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In this research, we develop a new analytical technique based on the Elzaki transform (ET) to solve the fractional-order biological population model (FBPM) with initial and boundary conditions (ICs and BCs). This approach can be used to locate both the closed approximate solution and the exact solution of a differential equation. The usefulness and validity of this strategy for managing the solution of FBPM are demonstrated using a few real-world scenarios. The dependability of the suggested strategy is also shown using a table and a few graphs. The approximate solutions that were achieved and the convergence analysis are shown in numerical simulations in a range of fractional orders. From the numerical simulations, it can be seen that the population density increases with increasing fractional order, whereas the population density drops with decreasing fractional order.
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Bibliogr. 28 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Mathematics Department, College of Sciences and Arts, Alkamel, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- Mathematics Department, Academy of Engineering and Medical Sciences, Khartoum 12045, Sudan
- Mathematics Department, Prince Muqrin University, Almadinah Almunawwarah, Saudi Arabia
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