych oraz produktów oczyszczania spalin z gazowych zanieczyszczeń. Obecnie poszukiwane są alternatywne źródła surowców, jednym z nich mogą być pozostałości z procesów termicznego przekształcania odpadów. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości pierwiastków śladowych w popiołach lotnych (FA) i produktach oczyszczania spalin z gazowych zanieczyszczeń (APC), pochodzących z trzech różnych instalacji: spalających odpady komunalne (kocioł rusztowy), osady ściekowe (kocioł fluidalny) i odpady niebezpieczne (piec obrotowy). Zastosowano metody badawcze takie jak ICP-MS (spektrometria mas ze wzbudzeniem w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej), ICP-AES (spektrometria plazmy sprzężonej indukcyjnie, atomowa spektroskopia emisyjna) i XRD (dyfrakcja rentgenowska). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że skład chemiczny FA i APC jest zależy przede wszystkim od rodzaju przekształcanych odpadów, procesu termicznego oraz sposobu oczyszczania spalin. Popioły, w szczególności ze spalania osadów ściekowych, zawierają znaczne ilości P oraz Sb - pierwiastków zaliczanych do surowców krytycznych (CRM). Ponadto zawierają także inne cenne metale jak Ag czy Zn, w ilości znacznie przewyższającej średnią zasobność skorupy ziemskiej. Z drugiej strony pozostałości ze spalania odpadów niebezpiecznych mogą stanowić potencjalne zagrożenie dla środowiska z powodu obecności w nich znacznych ilości metali ciężkich jak Pb, Cd i Hg.
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The potential of laser ablation microwave induced plasma optical emission spectrometry (LA-MIP OES) for the analysis of plastic materials has been investigated. Inorganic species, e.g., metals may be added to them as additives, anti-oxidising agents, stabilisers, plasticisers, colorants and catalytic residues, contaminants and may be present in a wide range of concentrations. The study revealed elevated content of trace elements (Cd, Pb and Zn) which are components of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and polyethylene (PE). Laser ablation using wavelengths of 266 nm as a sampling method for MIP OES was used. The result achieved using elaborated system were compared with those obtained after polymer samples decomposition in high pressure-temperature focused microwave heating digestion system and standard sample pneumatic nebulisation (PN) to MIP OES spectrometer. The calibration strategy using cellulose pellets as support for qualitative analysis for element determination in polymers by LA-MIP OES was proposed. This analytical performance of the LA-MIP OES system was characterised by a determination of the limits of detection (LODs) and precision (RSDs) for elements tested. The experimental concentration detection limits for simultaneous determination, calculated as the concentration giving a signal equal to three times of the standard deviation of the blank (LOD, 3σblank criterion, peak height) were 2 μg g–1, 3 μg g–1 and 5 μg g–1 for Cd, Pb and Zn, respectively. The method offers relatively good precision (RSD ranged from 3 % to 5 %) for micro sampling analysis.
The main objective of this engineering study was to investigate the impact of foliar conditioners on the translocation and bioaccumulation of trace elements in Paulownia trees. Paulownia, commonly known as the "empress tree," serves as a promising research subject within the environmental engineering context. The study focused on analyzing the effects of foliar conditioners on trace elements in this species, taking into account ecological and economic aspects. The obtained results aim to contribute to the development of effective strategies supporting the healthy growth of plants, addressing environmental protection concerns, and offering practical applications in Paulownia plantation management.
W ramach niniejszej pracy inżynierskiej głównym celem było zbadanie wpływu rekondycjonerów na translokację i bioakumulację pierwiastków śladowych w drzewie Paulowni. Paulownia, znana jako "drzewo cesarskie", stanowi obiecujący obiekt badawczy w kontekście inżynierii środowiska. Praca koncentrowała się na analizie oddziaływań rekondycjonerów na pierwiastki śladowe w tym gatunku, mając na uwadze aspekty ekologiczne i gospodarcze. Otrzymane wyniki mają na celu przyczynienie się do opracowania skutecznych strategii wspierających zdrowy rozwój roślin, zarówno z perspektywy ochrony środowiska, jak i praktycznego zastosowania w hodowli plantacji Paulowni.
