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The following article is an attempt at a condensed description of the history of the Tarnobrzeskie Zagłębie Siarkowe (the sulphur mining district), covering the history of the combine and the sulphur mines that were part of it. The main objective of the article is to highlight the following three elements: the extremely dynamic development of a new type of sulphur mining and refining in an area with no previous history of mining and chemical traditions, the great effort and dedication of the company staff creating a new branch of the Polish mining and refining industry and the unprecedented significance of this industry for the development not only of Tarnobrzeg with its surroundings, but also the whole of Poland.
Content available remote Prosumeryzm firm : korzyści i wyzwania dla konsumentów
Współcześnie konsumenci nie chcą być tylko odbiorcami oferty rynkowej, lecz chcą również mieć na nią wpływ, dlatego też firmy muszą zmieniać swoje modele biznesowe na bardziej otwarte, uwzględniające aktywność, zaangażowanie konsumentów. Prosumeryzm odnosi się zatem do działań firm, które są ukierunkowane na współpracę z konsumentami. Prosumpcja, określana jako aktywność konsumentów, przyjmuje różne formy: od wyrażania swoich opinii, dzielenia się swoim doświadczeniem, przez dostosowywanie oferty do własnych potrzeb, po udział w jej tworzeniu. Takie działania prosumpcyjne są korzystne zarówno dla firm, jak i konsumentów. Jednakże wiążą się z nimi także pewne zagrożenia czy też wyzwania dla obu stron. Artykuł zawiera analizę wyników badań, których celem było poznanie: jak badani postrzegają prosumeryzm? Jakie są ich oczekiwania w zakresie współpracy z firmami oraz jakie korzyści i zagrożenia związane z prosumeryzmem dostrzegają? Większość badanych oczekuje włączania ich w działalność firmy w różnych obszarach. Sami też podejmują różne aktywności prosumenckie, koncentrując się bardziej na opiniowaniu oferty rynkowej i jej testowaniu niż aktywnościach wymagających większego zaangażowania, tj. projektowanie czy współtworzenie produktów i usług. Prosumpcja umożliwia konsumentom m.in. dzielenie się swoją wiedzą, pomysłami, dostęp do informacji, na podstawie których mogą podejmować bardziej świadome decyzje, zmniejszając tym samym ryzyko zakupu produktów niezgodnych z oczekiwaniami, również przez możliwość modyfikowania, dopasowywania produktów/usług do własnych potrzeb. Prosumenci mają także możliwość wyróżnienia się przez zgłaszanie własnych propozycji rozwiązań, które mogą być wykorzystane przez innych konsumentów bądź firmy. Badani zwracali uwagę także na uczestniczenie w sieciach konsumenckich, dzięki czemu nie czują się samotni, ale mają poczucie przynależności do grupy osób, które łączą wspólne zainteresowania. Badani oprócz korzyści dostrzegają też pewne zagrożenia związane z prosumeryzmem firm, tj. wykonywanie przez konsumentów pracy bez wynagrodzenia, manipulowanie konsumentami przez stwarzanie pozorów współpracy, a w rzeczywistości nieuwzględnianie ich propozycji, opinii, a tym samym niedocenianie ich pracy przez firmy. Dlatego też firmy powinny tworzyć rozwiązania umożliwiające konsumentom współpracę z nimi, a także zachęcać ich do aktywności i zaangażowania, gdyż dzięki temu mogą przygotować ofertę zgodną z ich oczekiwaniami, a tym samym wzmocnić swoją pozycję na rynku.
Nowadays, consumers do not want to be just recipients of the market offer, but they want to influence it, which is why companies must change their business models to be more open, taking into account the activity and involvement of consumers. Prosumerism therefore refers to the activities of companies that are focused on cooperation with consumers. Prosumption, defined as consumer activity, takes various forms, from expressing one’s opinions, sharing one’s experience, through adapting the offer to one’s own needs, to participating in its creation. Prosumption activities are beneficial for both companies and consumers. However, they also involve certain threats and challenges for both parties.The article contains an analysis of the results of research aimed at finding out how respondents perceive prosumerism? What are their expectations regarding cooperation with companies? and what benefits and threats do they see related to prosumerism? Most respondents expect them to be included in the company’s activities in various areas. They also undertake various prosumer activities themselves, focusing more on giving opinions on the market offer and testing products than on activities requiring greater involvement, such as designing or co-creating products and services. Prosumption enables consumers, among others, to: sharing their knowledge, ideas, access to information based on which they can make more informed decisions, thus reducing the risk of purchasing products that are inconsistent with expectations, also through the ability to modify and adapt products/services to their own needs. Prosumers also have the opportunity to stand out by submitting their own proposals for solutions that can be used by other consumers or companies. The respondents also emphasized participation in consumer networks, thanks to which they do not feel lonely, but have a sense of belonging to a group of people who share common interests. Apart from the benefits, the respondents also notice certain threats related to the prosumerism of companies, i.e. consumers doing work without remuneration, manipulating consumers by creating the appearance of cooperation, but in fact not taking into account their proposals and opinions, and thus underestimating their work by companies. Therefore, companies should create solutions that enable consumers to cooperate with them, as well as encourage them to be active and involved, because thanks to this they can prepare an offer in line with their expectations and thus strengthen their position on the market.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been forming very dynamically and intensively for several decades. The rapid development, as well as the relatively large scope of this concept, which is cross-sectionally related to a number of different social disciplines, so far causes a very significant terminological inconsistency. The paper focuses on the relationship between CSR and the financial performance of companies, or on the positive consequences of applying the concept of CSR in business on the example of a selected company Deutsche Telekom AG, which applies CSR in its business and which achieves positive results not only from this point of view, but also from the point of view of company profitability. When analyzing the company from the point of view of the global market, it quantitatively monitors the impact of the measured indicators on the profitability of total assets (ROA) and on net profit, by testing the basic assumptions made on the classical linear regression model. The main goal of the paper was to find out the impact of CSR on the financial results of the parent company Deutsche Telekom AG for the period 2001-2021 and to find the relationship between CSR and economic benefits.
Early identification of potential financial problems is among important companies’ risk management tasks. This paper aims to propose individual and ensemble models based on various types of neural networks. The created models are evaluated based on several quantitative metrics, and the best-proposed models predict the impending financial problems of Slovak companies a year in advance. The precise analysis and cleaning of real data from the financial statements of real Slovak companies result in a data set consisting of the values of nine potential predictors of almost 19 thousand companies. Individual and ensemble models based on MLP and RBF-type neural networks and the Kohonen map are created on the training sample. On the other hand, several metrics quantify the predictive ability of the created models on the test sample. Ensemble models achieved better predictive ability compared to individual models. MLP networks achieved the highest overall accuracy of almost 89 %. However, the non-prosperity of Slovak companies was best identified by RBF networks created by the boosting and bagging technique. The sensitivity of these models is about 87 %. The study found that models based on neural networks can be successfully designed and used to predict financial distress in the Slovak economy.
Content available remote The Effects of Native Language on Requirements Quality
[Context and motivation] More and more often software development projects involve participants of diverse nationalities and languages. Thus, software companies tend to use English as their business language. Moreover, to better prepare for future jobs, students consciously choose university courses in English. [Question/problem] As a result there is an increasing number of software engineers who are working or studying in a language which is not their native language. The question arises whether native language has an effect on the quality of natural language requirements. [Principal ideas/results] From the analysis of the requirements formulated by 44 participants of our empirical study, it follows that native language may have a negative effect on requirements quality, e.g., ambiguity, variability, and grammar issues. Furthermore, different native languages might drive to different quality issues. [Contribution] In order to prevent quality issues, our findings might be used by educators to adjust their materials to cater to different language groups, while practitioners might use them to improve their requirements review process.
The present research aims to explore the effects of the war in Ukraine in 2022 on social media and brand management, as well as the ways in which companies and users engage with each other on social media platforms. The study examines the strategies used by companies to engage with users on social media during the war, the role of social media in shaping public perceptions and responses to the war, and the impact of social media engagement on companies' relationships with users and consumers. The study employs a discourse analysis method to analyze social media content and a survey research method to collect data from a sample of individuals using structured questionnaires. The results of the study provide insight into the changes in social media and brand management in response to the war and the ways in which companies and users engaged with each other.
Purpose: Trust is an important factor in supporting the management of employee teams. It plays a special role in developing interpersonal relations, leadership, and goal setting. The most important person who stimulates trust is the leader, who takes steps to build organizational trust. The aim of the paper was to identify the role of leadership in stimulating trust between managers and subordinates as an important factor in business development. The following research questions were addressed to achieve this aim: What relationships exist between vertical trust and intra-organizational processes in companies? To what extent do leadership attributes affect building vertical trust? To what extent do leadership attributes related to building trust influence enterprise growth? Design/methodology/approach: The research used a one-time survey method with the unweighted sample design, using mixed techniques: CATI telephone interviewing and CAWI web interviewing. The survey operator was a database of the 500 largest companies in Poland (according to the ranking of the Rzeczpospolita website). Based on the random sampling method, a research sample of 179 companies was collected. Findings: The study showed the impact of leadership attributes, i.e. attitudes of acceptance of others and open-mindedness, honesty and adherence to the rules, consistency in making decisions, compassion and empathy, on the process of building employees' trust in managers. Significant relationships between vertical trust and intra-organizational processes have also been identified. The results of the study confirmed the impact of vertical trust on both intra 24 organizational processes and the development of enterprises. Research limitations: Due to their quantitative nature (survey research), the study results lead to limited conclusions. Practical implications: The results provide insights into the use of leadership attributes in building organizational trust, which can support a trust-based organizational culture in modern companies. Social implications: The research results presented in this paper point to the important role of the manager in stimulating organizational trust in large companies. Originality/value: In a cognitive sense, the results contribute to understanding the role of leadership in building vertical trust and its impact on intra-organizational processes.
Świadcząc usługi logistyczne, No Limit musi stale wykazywać się elastycznością. Owa elastyczność, szybkość i transparentność działań w zakresie wsparcia informatycznego są kluczowymi elementami strategii firmy.
Here we propose for the first time a temporal intuitionistic fuzzy extension of the Hungarian method for solving the Travelling Salesman Problem (TIFHA-TSP) based on intuitionistic fuzzy logic and index matrices theories. The time for passing a given route between the settlements depends on different factors. The expert approach is used to determine the intuitionistic fuzzy time values for passing the routes between the settlements. The rating coefficients of the experts take the times into account. We are also developing an application for the algorithm's provision to use it on a real case of TIFHA-TSP.
Content available remote Extending Word2Vec with domain-specific labels
Choosing a proper representation of textual data is an important part of natural language processing. One option is using Word2Vec embeddings, i.e., dense vectors whose properties can to a degree capture the “meaning” of each word. One of the main disadvantages of Word2Vec is its inability to distinguish between antonyms. Motivated by this deficiency, this paper presents a Word2Vec extension for incorporating domain-specific labels. The goal is to improve the ability to differentiate between embeddings of words associated with different document labels or classes. This improvement is demonstrated on word embeddings derived from tweets related to a publicly traded company. Each tweet is given a label depending on whether its publication coincides with a stock price increase or decrease. The extended Word2Vec model then takes this label into account. The user can also set the weight of this label in the embedding creation process. Experiment results show that increasing this weight leads to a gradual decrease in cosine similarity between embeddings of words associated with different labels. This decrease in similarity can be interpreted as an improvement of the ability to distinguish between these words.
Nowadays, customer acquisition is an open issue that has a special interest in all companies over the world. Very different marketing campaigns using psychological methodologies are designed to address this issue. However, once a campaign is launched, it is highly complicated to detect which sets of customers are most likely to purchase an offered product. This fact is a key objective since it allows companies to focus their efforts on specific clients and discard others. Several selection techniques have been implemented but most of them are usually very demanding in terms of time and human resources for the companies. Artificial Intelligence techniques appear to help simplifying the process. Thus, companies have started to use Machine Learning (ML) models trained to efficiently detect those clients with certain proneness to purchase. In this sense, this paper presents a novel purchase propensity detection ML system based on the Sentiment Analysis techniques able to consider the customer comments regarding the offered products. The tourist domain has been selected for the case study, where the obtained product was successfully embedded in an initial prototype.
