Purpose: The aim of the article is to present how constructed by Authors models of personal competencies connect to effectiveness of health care units. Important sets of personal competencies identified and rated as essential for effective health care units’ practice reflects the scope of skills, knowledge and applications required to address the often complex problems encountered in these organizations. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed lists of managerial and professional competencies (six domains each) were created and are based on the analysis of healthcare competencies models - the study of the literature - and one of the Authors’ observations of the analyzed entities (as a consultant). Findings: Evaluating the performance by personal competencies becomes essential for managers and training centers, since it contributes to the identification of gaps in knowledge, skills and attitudes of professionals, by promoting the elaboration and implementation of strategies for their development. Originality/value (mandatory) An identification the personal competencies of health care units employees in connection to effectiveness of such entities.
The aim of this work was to determine the effectiveness of using the FMEA method in the traditional and modern versions for a small company producing plastic toys. It also identified the production process of a plastic instrument toy selected for analysis by dividing operations into adding and not adding value, in accordance with the Lean concept. Through the FMEA sheets constructed and presented in this work in both versions of this method, the causes and effects of defects in the technological operations of the production process of the test subject were presented. A risk analysis was carried out using assessments available for the traditional and new versions, and preventive and detective actions were proposed. The result of the work was a comparison of risk indicators characteristic for both versions of the FMEA method and an assessment of the effectiveness of this method in the analysed enterprise. Emphasis was placed on the human factor in the research. Both the division of operations into adding and not adding value, as well as the FMEA method, were useful for further optimization and process improvement activities.
The aim of the didactic and educational activity of every university, especially the military one, is to prepare the graduate intellectually and professionally to live in society. When creating educational programs in a specific field of knowledge or subject of education, it is assumed that their implementation will ensure that the teachers acquire the necessary minimum of required competences. In such a case, the authors of didactic programs always have a number of doubts or dilemmas such as: To what extent do the assumed competences correlate with the requirements and needs of the social reality, especially the professional one, in which the graduate is prepared to act? To what extent do the content of the curricula and the organization of the didactic and educational process ensure the acquisition of the assumed team of competences by the teachers? Of course, there are many more dilemmas of this type. Not all of them can be unequivocally resolved, if only due to the complexity of social situations in which the accuracy and reliability of the competences acquired by students are verified. Curricular education of students of military universities in the fields of study: national security, is aimed at, among others, the best possible preparation of future officers to command a sub-unit as well as managers and managers to manage human teams in state and local government institutions dealing with the organization and protection of public safety. An important element of the process of commanding a military sub-unit as well as managing in a situation of a potential threat is the ability to make accurate decisions as well as efficiently act and motivate subordinates and co-workers. In situations of uncertainty and insufficient information, and at the same time not only a potential but also a real threat to health and life, this requires not only appropriate psychophysical predispositions but also specific professional competences, especially in the area of distinguishing competences. Bearing the above in mind, the content and purpose of the article will be to introduce theoretically into the issues of social competences, seen from the perspective of a manager - leader - manager, and also an attempt to show the conditions of the manager's functioning - in various social situations, his role, tasks and qualifications, ensuring efficient management of the organization, these include: priorities in the implementation of tasks, skills, creative attitude and preparation for conducting negotiations. Requirements for modern managers - organization leaders - are extremely high, and meeting them does not guarantee only success. They lead people who, above all, need to be taught and prepared: to work in their position, to live in society, as well as to bring each other closer and focus around each other. Employees are different, they are strong and weak, full of pride and quite humble, curious about the world and, despite their different ages, overwhelmed by apathy. All of them, thanks to the work of managers and their competences, knowledge and skills, become good employees at various levels of the organization, and then managers. However, the basis of a manager's work is also, and perhaps above all, communication skills, the basis of which are negotiations.
The article contains selected results of comparative research on the quality of the parametric model, corrected in selected situations with the use of ANN and the Day-Ahead Market system of TGE S.A. carried out in MATLAB and Simulink. The System Identification Toolbox library was used for identification tests and Simulink for simulation and comparative tests. The comparative studies used such measures of model and system quality as: efficiency, effectiveness and robustness. Their waveforms as well as their average values and absolute errors and relative errors between the identification model or the identification-neural model and the system were obtained. The results of general tests were shown for the hours: 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00 in 2019, and the detailed tests for 6:00. The sensitivity of the waveforms obtained in terms of model quality and the Day-Ahead Market system was also tested, depending on the assumed values of such parameters as e.g. electricity volume or volume-weighted average price of electricity.
This research aimed to study the correlation between the role, behaviour, characteristics, style, and efficiency of leaders in managing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) during the global economic crisis in Thailand. Mixed methods were employed to collect qualitative and quantitative data from SME entrepreneurs with business experiences and successful business management in Bangkok for at least 10 years in the service sector that was growing in medium-term growth by using the interview form and questionnaire survey. Many factors can contribute to a successful or existing business, and an appropriate approach will be used in operation. The approach and leadership roles discovered in this study should emphasise building personnel confidence, having a clear vision, being a good planner, being decisive, being a problem solver to reduce business effects, creating various channels to access targets, and updating information systems to improve business strategies.
Celem tego badania było zbadanie korelacji między rolą, zachowaniem, cechami, stylem i skutecznością liderów w zarządzaniu małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami (MŚP) podczas globalnego kryzysu gospodarczego w Tajlandii. W celu zebrania danych jakościowych i ilościowych zwrócono się do przedsiębiorców zlokalizowanych w Bangkoku z sektora MŚP z 10 letnim doświadczeniem w sektorze usług, posiadającym doświadczenie biznesowe i skuteczne zarządzanie biznesem, dla posyskania danych zastosowano metody mieszane (formularz wywiadu i ankiety). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badan stwierdzono, że wiele czynników może przyczynić się do sukcesu planowanego lub istniejącego biznesu, po tym gdy odpowiednie podejście zostanie zastosowane w działaniu. Podejście i role przywódcze zidentyfikowane w niniejszym badaniu powinny kłaść nacisk na budowanie zaufania personelu, posiadanie jasnej wizji, bycie dobrym planistą, bycie zdecydowanym, rozwiązywanie problemów w celu zmniejszenia efektów biznesowych, tworzenie różnych kanałów dostępu do celów oraz aktualizowanie systemów informacyjnych w celu poprawy strategii biznesowych.
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Celem badań było określenie wpływu cyklicznego zamrażania i rozmrażania na efektywność zakotwienia zbrojenia niemetalicznego BFRP i HFRP w belkach betonowych. Analizy pozwoliły na potwierdzenie identycznego zachowania się innowacyjnego zbrojenia HFRP w porównaniu z prętami BFRP. Wartości poślizgu prętów zbrojeniowych poddanych wpływowi cyklicznego zamrażania i rozmrażania były średnio o 50% większe niż prętów utrzymywanych w stałej temperaturze +20°C.
The aim of the research work was to determine the influence of cyclic freezing and thawing on anchoring non-metallic BFRP and HFRP reinforcements in concrete beams. The analyses allowed confirmation of the analogy of the behavior of innovative HFRP bars in relation to the widely known BFRP bars. The values of slip for rebars subjected to cyclic freezing and thawing were an average of 50% greater than the values of slip recorded for those kept at constant temperature +20°C.
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W słupach typu CFST w stanie granicznym dochodzi do zwiększenia wytrzymałości betonu rdzenia na skutek jego skrępowania. Zaistnienie tego zjawiska zależy od wielu czynników. Jednym z najważniejszych z nich jest sztywność obwodowa płaszcza stalowego. Jej wpływ na efektywność wzrostu wytrzymałości betonu rdzenia przebadano eksperymentalnie na grupie 48 grubościennych słupów CFST. Wykazano, że nadmierne zwiększanie grubości płaszcza słupa CFST nie przekłada się na wzrost jego nośności sprowadzonej. Jest wręcz przeciwnie: następuje jej spadek. Znacznie lepsze wykorzystanie pozytywnego wpływu skrępowania betonu rdzenia można osiągnąć z zastosowaniem rur cienkościennych niż grubościennych.
In the limit state of the CFST columns, the core concrete strength increases due to its confinement. This positive effect depends on many factors. One of the most important is the ring stiffness of the steel tube. Its impact on the effectiveness of increasing the core concrete strength was experimentally tested on a group of 48 thick-walled CFST columns. It has been shown that an excessive increase in the tube thickness does not translate into an increase in its relative load capacity. On the contrary, it is decreasing. A much better use of the core concrete confinement can be achieved by using thin-walled tubes rather than thick-walled ones.
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Artykuł dotyczy badań skuteczności i efektywności ekranów przeciwhałasowych. Przedstawiono też przykładowe wyniki badań terenowych. Na ich podstawie stwierdzono, że badania skuteczności ekranów przeciwhałasowych prowadzą do uzyskania wartości redukcji poziomu dźwięku w danym punkcie pomiarowym (najczęściej zgodnie z wytycznymi w bliskiej odległości od ekranu). Wartość ta nie pozwala jednak w pełni ocenić ekranu pod względem realizacji funkcji, dla jakich został wybudowany. W celu sprawdzenia, czy ekran redukuje poziom hałasu przy chronionych budynkach do wartości co najmniej dopuszczalnych, zaleca się przeprowadzenie badań efektywności rozumianej jako pomiary równoważnego poziomu dźwięku w punktach położonych przy tych obiektach. Pozwala to na bezpośrednie odniesienie się do wartości dopuszczalnych i na tej podstawie stwierdzenie poprawności zaprojektowania i wybudowania ekranów przeciwhałasowych.
The paper focus on testing the effectiveness and efficiency of noise barriers. The sample results of field tests are presented for them. On the basis of the measurement results, it was concluded that tests of the effectiveness of noise barriers lead to noise reduction values at a given measurement point (usually according to guidelines in close proximity to the screen). However, this value does not allow for a full assessment of the barrier in terms of performing the function for which it was built. In order to check whether the barrier reduces noise levels at the protected buildings to at least acceptable values, it is recommended to carry out effectiveness tests understood as measurements of the equivalent sound level at points located next to these buildings. This allows a direct reference to the limit values and the correctness of the design and construction of noise barriers to be determined on this basis.
Objectives: to analyze changes in knowledge and practices regarding silicosis in groups of workers at high risk of silicosis before - after an intervention. Methods: The study was conducted from 2018 to 2019 based on structured questions related to knowledge and practices of silicosis of workers directly exposed to silica dust in a Northern province of Vietnam. The mobile app-based intervention was applied to steel workers, then compared with ironworkers in improvements in silicosis knowledge and practices. Results: Significant changes in the intervention group related to workers' knowledge about the signs suggestive of silicosis, disease consequences, measures to reduce the risk of silicosis, and participation in annual occupational disease examinations were reported. Conclusion: Mobile applicationbased interventions could improve silicosis knowledge and practice among workers at high risk of exposure to silica dust.
The main aim of the study was to develop a tool that automatically calculates the basic parameters describing the efficiency of land consolidation work, especially consolidation projects and analysis of the optimal location of parcels. Efficiency is usually determined by basic spatial parameters such as size, number and dispersion of plots. To calculate the spatial dispersion of parcels in a registration unit, the use of a convex envelope (convex hull) is proposed. This is one of the basic functions of a Geographical Information System (GIS). It provides a simple way to estimate the dispersion of land, taking into account its area and its belonging to a particular registration unit. The ModelBuilder application available in ArcGIS software was used to build the efficiency assessment tool. The tool was tested on three consolidation areas – Ilkowice, Rajsko-Niedzieliska-Szczurowa and Łukowa. The best results in terms of optimal distribution of plots were obtained on the Rajsko-Niedzieliska-Szczurowa site. In this case, the average area of plots increased more than threefold. The number of parcels in the entire site and in the registration units has more than threefold decreased. The average dispersion of plots in the units decreased here by almost four times. The other two sites did not score as well, but the analysis of the parameters indicates that there has been an improvement in the distribution of plots compared to the initial state. The average area of plots in Ilkowice increased by about 25% and in Lukowa by about 48%. The number of plots decreased in Ilkowice by about 25% and in Lukowa by about 48%. The average dispersion of plots in the units decreased in Ilkowice by 20% and in Lukowa by about 22%. It should be mentioned here that the Rajsko- -Niedzielska-Szczurowa site consisted exclusively of agricultural plots, so it was definitely easier to achieve such good results. The Ilkowice and Łukowa sites also contained developed plots, which were not consolidated.
Głównym celem artykułu było opracowanie narzędzia, które automatycznie wyznacza podstawowe parametry opisujące efektywność prac scaleniowych, w szczególności projektów scaleniowych i analizy optymalnej lokalizacji działek. Efektywność określają zwykle podstawowe parametry przestrzenne, takie jak wielkość, liczba i rozproszenie działek. Do obliczenia rozproszenia przestrzennego działek w jednostce ewidencyjnej zaproponowano wykorzystanie otoczki wypukłej. Jest to jedna z podstawowych funkcji Systemu Informacji Geograficznej (GIS). Dzięki temu w prosty sposób można oszacować rozproszenie gruntów, biorąc pod uwagę ich powierzchnię i przynależność do danej jednostki ewidencyjnej. Do budowy narzędzia do oceny efektywności wykorzystano aplikację ModelBuilder dostępną w oprogramowaniu ArcGIS. Działanie tego narzędzia sprawdzono na trzech obszarach scaleniowych – Ilkowice, Rajsko-Niedzieliska-Szczurowa oraz Łukowa. Najlepsze wyniki w zakresie optymalnego rozmieszczenia działek uzyskano na obiekcie Rajsko-Niedzielska-Szczurowa. W tym przypadku średnia powierzchnia działek wzrosła ponad trzykrotnie. Liczba działek w całym obiekcie i w jednostkach ewidencyjnych zmniejszyła się ponad trzykrotnie. Średnie rozproszenie działek w jednostkach zmniejszyło się niemal czterokrotnie. Pozostałe dwa obiekty nie uzyskały tak dobrych wyników, ale analiza parametrów wskazuje, że nastąpiła poprawa rozkładu działek w stosunku do stanu wyjściowego. Średnia powierzchnia działek w Ilkowicach wzrosła o ok. 25%, a w Łukowej ok. 48%. Liczba działek zmalała w Ilkowicach o ok. 25%, a w Łukowej o ok. 48%. Średnie rozproszenie działek w jednostkach zmalało w Ilkowicach o 20%, a w Łukowej o ok. 22%. Należy zauważyć, że obiekt Rajsko-Niedzielska-Szczurowa składał się wyłącznie z działek rolnych, więc zdecydowanie łatwiej było osiągnąć tak dobre wyniki. Na obiektach Ilkowice i Łukowa występowały też działki zabudowane, które nie podlegały konsolidacji.
Systemy oddymiania klatek schodowych są powszechnie stosowanym rozwiązaniem w budynkach wielokondygnacyjnych (konieczność spełnienia wymagań formalno-prawnych). W artykule omówiono zasady stosowania dwóch alternatywnych instalacji tego typu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zakres skutecznego działania i cele jakie mogą być realizowane przy zastosowaniu rozwiązań grawitacyjnych i częściowo mechanicznych. Zwrócono również uwagę na najczęstsze problemy i wątpliwości jakie pojawiają się na etapie projektowania tych instalacji. Podano również na przykładach wskazówki, kiedy i w jaki sposób, zdaniem autora, wykonana powinna zostać instalacja oddymiania klatki schodowej.
Staircase smoke extraction systems are a widely used solution in multi-storey buildings (necessity to meet formal and legal requirements). The article discusses the principles of using two alternative installations of this type. Particular attention was paid to the scope of effective operation and the goals that can be achieved using gravitational and partly mechanical solutions. The article also draws attention to the most common problems and doubts that arise at the design stage of the title installations. Several examples also include guidelines on when and how, in the author’s opinion, the stairwell smoke extraction system should be installed
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present the relationship between the level of a manager’s maturity and their effectiveness in performing their role. Design/methodology/approach: This article is an overview that presents a new perspective in the perception and assessment of managers’ effectiveness, namely managers’ personality maturity. Findings: The conducted considerations show that the maturity of a manager’s personality determines the maturity level of their personal behaviour, which creates space for effective managerial activities. Research limitations/implications: It is recommended to continue empirical investigations using strong diagnostic tools, including personality diagnostics in a large research group of managers. Practical implications: The relationship presented in this article between the level of managers’ maturity and their ability to perform effective managerial behaviours at the organizational level creates a research area for determining the relationship between personality predispositions and their usefulness in the effective achievement of the tasks entrusted to managers. As a result, it is possible to shape the desired self-development conditions that are conducive to building and strengthening a mature personality. Social implications: If introduced as a permanent category in assessing managers’ effectiveness, personality maturity, understood as the ability to assume responsibility for one’s personal self-development, can significantly incentivise organizations to create space for managers’ psychological responsibility for the development of themselves and their employees. Originality/value: A close relationship has been identified between personality traits and their development and managers’ efficiency and effectiveness in achieving assumed goals. It is shown that a manager’s mature personality increases their chances of fulfilling expectations regarding the ever-increasing and more complex demands of their role.