The immobilization effect of soil amendments on leaching and bioavailability of Pb, Zn and Cd in highly contaminated soils under industrial impact was studied by collecting the soils in the surroundings of Zn-Pb Smelter “Miasteczko Śląskie” in southern Poland as an example. Various amounts of four additives (phosphate fertilizer, limestone powder, bentonite rock and bog iron ore) were tested in laboratory experiments to compare the effectiveness of three dominant mechanisms of immobilization: precipitation of phosphates, pH increase, and sorption. The contents of metals before immobilization were determined by extraction in CaCl2, EDTA and aqua regia. Cadmium and zinc are mainly represented by soluble, bioavailable forms extractable in CaCl2, while lead by potentially bioavailable speciations extractable by EDTA. Most effective in the immobilization of these metals were the amendments increasing soil pH: limestone powder and phosphate fertilizer. Bog iron ore and bentonite were less effective because the soil pH was too low for efficient cation adsorption.
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The results of this investigation show that Azerbaijan industries and agricultural sector provide considerable anthropogenic impact on the environment of Caucasus. The use of moss biomonitoring technique and neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a first attempt to study heavy metal atmospheric deposition in Azerbaijan, a country different relief and climate. The study was undertaken in the summer of 2015 of atmospheric deposition of man-made heavy metal pollutants in the area of mining and processing plant in Gadabay and Dashkasan mininig district. At the same time samples were collected from the Goygol State Reserve in the Lesser Caucasus not far from the city of Ganja. A total 85 moss samples (predominantly Pleurozium schreberi) collected in both environmentally contrast area. Elemental determination was carried out by epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) at the reactor IBR-2 of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (FLNP JINR). For the first time 44 elemental concentrations were determined (Na, Mg, Al, Si, Cl, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Tm, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Th, U). Multivariate statistical analysis of the analytical results obtained will make it possible to identify the main sources of pollution and to assess the role of long-range transport of pollutants.
The present bulk-rock geochemical study aims to answer some questions concerning the distribution and variability of trace elements (TEs) and rare earth elements (REEs) in the lower Cambrian–Lower Cretaceous sandstones and mudstones of NE Gondwana in Jordan. The study proved that the REE and the TE distribution patterns in both detrital and authigenic, light and heavy minerals are controlled principally by the source-rock provenance, followed by an interplay of many factors: chemical weathering, recycling, hydraulic sorting, locally low-temperature, hydrothermal metasomatism, depositional environment and redox conditions, and diagenesis. On the basis of specific trace elements, trace-element ratios, and petrographic proxies, the provenance is constrained to be mainly felsic-, rarely mafic granitoids of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, and less commonly, recycled Palaeozoic and Mesozoic siliciclastic strata. REEs are hosted mainly in zircon, Ti-bearing minerals, and partly in clay minerals. They were depleted by both chemical weathering and recycling; nevertheless, they were enriched by subsequent hydraulic sorting and low-temperature, hydrothermal metasomatism. Chemical weathering initially depleted zirconium. However, this was counteracted by subsequent enrichment through recycling, hydraulic sorting, and low-temperature, hydrothermal metasomatism. The fractionation of the other TEs, due to these sedimentological factors during the genesis of subarkosic arenites, quartz arenites and mudstones, is discussed and some conclusions are derived. The Eu negative anomaly was enhanced significantly by recycling and low-temperature, hydrothermal metasomatism. Scandium abundance increased with decreasing grain size from coarse sand to the mud fraction. The recorded REE and TE fractionation might also apply to siliciclastics in similar, geological environments.
Geochemical studies of CO2-rich therapeutic waters in the Sudetes have provided new data on a wide range of trace elements, going beyond standard chemical analyses of such waters. A consistent set of physicochemical data obtained using the same analytical methods was subjected to statistical analyses, including hierarchical clustering, factor analysis and nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis, Tau Kendall), to reveal geochemical relationships between physicochemical and chemical parameters in the waters, and their relationships with the aquifer lithology. Distinct differences in the composition of waters found in crystalline rocks (mainly gneisses and mica schists) and sedimentary rocks were identified. The wide range of elements can be associated with the hydrolysis of silicate minerals, including alkali and alkali earth metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Be) and (mostly) transition elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, W, Mg). Carbonate equilibria are the next important factor as it determines the aggressiveness of the water towards the minerals of aquifer rocks and affects the concentrations of numerous solutes. The probable common origin of chlorides, bromides and sulphates together with Li, Na, Sr may be related to the relict saline component of deep circulating waters, a hypothesis that requires further investigations.
Wiele pierwiastków śladowych wykazuje związki z materią organiczną TOC. Zależności te pozwalają na wykorzystanie pomiarów składu chemicznego do modelowania zawartości TOC. Celem przedstawionej pracy była ocena możliwości szacowania ilości materii organicznej na podstawie zawartości pierwiastków śladowych takich jak: Ni, Cu, Mo, U, V, Zn, Cr, Sr, Pb i Co dla głębokomorskich łupków sylurskich. Przebadano związki korelacyjne pomiędzy poszczególnymi pierwiastkami i zawartością materii organicznej. Następnie utworzono modele pozwalające na wyliczenie ilości materii organicznej na podstawie zawartości pierwiastków, dla których zaobserwowano znaczące związki z TOC. Wykorzystano zarówno bardziej dokładne badania składu chemicznego wykonane metodą spektrometrii masowej ICP-MS, jak i pomiary o niższej wykrywalności wykonane przenośnym spektrometrem fluorescencji rentgenowskiej EDXRF. Stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy zawartością pierwiastków śladowych a ilością materii organicznej TOC dla pierwiastków takich jak: V, Cu, U, Ni, Mo, Cr (metoda ICP-MS) oraz V, Cu, Cr i Ni (metoda XRF). Za pomocą metody regresji wielorakiej skonstruowano modele o współczynnikach determinacji R2 od 0,84 do 0,92 (dla metody ICP-MS) i od 0,75 do 0,78 (dla metody XRF) umożliwiające szacowanie ilości materii organicznej na podstawie zawartości pierwiastków śladowych. Uzyskane modele matematyczne pozwalają na wyliczanie zawartości materii organicznej TOC dla głębokomorskich, bogatych w materię organiczną łupków sylurskich na bazie pomiarów pierwiastków śladowych wykonanych metodą spektrometrii masowej ICP-MS oraz metodą fluorescencji rentgenowskiej XRF. Szczególnie istotna jest możliwość wykorzystania pomiarów przeprowadzonych przenośnym spektrometrem fluorescencji rentgenowskiej. Badania te są szybkie, mogą być prowadzone na próbkach okruchowych w trakcie trwania wiercenia. Modele oparte na wynikach XRF pozwalają więc w szybki sposób modelować zawartość TOC jeszcze w trakcie wiercenia.
Many trace elements are associated with organic matter. The total organic carbon (TOC) content can be thus calculated basing on the chemical composition measurements. The aim of the presented paper was to evaluate the possibility of estimating the organic matter amount on the basis of trace elements such as: Ni, Cu, Mo, U, V, Zn, Cr, Sr, Pb and Co, for Silurian black shales. Correlations between individual elements and total organic carbon were analysed. Next, mathematical models allowing to calculate the amount of organic matter based on the content of elements significantly related to TOC were constructed. Both more accurate chemical composition analyses (ICP-MS mass spectrometry method) and measurements of lower detectability performed with portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer EDXRF were used. The relationships between the content of trace elements and the total organic carbon content TOC were found for such elements as: V, Cu, U, Ni, Mo, Cr (ICP-MS) and V, Cu , Cr and Ni (XRF). Mathematical models allowing for TOC quantification based on trace elements, characterized by determination coefficients R2 from 0.84 to 0.92 (for ICP MS method) and from 0.75 to 0.78 (for XRF method) were obtained with the use of the multiple regression method. The mathematical models allow to calculate the content of organic matter TOC for Silurian black shales on the basis of trace element data obtained by both mass spectrometry ICP-MS and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry EDXRF. The possibility of using measurements made with a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is particularly important. Such measurements are fast and can be carried out on cuttings during the drilling process. Models based on XRF results therefore allow for quick modelling of the TOC content during the drilling process.
The fly ash as a byproduct of coal-fired power plants constitutes vital ecological problems. In Turkey, approximately 15 million tons of ashes are generated via the combustion of 40 million tons of lignite yearly. Worldwide, a number of investigation and applications were undertaken to utilize fly ash in order to overcome the environmental problems. One of the application area of fly ashes is the production of building bricks. Characterization of fly ash samples from Seyitomer and Yatagan coal-firing power plants were conducted in this study. TCLP 1311, ASTM3987-85 and EN 12457-2 leaching tests on the cylindrical fly ash/lime brick (FA/LB) samples which were produced from Seyitomer and Yatagan thermal power plant fly ash-lime mixtures were performed to determine the leachability of some chosen trace elements. e results show that the release of all trace elements was lower than the hazardous material limit values of waste acceptance. us, non- fired fly ash bricks are an advantageous way to solving environmental effect of disposal of fly ashes.
