Background: The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between the administration of leadership training programs and trainees’ motivation to learn. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to collect data from junior army leaders in Peninsular Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional method was employed in this study because it allowed the researchers to integrate the LTP literature, the pilot study and the actual survey as the main procedures to collect data. Beside a purposive sampling technique was used to distribute 300 self-report questionnaires to junior army leaders at the organization and the survey questionnaire data were analyzed using SmartPLS. Results: The results show that the ability of senior administrators to appropriately use a well-designed course content and select the right instructors to teach and facilitate trainees had enhanced trainees’ motivation to learn in the organizational sample. Conclusions: This study tested a conceptual schema developed based on the LTP research literature. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the instrument used in this study satisfactorily met the standard of validity and reliability analyses. Furthermore, the outcomes of the SmartPLS path model proved that course content and instructors’ roles were important predictors of trainees’ motivation to learn in the organizations.
Wstęp: Celem pracy było zbadanie związku między administracją programów szkoleniowych zarządzania a motywacją uczestników do nauki. W tym celu zostały skierowane ankiety do młodych przywódców armii w Malezji. Metody: Zastosowano metodę krzyżową, jako główną metodą zbierania danych, aby lepiej połączyć istniejące publikacje naukowe, badanie pilotażowe oraz aktualne badania. Zastosowano badanie ankietowe na próbie losowej 300 młodych przywódców armii. Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie przy zastosowaniu SmartPLS. Wyniki: Wyniki wskazują na zdolność doświadczonych administratorów na prawidłowe stosowanie dobrze przygotowanych materiałów szkoleniowych oraz na dobór właściwych instruktorów do prowadzenia szkoleń oraz zwiększenia motywacji uczestników do nauki w badanej organizacji. Wnioski: Testowano koncepcyjny schemat opracowany na podstawie przeglądu literatury naukowej. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy wykazują, że instrument użyty w pracy w sposób satysfakcjonujący spełnił standardy analizy trafności oraz niezawodności. Wyniki modelu ścieżki SmartPLS zaakceptowały treści szkoleniowej oraz rolę instruktorów, jako ważnych czynników wpływających na poziom motywacji uczestników do nauki w badanej organizacji.
Understanding a membrane’s morphology is important for controlling its final performance during protein immobilization. Porous, symmetric membranes were prepared from a polyvinylidene fluoride/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone solution by phase inversion process, to obtain membrane with various microsized pores. The concentration and surface area of aprotein dotted on the membrane surface were measured by staining with Ponceau S dye. The dotted protein was further scanned and analysed to perform quantitative measurements for relative comparison. The intensity of the red protein spot and its surface area varied depending on the membrane pore size, demonstrating the dependence of protein immobilization on this factor. The membrane with the smallest pore size (M3) showed the highest protein spot intensity and surface area when examined at different protein concentrations. An increase in the applied protein volume showed a linearity proportional trend to the total surface area, and an uneven round dot shape was observed at a large applied volume of protein solution.
Background: Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have received a special attention in the recent health sector literature. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction as well as the correlation between service quality and customer loyalty. Methods: The self-report questionnaires gathered from patients at army medical centres in West Malaysia were used for this purpose. Results: The outcomes of SmartPLS path model analysis showed that service quality dimensions, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy were significantly correlated with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Conclusions: This finding confirms that the capability of service providers to appropriately implement the quality dimensions in providing medical services has enhanced customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the organizational sample.
Wstęp: Poziom obsługi klienta, zadowolenia klienta jak i lojalność klienta to zagadnienia, którym ostatnio poświęca się sporo uwagi w fachowej literaturze dotyczącej ochrony zdrowia. Celem tej pracy było zbadanie występowania zależności pomiędzy jakością obsługi i zadowoleniem klienta jak również zależnością pomiędzy jakością obsługi i lojalnością klienta. Metody Badania zostały przeprowadzone przy użyciu ankiety wśród pacjentów wojskowych centrów medycznych na terenie Zachodniej Malezji. Wyniki: Wyniki uzyskane przy zastosowaniu analizy SmartPLS wskazują, że takie składowe jakości obsługi jak: konkretność, niezawodność, odpowiedzialność, bezpieczeństwa i empatia są istotnie skorelowane z zadowoleniem klienta oraz lojalnością klienta. Wnioski: Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzają możliwość dostawcy usług na takie kształtowanie oferowanych usług medycznych, aby zwiększyć poziom zadowolenia klienta oraz jego lojalności.
This study was carried out to monitor the presence of organochlorine in drainage water in Kafr-El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt. Furthermore, to evaluate the efficiencies of different remediation techniques (advanced oxidation processes [AOPs] and bioremediation) for removing the most frequently detected compound (lindane) in drainage water. The results showed the presence of several organochlorine pesticides in all sampling sites. Lindane was detected with high frequency relative to other detected organochlorine in drainage water. Nano photo-Fenton like reagent was the most effective treatment for lindane removal in drainage water. Bioremediation of lindane by effective microorganisms (EMs) removed 100% of the lindane initial concentration. There is no remaining toxicity in lindane contaminated-water after remediation on treated rats relative to control with respect to histopathological changes in liver and kidney. Advanced oxidation processes especially with nanomaterials and bioremediation using effective microorganisms can be regarded as safe and effective remediation technologies of lindane in water.