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Against a background of contemporary security challenges such as terrorism, violent extremism, insurgency, armed banditry, and separatist movements across the country, the study attempts to examine critical infrastructure protection. With the aid of largely secondary data, the study finds that there is an inextricable link between CIP and institutional corruption in Nigeria. Institutional corruption has been a major factor inhibiting effective critical infrastructure protection in Nigeria. This is because funds meant for the strengthening of operational effectiveness of the agencies are often diverted to other expenditure that does not have an effect on the operational strength of the agencies, thereby undermining their capacity to deliver on their mandates and increasing the vulnerability of the infrastructures to vandalism. The study recommends the adoption of a whole-of-society approach to CIP in Nigeria, because of its ability to block leakages and ensure transparency in the business of government as well as encouraging all stakeholders, the state, private, CSOs, the media, traditional institutions and all others involved, to share responsibilities in the protection of infrastructures as part of their concerns.
One of the basic elements inseparably connected with air communication is the security control of persons and luggage which is performed by certified OKBs entered on the list of the President of the Polish CAA. An area of interest is the security check of hand baggage passengers take with them on board the aircraft. This control is carried out based on current legal regulations in the field of civil aviation security and is designed to detect prohibited and dangerous items hidden in the passenger's luggage specified in these legal acts. Due to the fact that the catalogue of these items is not included in an enumerative way, the security control operator assesses the possibility of using any item other than that specified in the document in terms of the possibility of making an act of unlawful interference. However, the skills of the security control operator are only one of the elements affecting the effectiveness of the security check being performed. The technical background and degree of technical sophistication are no less important in the control process. This paper aims to indicate possible organizational solutions to be applied in practice, which have a measurable impact not only on the effectiveness of the security control performed but also on the throughput at the security checkpoint, which in turn determines the operational readiness of the entire airport. The authors, through empirical studies carried out at airport security checkpoints equipped with different technical and technological solutions, quantitatively indicate the benefits of using new technologies and the possibility of choosing the organization of work at the security checkpoint, depending on the needs arising from the nature and number of flight operations.
Zmieniające się realia społeczno-ekonomiczne wymuszają ciągłą restrukturyzację górnictwa węglowego, która w chwili obecnej wymaga poprawy konkurencyjności polskiego węgla. Każdy zakład górniczy posiadający perspektywiczne zasoby kopaliny skupia się na zmianach mających na celu poprawę efektywności wydobycia, zwiększenie wydajności, poprawę bezpieczeństwa pracy i optymalizację zatrudnienia. Schodzenie z głębokością prowadzenia robót w aktualnie eksploatowanych pokładach wiąże się z koniecznością drążenia wyrobisk w coraz trudniejszych warunkach górniczo-geologicznych. Uwarunkowania zalegania złoża OG Jastrzębie Górne I (Ruch Zofiówka) są jednym z najlepszych przykładów prowadzenia robót w pogarszających się realiach górniczej eksploatacji (w tym ze wzrostem zagrożeń naturalnych), niemniej nie stanęło to na przeszkodzie uzyskania w ostatnich latach postępów przodków należących do jednych z najwyższych, nie tylko w JSW SA, ale i w całym GZW. Postępy przodków: chodnika nadścianowego G-6 w pokładzie 416/3 (513 m), czy chodnika nadścianowego F-1 w pokładzie 407 2/3 (619 m) świadczą o możliwości wysokiej efektywności. W artykule zaprezentowano zestawienie warunków górniczo-geologicznych oraz rozwiązań techniczno-organizacyjnych, które pozwoliły na osiągnięcie takich wyników.
