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Purpose: The interest in the social aspects of work safety results because the human factor plays a key role in the causes of accidents at work in construction. Statistical data for Poland confirm that organisational and human causes, in particular those related to improper behaviour of employees, account for the highest share in the structure of causes of accidents at work according to the TOL classification. Findings: Human behaviour determines the current and future state of occupational safety and requires at least interest. The key factors of human error resulting in accidents include lack of knowledge about hazards in the working environment and appropriate qualifications or irregularities in the behaviour of a group of employees in relation to the adopted social standards, established rules, or inappropriate behaviour. On the one hand, human behaviour depends on the safety culture; on the other hand, it is human behaviour that shapes the climate of work safety by consolidating certain beliefs and attitudes. Research limitations/implications: The measures outlined in work allow for the creation of a desirable safety climate and enable the smooth and compliant operation of the construction site, as well as the economic benefits of minimising losses due to eliminating occupational accidents and illnesses. Social benefits, in turn, can include increased awareness and motivation of construction site personnel, made possible by shaping the desired safety climate by informing and involving workers and their social representatives. Practical implications: The practical application of shaping the safety climate is very important, which will also impact the quality and productivity of the work and the image of the construction workers. Originality/value: The article attempts to systematise terms related to the concept of security climate, and tools for shaping the security climate on the example of construction.
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Bibliogr. 34 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Institute of Safety Engineering of Anthropogenic Objects, Construction Expertise Centre, ul. Obozowa 82A/19, 01-434 Warsaw, Poland
- Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Military University of Technology, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, Poland
- Institute of Safety Engineering, Fire Academy, ul. Słowackiego 52/54, 01-629 Warszawa, Poland
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