Content available remote A chance-constraint approach for optimizing Social Engagement-based services
Social Engagement is a novel business model whose goal is transforming final users of a service from passive components into active ones. In this framework, people are contacted by the decision-maker (generally a company) and they are asked to perform tasks in exchange for a reward. This paves the way to the interesting optimization problem of allocating the different types of workforce so as to minimize costs. Despite this problem has been investigated within the operations research community, there is no model that allows to solve it by explicitly and appropriately modeling the behavior of contacted candidates through consolidated concepts from utility theory. This work aims at filling this gap. We propose a stochastic optimization model including a chance constraint that puts in relation, under probabilistic terms, the candidate willingness to accept a task and the reward actually offered by the decision-maker. The proposed model aims at optimally deciding which user to contact, the amount of the reward proposed, and how many employees to use in order to minimize the total expected costs of the operations. A solution approach is proposed to address the formulated stochastic optimization problem and its computational efficiency and effectiveness are investigated through an extensive set of computational experiments.
Content available remote Analiza dużych zbiorów danych
Obecnie prawie każdy proces, w tym produkcyjny, generuje ogromne ilości danych. Gromadzimy je, czy jednak potrafimy odpowiednio wykorzystać? Jest to szczególnie ważne w kontekście Przemysłu 4.0, w którym dane są najważniejszym „surowcem”, a efektywne ich wykorzystanie jest kluczowe, głównie za sprawą wiedzy, którą można z nich pozyskać.
Industry 4.0 is a designation for the automation of production and labour market changes that this will bring. It is based on the boom of digitization, robotization and automation. The Industry 4.0 concept brings the benefits of increasing productivity, reducing costs and making mistakes they result from the involvement of more sophisticated machines in all company processes. The aim of this article is to present the ongoing fourth Industrial revolution (Industry 4.0.) and the impact of innovations in the company. Implementation of innovations are presented, innovation cycle itself and innovations effect on companies. Industry 4.0 makes full use of emerging technologies and rapid development of machines and tools to cope with global challenges in order to improve industry levels. Also, concepts of innovation and digitization are currently a central task for future competitiveness. Therefore, companies are establishing brand new departments focused on innovations in Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 and digital transformation bring new opportunities in the areas of customer search, improving product offerings, and new opportunities for creating and delivering value, thus opening up new ways to create profit. First part theoretically describes various approaches to this problematic, description of four industrial revolutions and Industry 4.0. itself. Next implementation of innovations is presented, innovation cycle itself and innovations effect on companies. The last part of the article covers innovations in context of Industry 4.0. (both methods and technology) within the automotive industry. Main impact of the work is that this article puts in correlation both importance of the ongoing fourth industrial revolution with innovations in the company. It is very interesting, that these innovations with modern technologies help companies to operate more effectively.
W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania teorii kolejek (masowej obsługi) do analizy optymalizacyjnej małego przedsiębiorstwa transportowego dysponującego jednym samochodem dostawczym. We wstępie przedstawiono zasady funkcjonowania systemów masowej obsługi oraz podstawowy aparat matematyczny, który był niezbędny na etapie planowania rozwoju kolumny samochodowej wybranej firmy usługowej. Dla przykładowej firmy transportowej wyznaczono podstawowe parametry ilościowe, które były podstawą podjęcia racjonalnej decyzji o zwiększenie parku samochodowego.
The paper presents the concept of using the theory of mass service for the optimization analysis of a small transport company with one delivery van. The introduction presents the principles of the operation of mass service systems and the basic mathematical apparatus that was necessary at the stage of planning the development of the car's column of a selected service company. For the example transport company, basic quantitative parameters were set, which were the basis for a rational decision to increase the fleet.
Content available Jak oszczędzać prąd w firmie?
Wyraźne obniżenie rachunków za energię elektryczną w przedsiębiorstwie jest możliwe. Oto kilka wskazówek, które pozwolą zmniejszyć koszt prądu nawet o kilkadziesiąt procent. – Podstawą jest traktowanie energii jak każdego innego towaru i odpowiedni monitoring jej zużycia – podkreślają eksperci.
