An assessment of the quality and usable values of water from the Ropa river – a left bank tributary to the Wisłok was made in the paper. Its catchment is situated in the south-eastern part of the Malopolska region (Poland) in the Gorlice county. The analyses were conducted in two measurement-control points – point 1. located downstream of Gorlice town at the Ropa river kilometer 20.2, in Biecz and 2. upstream of Gorlice, at the river kilometer 40.5, in Szymbark. 41 river quality parameters were tested in 2009–2011 using reference methods. Water for majority of analyses was sampled once a month, except the specific synthetic and non-synthetic pollutants, priority substances and microbiological indices, whose values were assessed once in three months. On the basis of analysis of the obtained results it was demonstrated that water downstream of Gorlice was classified to the second class of ecological state, only due to BOD5. The other indices were within the first class. On the other hand, upstream of the town, water satisfied the requirements of I class purity. Chemical state of the analyzed waters was below good – among 10 priority indices only cadmium concentration in both points and mercury content in 2. did not meet the environmental quality standards. Water in point 1. cannot be used for water supply to people because of too numerous coliform and faecal coliform bacteria. On the other hand, water in point 2. was qualified to A3 category due to microbiological indices. Water along the analyzed section of the Ropa river did not meet the requirements for the natural habitat for the salmonid or cyprinid fish because of high nitrite concentrations. Basing on the analysis of results from conducted statistical testing, it was stated that the values of 16 out of 24 tested physicochemical indices significantly differed between the control- measurement points. For example, markedly higher values of BOD5, electrolytic conductivity, total soluble solids, sulphates, general hardness, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were registered in water downstream of Gorlice, whereas pH values were lower. Obtained results confirm a negative effect of urbanized areas on the quality of running surface waters.
Alternatywne metody badania stanu mikrobiologicznego wody oparte na technologii zdefiniowanych substratów stanowią doskonałe uzupełnienie metod referencyjnych, dostarczając istotnych informacji w krótkim czasie i umożliwiając podjęcie działania w sytuacjach krytycznych. W artykule opisano system Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray 2000 stanowiący przykład zastosowania technologii zdefiniowanych substratów, umożliwiający równoczesną detekcję bakterii grupy coli i E. coli bezpośrednio w badanej próbie wody. Wchodzące w skład pożywki substraty ONPG (chromogenny o-nitrofenylo-β-D-galaktopiranozyd) i MUG (fluorogenny 4-metyloumbeliferylo-β-D-glukuronid) są metabolizowane przez enzymy bakterii grupy coli i E. coli obecne w badanej próbie wody, w wyniku czego uwalniany jest żółty (β-D-galaktozydaza) lub fluoryzujący (β-D-glukuronidaza) produkt. Wysoka specyficzność enzymów, zastosowanych w omawianym systemie wyeliminowała konieczność wykonywania testów potwierdzających.
Alternative methods employed in microbiological analysis of water quality, based on defined substrate technology, are the excellent supplementation of reference methods, providing essential information in a short time and enabling action in critical situations. This paper describes the Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray 2000 system, being commercial application of defined substrate technology, which ensures simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E. coli directly in the water samples. Substrates ONPG and MUG included in the media are metabolized by enzymes of coliforms (β-galactosiadase) and/or E. coli (β-glucuronidase) present in the sample, resulting in the release of a yellow or fluorescent product, respectively. The high specificity of the enzymes used in this system has eliminated the need for confirmatory testing.
Woda przeznaczona do picia i na potrzeby przemysłu spożywczego musi być wolna od bakterii chorobotwórczych. Wśród patogenów rozpowszechnionych w środowisku wodnym najczęściej izolowane są bakterie pochodzenia kałowego. W pracy rutynowej nie jest możliwe zbadanie wody w kierunku wszystkich organizmów chorobotwórczych, stąd też konieczne stało się wytypowanie tzw. wskaźników zanieczyszczenia, o których mowa w poniższym artykule.
Water for drinking and for the food industry must be free of pathogenic bacteria. Among pathogens common in aqueous medium, faecal bacteria are usually isolated. In the routine work it is not possible to examine all the water in the direction of the pathogenic organisms, and therefore it was necessary to predict the known indicators of pollution.
