The objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing municipal sewage sludge doses on Sida hermaphrodita Rusby (Virginia fanpetals) yielding and bioenergy feedstock characteristics. In a six-year-lasting field experiment two methods of plantation establishment (by roots cuttings and nurse-in-tray plantlets) and three dates of biomass harvesting (autumn, winter and spring one) were additionally tested in climatic conditions of south-eastern Poland. Virginia fanpetals dry yields increased each year and exceeded 20 Mg ha-1 in the second year of culture. Application of 40 Mg ha-1sludge DM resulted in obtaining the highest yield. Similarly the content, uptake and index of bioaccumulation of macronutrients contained in the sludge increased along with increasing its dose. Biomass was characterized by a favorable parameters: net calorific values were in the range of 16.2-16.7 MJ kg-1. The highest energy value of biomass yield was obtained with root cuttings use for plantation establishment, especially in objects with high dose of sludge during autumn harvest. Both, winter and spring harvesting significantly reduced yields, while using root cuttings for plantation establishment gave better yields only during the first three years of plant vegetation, than biomass yields equalized with the ones obtained by plantlets planting.
Celem badań było określenie wpływu zwiększających się dawek komunalnych osadów ściekowych na plonowanie i cechy jakościowe surowca energetycznego sidy-ślazowca pensylwańskiego (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby). W sześcioletnim doświadczeniu polowym przetestowano dodatkowo dwie metody zakładania plantacji (z sadzonek korzeniowych i rozsady wyprodukowanej w paletach wielokomórkowych) oraz trzy terminy zbioru biomasy (jesienny, zimowy i wiosenny) w warunkach klimatycznych południowo-wschodniej Polski. Plony suchej masy ślazowca pensylwańskiego zwiększały się w kolejnych latach badań przekraczając 20 Mg ha-1w drugim roku uprawy. Zastosowanie 40 Mg sm osadu ha-1spowodowało uzyskanie najwyższych plonów biomasy. Notowano również zwiększenie zawartości, pobrania i wartości indeksu bioakumulacji makroelementów zawartych w osadach wraz ze zwiększaniem ich dawki. Biomasa ślazowca charakteryzowała się korzystnymi cechami: jej wartość opałowa mieściła się w przedziale 16,2-16,7 MJ kg-1. Największą wartość energetyczną plonu biomasy uzyskano przy zastosowaniu sadzonek korzeniowych do zakładania plantacji, zwłaszcza na obiektach z aplikacją wysokich dawek osadu i podczas jesiennych zbiorów biomasy. Zarówno podczas zbioru zimowego, jak i wiosennego notowano istotne zmniejszenie plonów biomasy sidy, a wykorzystanie sadzonek korzeniowych do założenia plantacji wiązało się z lepszym plonowaniem tylko w pierwszych trzech latach wegetacji roślin, w okresie późniejszym plonowanie roślin było podobne jak na obiektach z wysadzaniem rozsady.
W artykule podjęto próbę określenia czynników, które wpływają na budowanie wykwalifikowanego potencjału ludzkiego Ukrainy w kontekście dostosowania go do warunków gospodarki konkurencyjnej. Najważniejszy składnik budowy zasobów kapitału ludzkiego stanowi wielkość populacji, która zarówno pozytywnie jak i negatywnie wpływa na rozwój potencjału społecznego. Wielkość populacji kształtują zmiany demograficzne takie jak: zmiany w rozmnażaniu się populacji, urodzenia, zgony, ich korelacje, jak również częściowo problemy migracyjne. Na budowanie wykwalifikowanego potencjału ludzkiego państwa wpływają także przedsięwzięcia mające na celu jego rozwój.
Factors influencing on skilled potential of Ukraine in the cut of of competition ability of economy are investigational. The major constituent of skilled potential is considered - resource through the prism of population. Factors are certain, positively and negatively influencing on development of labour potential of Ukraine. Demographic changes, changes, are studied in character of reproduction of population, birth - rate, death rate, their correlation, and also partly migration. Measures are offered influencing on development of skilled potential of Ukraine.
Miscanthus sinensis (Andersson) is a perennial grass producing high amounts of biomass. I It can be used for energetic purposes through burning or biogas production. A main problem in this crop cultivation consists in vegetative, expensive method of propagation. First preliminary research on seed quality improvement is carried out in order to enable propagation on a large scale. The object of presented experiment was to find out the reason for low germination ability and to search methods of seed quality improvement. Miscanthus seeds were treated with sodium hypochlorite, commercial micronutrients seed fertilizer and commercial bacteria seed treatment, ash and plasma. The ability and speed of germination and root and shoot length were measured. Tetrazolium test and microscopic observations of seeds were done. Fragility and susceptibility to damage and low vitality of embryos mean that further work is needed on the genetic characteristics and methods of seed harvesting as well as postharvest processing of this species.
Miskant chiński jest wieloletnią trawą wytwarzającą duże ilości biomasy. Jest użytkowany w celach energetycznych poprzez spalanie lub produkcję biogazu. Problemem w upowszechnieniu tej uprawy jest wegetatywny, drogi sposób rozmnażania. Trwają pierwsze prace nad poprawą jakości nasion miskanta, tak aby rozmnażanie generatywne na szeroką skalę było możliwe. Celem przedstawionych badań było określenie przyczyn niskiej zdolności kiełkowania nasion oraz poszukiwanie metod poprawy ich wartości siewnej. Nasiona miskanta były traktowane chlorkiem sodu, preparatami bakteryjnymi i mikroelementami, popiołem a także plazmą. Badano zdolność i szybkość kiełkowania oraz długość korzeni zarodkowych i kiełków. Na nasionach wykonano także test tetrazolinowy oraz obserwacje mikroskopowe. Kruchość nasion i podatność na uszkodzenia oraz niska żywotność zarodków powodują, że konieczne są dalsze prace dotyczące cech genetycznych i metod zbioru i czyszczenia nasion tego gatunku.
