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One of the main reasons why people need and search for information is to make decisions. Decision making could be described as a process, composed of several consecutive steps, throughout which the search and processing of information are key to the development of alternatives. Indeed, human beings seek to expand their knowledge to deal with uncertainty and to make better quality choices. But, those decisions that are taken are usually aimed for specific results. Traditionally, the role of information professionals has been to make available to users the information or knowledge expressed in different types of documents. Nevertheless, nowadays, new technology provides tools and the possibility of designing increasingly sophisticated processes. So the result of their work is not only to enlarge the quantity of information but also a much more ambitious goal: to have the ability to directly intervene in the processes that cause cognitive changes in people. Therefore, the ability to take part in human decision making more directly is being possible with the design of the current information systems, and this is causing major changes in the process of making decisions and in its outcome, and therefore in the behavior of people as a result of these decisions. If we change the way in which decisions are made, then everything could change, including science. Being aware of the powerful tool we are handling, and analyzing its development, as something aimed to a goal – in this case decision making – it could help in predictive and prescriptive tasks within this scientific field. This paper is part of a research project supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FFI2008-05948), whose title is „The Sciences of Design as Sciences of Complexity: An Epistemological-methodological Analysis of the Dynamic trait from Bounded Rationality and Parsimonious Factors”.
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Bibliogr. 25 poz.
- Universidade da Coruña. Faculty of Humanities. C/ Dr. Vázquez Cabrera, s/n. Campus Esteiro. 15403 Ferrol (A Coruña)
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