The changing social and economic realities forces continuous restructuring of the coal mining industry, which requires improving the competitiveness of Polish coal. Any hard coal mine with prospective resources is focused on restructuring to improve mining efficiency, increase productivity, improve occupational safety and optimize employment. Increasing the mining depth is connected with the necessity to drill underground excavations in increasingly difficult mining and geological conditions. The conditions of the currently excavated deposit in the Jastrzębie Górne I (Zofiówka Site) mining district are one of the best examples of conducting works in the deteriorating realities of mining exploitation (including an increase in natural hazards), however, it did not prevent the achievement in recent years of the progress of the roadhead (the face of a roadway) drilling being one of the highest, not only in JSW SA, but also in the entire Upper Silesian coal basin. The progress of the roadhead: Tailgate G-6 in 416/3 coal seam (513 m) and Tailgate F-1 in 407 2/3 coal seam (619 m) provide that high efficiency is possible. The paper presents a summary of the mining and geological conditions and the technical and organizational solutions that made it possible to achieve such results.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki oceny efektywności zabezpieczeń profilaktycznych przeciw wpływom górniczym wykonywanych dla budynków mieszkalnych o konstrukcji murowanej, usytuowanych na terenie górniczym Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego (LZW). Do badań wykorzystano bazę danych zawierającą informacje o 116 budynkach murowanych w wieku do 22 lat, które w okresie użytkowania nie były poddawane pracom remontowym. Wśród nich znalazły się 52 obiekty zabezpieczone profilaktycznie podczas budowy. W efekcie przeprowadzonych analiz uzyskano modele przebiegu zużycia technicznego dla grup budynków wydzielonych z uwzględnieniem zastosowanych zabezpieczeń profilaktycznych. Następnie porównano ich parametry i stwierdzono, że tempo przyrostu zużycia technicznego budynków zabezpieczonych jest niższe niż budynków niezabezpieczonych. Jako kryterium do oceny przyjęto miarę w postaci zmiany stopnia zużycia technicznego. Dodatkowo oszacowano i porównano trwałość wydzielonych grup budynków oraz wykazano, że stosowanie zabezpieczeń profilaktycznych wydłuża trwałość badanej zabudowy.
This paper presents the results of the assessment of the effectiveness of preventive structural protection against mining impacts, applied in residential masonry buildings located in the mining area of the Lublin Coal Basin. The research used a database containing information on 116 masonry buildings up to 22 years old, that have not been repaired during their lifetime. Among them there were 52 objects with preventive structural protection. As a result of the analysis, models of the course of technical wear were obtained for groups of buildings separated due to preventive structural protection. Then their parameters were lower than of unprotected buildings. Additionally, the durability of separated groups of buildings was estimated and compared. It was shown that the application of preventive structural protection extends the durability of analysed buildings.
During the current war in Europe and the restriction of hydrocarbon imports to the EU, there was a need to temporarily increase the production capacity of hard coal mining plants in order to ensure continuity of supply. This requires an increase in the number of longwall excavations (which is time-consuming and requires additional financial resources) or an increase in the efficiency of already operated longwall excavations. The article presents how the organization of the longwall ancestor's work would be shaped with ad hoc production work 24 hours a day, assuming a five-day working week, i.e. from Monday to Friday.
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An anomaly is an unsafe condition or action that has the potential to cause an accident. These conditions, or unsafe practices in gas companies, play a very important role in the occurrence of gas leaks and fires. Any unsafe acts can lead to unpleasant incidents for citizens, their homes, and property. This study aims to increase the effectiveness of anomalous systems in the gas subsidiaries of Alborz province. To conduct this study, the Tripod Beta technique was used to draw a diagram of the analysis of gas accidents in homes in the Alborz province, and the hierarchical analysis method was used to assess the risk of injuries, casualties, and unintentional house fires. In the first stage, information on gas leaks, and fires were collected by reviewing the documents related to the winter events of 2020. Then the sum of the mentioned conditions was studied as a hypothetical model. In the second step, the mentioned model was analyzed using the Tripod Beta method, and the causes of the accidents were determined by the capability of the study method. The obstacles studied were technical safety regulations, and the creation of a safe environment. The primary reason attached to the technical safety regulations was the lack of proper understanding of valve openings and closing signs. Another immediate reason for the need to create a safe environment was the lack of safety equipment. The precondition for not understanding the open and closed sign of the valve, lack of sufficient knowledge, and the precondition for not using safety equipment, buying unsafe equipment, and the hidden reason for the lack of sufficient knowledge, lack of training, and the hidden reason for buying unsafe equipment, was the poor economic situation. The results of this study indicated that fire-related conditions are of the utmost importance in assessing the risk of unintentional house fires. Failure to pay attention to safety points while using gas-related equipment, the poor condition of the building, and more male residents have the most anomalies in causing gas company accidents.
W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań doświadczalnych, w których oceniano efektywność wzmocnienia pojedynczego kątownika równoramiennego L65×7, ściskanego osiowo za pomocą drugiego, równoległego kątownika mocowanego układem śrubowych obejm. Wzmocnienia takie są stosowane w stalowych wieżach kratowych. Ocenie poddano obciążenie graniczne i postać utraty stateczności.
The paper presents the results of experimental study in which the effectiveness of the reinforcement of a single angle L65×7 compressed axially, by a second, parallel angle fastened with a system of bolted clamps, was assessed. Such reinforcements are used in steel lattice towers. The ultimate load and the form of stability loss were observed and compared.
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