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Spergula arvensis L. (corn spurry) is a heteromorphic species of the Caryophyllaceae family, that produces two types of seeds with a smooth (non papillate, NP) or papillate (P) coat. The plant flowers and produces fruit between May and September, a period marked by a gradual decrease in day length. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of day length on the germinability of heteromorphic seeds. In addition, we examined the frequencies of non papillate and papillate seeds in four populations. Germination tests were performed on seeds harvested from plants grown in a greenhouse under conditions simulating long days (17 hour photoperiod) and short days (12 hour photoperiod). Heteromorphic seeds incubated in water at various temperatures (10–30°C) over a period of 4 weeks remained dormant. Corn spurry seeds had different responses to the addition of nitrate after four weeks of pre-treatment. Both seed morphs kept at a temperature of 10–20°C did not germinate or their germination rates did not exceed 6%. Seeds incubated at 25°C and 30°C broke dormancy. NP seeds from plants growing under long- and short-day photoperiods were characterized by higher germinability than P seeds at both temperatures. The above-mentioned results indicate that variations in light exposure during plant growth and development do not contribute to somatic heteromorphism of S. arvensis seeds. Day length has no significant effect on the germination of heteromorphic seeds.The populations were heteromorphic with respect to plants having papillate seeds and plants having non papillate seeds. The majority of individuals were monomorphic and produced capsules containing only one type of seed. Heteromorphic individuals produced capsules containing: a) NP seeds, and b) P seeds, and c) mixed seeds. The analyzed populations were characterized by a predominance of P seeds in the overall seed pool.
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The breeding phenology of the Grey Heron Ardea cinerea L. was investigated in three colonies situated on the Baltic Sea coast in Poland in 1999-2002. The heronries differ in localization (inland vs coastal) and local climate conditions. In inland location, air temperatures in spring were lower by 1.1-1.5[degrees]C and ice cover was present on foraging grounds longer by 19-29 days comparing to coastal ones. Herons occupied all colonies in similar dates (multi-year median date for all colonies: 5 March). However, birds from one coastal heronry tended to start breeding 9-10 days earlier (multi-year median date: 28 February) than birds from other colonies, what might be possible due to early presence of herons in the vicinity. Accessibility of foraging grounds (lack of ice cover) in spring was an important factor affecting the onset of breeding as dates of colony occupation, egg laying and hatching were positively correlated with the dates of last ice cover occurrence on the foraging grounds (r> 0.75, P <0.05). Intercolony differences in hatching dynamics might result from various frequencies of replacement clutches, and nests of late breeding subadults. In one season (2002), the number of medium-aged chicks per nest and fledging success were negatively correlated with the hatching date. Since chick mortality rate during last three weeks before fledging was not correlated with hatching date (suggesting similar food conditions in the course of the season), worse breeding parameters late in the season could be reflected in the lower clutch size or/and hatching success/chick survival rate during the first three weeks in nests of late breeders (i.e. subadults and replacement breeders).
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The mixture of the feces and urine of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus) was used to increase the perception of predation risk of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson) in the field. The influence of the predation risk on the reproduction and behavior of plateau pikas was examined through comparing reproductive characteristics and five different kinds of behavior between treatment and control plots. The results showed that 1) the body weight of the pikas was not significantly different between treatment and control plots. 2) The reproductive period of the pikas extended from March to later August in both treatment and control plots. The pregnant ratio, developed testes ratio, reproductive success and sex ratio of the pikas were not significantly different between the treatment and control plots. 3) The pikas increased their observing and calling frequencies and decreased their moving and feeding frequencies when exposed to red fox's feces and urine. 4) The increased red foxs feces and urine had no influence on the behavior of the pikas when the number of their natural enemies increased; the pikas obviously increased the observing frequencies and sharply decreased the calling frequency so as to decrease the direct predation risk. 5) There were no significantly behavioral differences between males and females as well as between adults and young. 6) The results reject the hypothesis l that the red fox's feces and urine as indirect predation risk suppresses the reproduction of the pikas and support the hypothesis 2 that the pikas can make decision by changing behavior to avoid the predation risk they encountered whenever.
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The co-occurrence of Redbacked Shrikes (Lanius collurio) and Barred Warblers (Sylvia nisoria) was monitored during the years 1999-2003 at 343 ha of agricultural landscape of eastern Poland. Each year 25-31 pairs of Red-backed Shrikes and 3-8 pairs of Barred Warblers were nesting. In total, during five seasons, shrikes were nesting in the vicinity (within 50 m from the centre of the Barred Warbler territory) of 22 out of 24 (92%) warbler territories. The breeding success of the pairs nesting close to Barred Warbler territories was 89%, as compared with 61% for the remaining pairs and it was statistically significant. No difference was found in the clutch size between Redbacked Shrikes nesting close to Barred Warblers and far from them, but statistically significant difference was found in numbers of fledglings between them. The present results imply that close nesting of these two species reduces the risk of nest predation. This may be due to the aggression of Barrred Warblers towards potential predators, as this species actively attacks predators near the nest.
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