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At the planning and construction of new infrastructures, the information about migration potential of animals in a target area is needed. This information will be used to design of migration corridors for wild animals. To determine the migration potential of animals based on distributed video camera system, new methods for object recognition and classification are developed. In general, an object recognition system consists of three steps, namely, the image feature extraction from the training database, training the classifier and evaluation of query image of object/animal. In this paper, an extraction of local key point by SIFT or SURF descriptors, bags of key points method in combination with SVM classifier and two hybrid key points detection methods are proposed in detail.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz.
- University of Zilina, Department of Telecommunication and Multimedia, Zilina, