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Nanostructural Biochemical Modification Of Flax Fiber In The Processes Of Its Preparation For Spinning

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The elaborated principles of nanoengineering of linen textile materials implement the techniques of spatially localized effects of protein catalysts on polymeric cellulose companions with selective splitting of impurity compounds without damaging technologically necessary nano-sized formations of binders in the fiber structure. The ranges of optimal values of the residual content in flax fiber prepared for spinning are identified on the basis of the analysis of the successive stages of enzymatic and peroxide treatments contribution to the breakdown of polymers and the differentiation of the influence of impurities on the yarn technological properties. The recommended level of residual pectin, lignin and hemicellulose (wt. %) is: after enzymatic treatment P1 = 1,0±0,1; L1 = 3,9±0,3; Hc1 = 11,0±1,0; after peroxide bleaching P2 = 0,4±0,05; L2 = 2,3±0,3; Hc2 = 7,5±0,5. The required level of fiber structural modification at the stage of preparing roving for spinning can be achieved through use of protein catalysts whose globule size is 50...100 nm. The use of enzymes with these dimensional characteristics helps to ensure breaking of polymer adhesives on the surface of incrusts and in the areas of intercellular formations, which hinder fiber crushing, without damaging nano-sized binding fractions. The implementation of this method contributes to a significant improvement in the uniformity of structural and physical and mechanical properties of flax yarn. Increase in yarn fineness and strength properties of semi-finished products, as well as improvement of deformation properties and reduction of yarn breakages during the spinning processes are achieved.
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Bibliogr. 27 poz.
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  • G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of RAS, Laboratory Chemistry and technology of non-linear processes, Russia Akademicheskaya St. 1, 153045 Ivanovo
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