Popiół lotny jako uboczny produkt spalania w elektrowniach węglowych stanowi istotny problem ekologiczny. W Turcji w wyniku spalania 40 mln ton węgla brunatnego rocznie powstaje około 15 mln ton popiołów. Na całym świecie podjęto szereg badań w celu wykorzystania popiołu lotnego w celu przezwyciężenia problemów środowiskowych. Jednym z obszarów zastosowania popiołów lotnych jest produkcja cegieł budowlanych. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badania charakterystyki próbek popiołu lotnego z elektrowni węglowych Seyitomer i Yatagan. Przeprowadzono testy ługowania wybranych pierwiastków śladowych, zgodnie z normami TCLP 1311, ASTM3987-85 i EN 12457-2 na cylindrycznych próbkach popiołu lotnego/ cegieł wapiennych (FA / LB), które zostały wyprodukowane z mieszanek popiołu lotnego i wapna w elektrowniach Seyitomer i Yatagan. Wyniki pokazują, że uwalnianie wszystkich pierwiastków śladowych było niższe niż dopuszczalne wartości dla materiałów niebezpiecznych. Zatem niewypalane cegły z popiołu lotnego są korzystnym sposobem rozwiązania problemu środowiskowego wpływu usuwania popiołów lotnych.
Selected techniques of soil phytoremediation with the use of hyperaccumulative plants and trees are intended to outline the possibilities of using various hyperaccumulative plants, including trees, in the phytoremediation process of contaminated soil matrix. The potential of plants that belong to the group of hyperaccumulators is huge, especially in the case of pollution of large areas of agricultural, forest and urban soil. They can be used in the process of cleaning contaminated, industrially degraded areas and supplement the physical and physicochemical methods of remediation of contaminated areas.
Wybrane techniki fitoremediacji gleb z użyciem roślin i drzew hiperakumulatorowych ma na celu zarysowanie możliwości wykorzystania różnych roślin hiperakumulatorowych, w tym drzew, w procesie fitoremediacji zanieczyszczonej matrycy glebowej. Potencjał roślin, które należą do grupy hiperakumulatorów jest ogromny szczególnie w przypadku zanieczyszczeń dużych areałów gleb rolniczych, leśnych i urbanoziemnych. Mogą one być wykorzystywane w procesie oczyszczania terenów skażonych, zdegradowanych przemysłowo oraz stanowić uzupełnienie metod fizycznych i fizykochemicznych remediacji skażonych terenów.
Cassiterite and base-metal mineralisation from the Gierczyn mine on the Karkonosze-Izera Massif, Poland has been studied using electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) techniques in order to determine the content of indium in the ore minerals. The main carriers of this element are sphalerite (up to 433 μ/g of In), chalcopyrite (up to 117 μ/g of In) and cassiterite (up to 0.02 wt.% In). Trace element contents of sulphides, especially Ga in chalcopyrite intergrown with sphalerite in comparison with chalcopyrite without sphalerite, may indicate metamorphic re-equlibration and suggests that the ore minerals might recrystallized and underwent metamorphism in conditions of greenschist/amphibolite facies. Although the deposits in the Stara Kamienica Schist Belt are not of economic value, they can contribute to better understanding of the relations between trace element partitioning and the formation of ore minerals.
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Alien Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas and indigenous Cape mussels Choromytilus meridionalis were used as sentinel biomonitors of inorganic pollutants in Saldanha Bay, South Africa. Neutron activation analysis was used to determine the concentrations of 33 macro and microelements in the soft tissues of molluscs. The Mediterranean mussels significantly demonstrated the higher accumulation ability to S, Se and Br than the Pacific oysters, whereas the Pacific oysters - to Fe, Cu, Zn and As. The Cape mussels are more sensitive to Mn and As and the Mediterranean mussels were sensitive to Zn and Se.
Knowledge of the way in which minor and trace elements occur in coal is one of the most important geochemical indicators of coal quality. The differences between the methods of binding elements in coal in each coal seam and the variability of this feature of coal in the basin profile have not been discussed so far. These coal features were identified in a group of selected coal seams (209, 401, 405, 407, 501, 504, 510, 615, 620) in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). At the same time, the differences in the role of identified mineral and maceral groups in concentrating specific elements in coal is highlighted. Identical or similar tendencies of changes in the way in which As and V, Ba and Rb, Co and Pb, Co and Zn, Mn and Pb, Pb and Zn, Co and Rb, and for Cr and Cu occur in the coal seams in the USCB profile was found. Changes in the mode of occurrence of As and Pb in coal in the USCB profile were probably influenced by carbonate mineralization. The changes in the mode of occurrence of Mni and Pb in the coal were probably determined by dia and epigenetic sulfide mineralization, while the content of Ba, Cr, Rb, Sr, and V in coal from these deposits was affected by clay minerals. It was observed that the greater the degree of the carbonization of the organic matter of coal, the lower the content of As, Mn and Pb in coal and the higher the content of Ba and Sr in coal.