The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the effects of corporate governance system on Kazakhstani companies’ economic and financial performances following the ongoing economic sanctions against the Russian Federation. With the empirical study of the Corporate Governance disclosures of large Kazakhstani listed firms, we tested the hypothesized causal relationship between management ownership and other corporate governance variables and corporate financial performance indicators, such as ROA, ROE, ROS, and others. Based on correlation and regression analysis, we found that there is no reason to presume the strong relations between the analyzed variables. Moreover, we come to a conclusion that the sanctions only have an indirect influence at the Kazakhstani companies. Our findings indicate that the firms’ financial conditions might be mostly affected by other factors, such as the low oil and gas prices in world market.
Głównym celem tego artykułu jest ocena wpływu systemu ładu korporacyjnego na gospodarcze i finansowe wyniki kazachskich firm w następstwie trwających sankcji gospodarczych wobec Federacji Rosyjskiej. Dzięki empirycznemu badaniu ujawnień dotyczących ładu korporacyjnego dużych kazachskich spółek giełdowych przetestowano hipotetyczny związek przyczynowy między własnością zarządu a innymi zmiennymi ładu korporacyjnego oraz wskaźnikami wyników finansowych przedsiębiorstw, takimi jak ROA, ROE, ROS i inne. Na podstawie analizy korelacji i regresji ustalono, że nie ma powodu zakładać silnych relacji między analizowanymi zmiennymi. Ponadto wywnioskowano, że sankcje mają jedynie pośredni wpływ na firmy kazachskie. Nasze wyniki wskazują, że na sytuację finansową firm największy wpływ mogą mieć inne czynniki, takie jak niskie ceny ropy i gazu na rynku światowym.
Management of production processes in modern enterprises is a very complex issue. Efficient and effective functioning of enterprises is possible through optimization and automation of production processes. The proper organization of production processes and the ability to adapt to continuous changes in the business environment provide a competitive edge for a company. This article presents the optimization of the manufacturing process execution through the implementation of the Manufacturing Execution System in the audited company and the effects of changes as well as resulting benefits. The system of the MES class implemented in the company has contributed to improvement of many areas of company's operations.
Zarządzanie procesami produkcyjnymi w nowoczesnych przedsiębiorstwach jest złożonym zagadnieniem. Sprawne i efektywne funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstw jest możliwe dzięki optymalizacji i automatyzacji procesów produkcyjnych. Odpowiednia organizacja procesów produkcyjnych i umiejętność dostosowania się do ciągłych zmian w środowisku biznesowym zapewnia przewagę konkurencyjną dla firmy. W artykule przedstawiono optymalizację procesu produkcyjnego poprzez wdrożenie Systemu Zarządzania Produkcją w firmie oraz określono efekty zmian, także wynikające z nich korzyści. System klasy MES wdrożony w firmie przyczynił się do poprawy wielu obszarów jej działania.
Dla współczesnych firm przestrzeganie zasad CSR staje się normą. Wiele z nich szczyci się przynależnością do Respect Indeksu i zabiega o jak najwyższe pozycje w rankingach CSR. Jednocześnie, ich zarządzający nie mają obiekcji przenosząc produkcję do państw trzeciego świata, nie przestrzegając standardów ekologicznych, czy kupując surowce pozyskiwane z naruszeniem norm etycznych. Powstaje więc pytanie, czy tak działające firmy są społecznie odpowiedzialne, czy CSR jest tylko kamuflażem ułatwiającym kształtowanie i utrzymanie wizerunku? W artykule zostanie podjęta próba rozstrzygnięcia tej kwestii.
For modern companies, respect for sustainable development and CSR becomes normal. Many of them are proud of being part of the Respect Index and are seeking the highest positions in the ranking of CSR. At the same time, their managers have no objections to moving production to third world countries without respecting ecological standards, or to buy raw materials and semi-finished products in violation of elementary ethical standards. Thus, the question arises whether such companies are socially responsible, or CSR is only a kind of camouflage that simplify the shaping and maintenance of their image? The paper will attempt to resolve this issue.
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