The purpose of this investigation was to compare Rapid Hicoliform Agar® (RHA, Himedia, India) with the conventional m-Endo Agar (DIFCO, Michigan, USA) for detection and enumeration of Total Coliforms (TC) and with the conventional Seven Hour Fecal Coliforms Agar (7hFC) for detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli using Membrane Filtration (MF) in River Nile water, Egypt. Sixty samples were collected (five samples per month) from five regions (Kafr El-Elw, El-Maasara, El-Giza, Embaba and El-Galatma) during one year (December 2005-November 2006). The results showed that total coliforms counts ranged from 103 to 104 CFU*100ml-1 using RHA but using m-Endo Agar the counts were around 104 CFU*100ml-1. Escherichia coli counts ranged from 103 to 104 CFU*100ml-1 using 7hFC Agar, while using RHA the counts ranged from 103 to 104 CFU*100ml-1. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference (p=0.423) between total coliforms counts using m-Endo Agar and RHA media, also, there was no significant difference (p=0.546) between fecal coliforms (E. coli) counts using 7hFC Agar and RHA media. We conclude that RHA is a potential alternative medium for detection and enumeration of total coliforms and E. coli at the same time and the same Petri dish within 24h. Also, RHA medium was a very sensitive medium, which did not require any confirmatory tests and secured rapid recovery of total coliforms or E. coli.
Intensywny chów ryb prowadzi do zmian jakości wody w wyniku stosowania pasz, środków leczniczych, dezynfekcyjnych (formalina, nadmanganian potasu, wapno chlorowane i inne) czy ograniczających występowanie glonów (herbicydy, siarczan miedzi i inne). Ponadto wody zrzucane ze stawów rybnych mogą wpływać na skład mikroflory w otaczających wodach powierzchniowych. Celem pracy była ocena stanu sanitarno-higiicznego wód w karpiowych stawach rybnych w okresie odławiania ryb i odprowadzania wody do rzeczki stanowiącej odbieralnik. Jednocześnie kontrolowano także jakość mikrobiologiczną cieku zasilającego corocznie stawy. Próby wody pobierane były w okresie jesiennych (miesiąc październik) odłowów karpia i spuszczania wody ze Stawu Kardynalskiego do odbieralnika. Po upływie miesiąca (w listopadzie) pobrano dodatkowo próby wody z doprowadzalnika i odprowadzalnika wody do stawu, staw był w tym czasie już całkowicie osuszony. W próbach wody oznaczano następujące wskaźniki mikrobiologiczne stanu higieniczno-sanitarnego: ogólną liczbę bakterii w temperaturze 37°C, liczbę bakterii z rodziny Enterobactericeae, najbardziej prawdopodobną liczbę bakterii grupy coli oraz paciorkowców kałowych, obecność bakterii z rodzaju Salmonella. Badania wykazały, że średnia ogólna liczba bakterii mezofilnych i bakterii z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae były najwyższe w stawie, a najniższe w kanale doprowadzającym. Uzyskane rezultaty oznaczeń liczby bakterii grupy coli oraz paciorkowców kałowych wskazały na sporadyczne ich występowanie w niewielkich ilościach. Badania prowadzone w celu wykrycia pałeczek z rodzaju Salmonella nie wykazały ich obecności w badane] wodzie w żadnym z punktów poboru prób.
Intensive fish farming leads to changes in water quality through the use of feed, medicines, disinfectants (formalin, potassium permanganate, chlorinated lime, etc.) or limiting the occurrence of algae (herbicides, copper sulphate, and others). Moreover, water discharges from fish ponds can affect the composition of the microflora of the surrounding surface waters. The aim of this study was to assess the sanitary - hygienic state of water in carp fish ponds during the harvesting of fish and water discharge to the stream, which was a receiver. At the same time the rnicrobiological quality of the stream, which annually augments the ponds, was controlled. The water samples was collected during the autumn (October) harvesting of carp and drain water from the Cardinals Pond to the receiver. After a month (in November) some extra water samples were collected from inlet channel and receptacic of water into the pond. The following rnicrobiological indicators of the hygienic and sanitation state were determined in water samples: the total number of bacteria at 37°C, the number of bacteria of Enterobac-tericeae family, the most probable number of coliforms, faecal streptococci D-group and the presence of bacteria of Salmonella genus. The examinations showed that the average total number of mesophilic bacteria and the number of bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae family were the highest in a pond, and the lowest in the water from inlet channel. The results obtained on the basis of determination of total coliforms and faecal streptococci D-group indicate the occasional occurrence of these microorganisms in small quantities. The studies carried to detect bacteria of Salmonella genus did not reveal the presence of these microorganisms in the examined water in any of the sampling points.
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