It is justified that the problems related to changes in physico-chemical properties, concentration of trace elements in lubricating oil and the impact of these changes and their dynamics on vehicle structural elements should be considered in detail. It is important that empirical data, theoretical relationships and test results should be taken into account. The paper presents research results of the selected physico-chemical parameters and the content of metals in samples of the used engine oil. The samples were collected both after the fuel system failure and during the operation of the farm tractor according to the date of changing engine oil assumed by the producer. An instrumental chemical analysis method HDXRF was used to determine chang-es of the content of trace elements Fe, Sn, Cu, Pb, P, Zn, Ca in engine oil. Additionally, changes in physico-chemical properties were determined with the use of FT-IR spectrometry. Courses of these changes were analysed on account of their impact on the utility properties of the engine oil.
Uzasadnione jest, aby problemy związane ze zmianami właściwości fizykochemicznych, koncentracją pierwiastków śladowych w oleju smarowym oraz wpływu tych zmian na elementy konstrukcyjne pojazdu i ich dynamikę były rozpatrywane szczegółowo, biorąc pod uwagę dane empiryczne, zależności teoretyczne i wyniki badań. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wybranych parametrów fizykochemicznych oraz zawartości metali w próbkach zużytego oleju silnikowego. Próbki pobierano zarówno po awarii układu paliwowego jak i podczas obsługi eksploatacyjnej ciągnika rolniczego zgodnie z założoną przez producenta datą wymiany oleju silnikowego. Metodą instrumentalnej analizy chemicznej HDXRF oznaczono w oleju silnikowym zmiany zawartości pierwiastków śladowych Fe, Sn, Cu, Pb, P, Zn, Ca. Dodatkowo określono zmiany właściwości fizykochemicznych za pomocą spektrometrii FT-IR. Przebiegi tych zmian przeanalizowano pod względem ich wpływu na właściwości użytkowe oleju.
The objective of the paper was to assess the trace elements content (Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb) in gills, muscles, gonads and liver in two fish species from two bays (Karantinna and Balalaklava) in the region of Sevastopol. Concentration of the investigated elements in the obtained solutions and water were determined with the absorption atomic spectrometry method with electro-thermal atomization. Levels of heavy metals differed in two locations. Differences due to fish species were slight. Water from both locations included the investigated elements in the amounts that indicated anthropogenic en-richment. Concentration of the investigated elements in fish liver was in the order from the lowest Pb < Cd < Cr < Mn < Ni < Cu < Fe. In case of gonads, the content was in the order Cd < Pb < Mn < Cr < Ni < Cu < Fe, while in muscles and gills it was respectively Cd < Pb < Cr < Mn < Cu < Ni < Fe and Cd < Pb < Cr < Cu < Ni < Mn < Fe. The concluded contents of all investigated elements in particular fish organs were characteristic for ecosystems changed into anthropogenic. Critical values of the concentration of the investigated metals in muscles were not exceeded from the point of view of fish use for food.
Celem pracy była ocena zawartości pierwiastków śladowych (Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni i Pb) w skrzelach, mięśniach, gonadach i wątrobie w dwóch gatunkach ryb pochodzących z dwóch zatok (Karantinna i Bałakława) zlokalizowanych w okolicach Sewastopola. Stężenie badanych pierwiastków w uzyskanych roztworach oraz w wodzie oznaczono metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej z atomizacją elektrotermiczną. Poziomy metali ciężkich różniły się pomiędzy obydwiema lokalizacjami. W mniejszym zakresie zaobserwowano zróżnicowanie ze względu na gatunek ryb. Woda z obydwu lokalizacji zawierała badane pierwiastki w ilościach wskazujących na antropogeniczne wzbogacenie. Concentration of the investigated elements in fish liver was from the lowest Pb < Cd < Cr < Mn < Ni < Cu < Fe. W przypadku gonad, zawartości kształtowały się w kolejności Cd < Pb < Mn < Cr < Ni < Cu < Fe, natomiast w mięśniach i skrzelach odpowiednio Cd < Pb < Cr < Mn < Cu < Ni < Fe i Cd < Pb < Cr < Cu < Ni < Mn < Fe. Stwierdzone zawartości wszystkich badanych pierwiastków w poszczególnych organach ryb były charakterystyczne dla ekosystemów przekształconych antropogenicznie. Nie stwierdzono przekroczenia wartości krytycznych stężenia badanych metali w mięśniach ryb, z punktu widzenia możliwości ich wykorzystania na cele spożywcze.
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