Studies on the currently used organophosphorus insecticides with respect to their environmental levels and effective remediation technologies for their residues in water have been considered as a source of major concern. This study was carried out to monitor the presence of organophosphorus in drinking water plants (Kafr-El-Shiekh, Ebshan, Elhamoul, Mehalt Aboali, Fowa, Balteem and Metobess) in Kafr-El-Shiekh Governorate, Egypt. Furthermore, it was carried out to evaluate the efficiency of different remediation technologies (advanced oxidation processes and bioremediation) for removing chlorpyrifos in drinking water. The results showed the presence of several organophosphorus pesticides in water sampling sites. Chlorpyrifos was detected with high frequency relative to other compounds in drinking water. Nano photo-Fenton like reagent (Fe2O3(nano)/H2O2/UV) was the most effective treatment for chlorpyrifos removal in drinking water followed by ZnO(nano)/H2O2/UV, Fe3+/H2O2/UV and ZnO/H2O2/ UV, respectively. Bioremediation of chlorpyrifos by effective microorganisms (EMs) removed 100% of the chlorpyrifos initial concentration after 23 days of treatment. There is no remaining toxicity in chlorpyrifos contaminated-water after remediation on treated rats with respect to cholinesterase activity and histological changes in kidney and liver relative to control. Advanced oxidation processes especially with nanomaterials and bioremediation with effective microorganisms can be regarded as safe and effective remediation technologies for chlorpyrifos in drinking water.
The study was carried out to evaluate the efficiencies of various remediation technologies (advanced oxidation processes and bioremediation) for removing diazinon and malathion residues from water. Nano photo-Fenton reagent (Fe0(nano)/H2O2AJV) was the most effective treatment for diazinon and malathion removal while ultraviolet alone was the least effective one. Bioremediation of diazinon and malathion by effective microorganisms (EMs) removed about 100% of their initial concentration. There was no remaining toxicity in contaminated water after remediation except for ultraviolet alone on treated rats. Advanced oxidation processes with nanomaterials and bioremediation with effective microorganisms can be regarded as safe and effective remediation technologies.
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According to the training literature, a supervisor's role in training programs has two major elements: supervisor support and supervisor communication. The ability of supervisors to play effective roles in training programs may increase employees' motivation to learn. The nature of this relationship is interesting, but the role of supervisor's role as a predicting variable is less emphasized in a training program models. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the effect of supervisor's role in training programs on motivation to learn using 152 usable questionnaires gathered from non-academic employees who have worked in a technological based public university, Malaysia. The outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed that the supervisor support and supervisor communication significantly associated with motivation to learn. Statistically, this result demonstrates that supervisor's role in training programs does act as an important predictor of motivation to learn in the organizational sample. In addition, discussion, implication and conclusion are elaborated.
Zgodnie z literaturą dotycząca zagadnień szkoleniowych, rola nadzorującego w programach szkoleniowych składa się z dwóch głównych elementów: wsparcie nadzorującego i komunikacji nadzorującego. Umiejętność efektywnego wypełniania obu tych elementów przez prowadzących szkolenie może zwiększyć motywację pracowników do nauki. Charakter tej wzajemnej zależności jest interesujący, ale na rolę nadzorującego jako przewidywalnej zmiennej w modelach programu szkoleniowego jest kładziony zwykle mniejszy nacisk. Z tego powodu przeprowadzono badania w celu określenia wpływu roli nadzorującego w programach szkoleniowych na motywację do nauki. Posłużono się ankietą przeprowadzoną wśród 152 pracowników pozaakademickich, którzy pracowali w technicznej uczelni publicznej w Malezji. Wyniki analizy regresji wykazały, że wsparcie nadzorującego i komunikacji nadzorującego są istotnie związane z motywacją do nauki. Wyniki statystyczne wykazały, że rola nadzorującego w programach szkoleniowych jest ważnym predykatorem motywacji do nauki w próbie organizacyjnej. Przedstawiono dyskusję oraz wnioski tych badań.
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Surface wave method consists of measurement and processing of the dispersive Rayleigh waves recorded from two or more vertical transducers. The dispersive phase data are inverted and the shear wave velocity versus depth is obtained. However, in case of residual soil, the reliable phase spectrum curve is difficult to be produced. Noises from nature and other human-made sources disturb the generated surface wave data. In this paper, a continuous wavelet transform based on mother wavelet of Gaussian Derivative was used to analyze seismic waves in different frequency and time. Time-frequency wavelet spectrum was employed to localize the interested seismic response spectrum of generated surface waves. It can also distinguish the fundamental mode of the surface wave from the higher modes of reflected body waves. The results presented in this paper showed that the wavelet analysis is able to determine reliable surface wave spectrum of sandy clayey residual soil.
This paper presents the computational modelling simulation results of port/sequential injection dedicated compressed natural gas (CNG) spark ignition engine to investigate and evaluate the engine performance while base engine converted by using compressed natural gas as an alternative fuel. The baseline engine in this research is four stroke direct injection diesel engine. The computational modelling design and development has performed using GT-Power software at Automotive Excellent Centre Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. To investigate the engine performance, the engine computational model is operated between 500-4000 rpm, under steady state condition. In this research, the sequential injection dedicated compressed natural gas spark ignition engine performance investigation results such as torque, power, fuel consumption pressure and exhaust gas emissions were investigated and compared to base diesel engine performance. From the CNG engine computational modelling simulation results are shown that by development of sequential injection dedicated compressed natural gas spark ignition engine has a potential to reduce the engine emissions. Unfortunately, the development of sequential injection dedicated compressed natural gas spark ignition engine can be reducing the engine performance. However, the study of required to improve the performance of sequential injection dedicated compressed natural gas spark ignition engine has a potential of reducing engine.
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