Warianty tytułu
Contemporary military air threats and methods for their evaluation
Języki publikacji
Novadays the success of the military operations largely on the domination in the airspace. Although the traditional air threats, fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft, are still useful and formidable, the 21st century proliferation trend includes unmanned threats such as: tactical ballistic missles, cruise missles, unmanned aerial vehicles or rocket artillery and mortars munitions. Technological transformation from manned to the unmanned aircraft and their armaments makes more and more often to be expected with new, previously rarely evaluated air threats. This situation prompted the author of the article to review modern military air constructions and the concept of their use in both warfare and asymmetrical conflicts. This writing presents also methods of enemy air threat evaluation which are used in the decision-making process, focusing on the three essential: normative, capacitive, and objective one.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 16 poz., tab.
- Akademia Obrony Narodowej
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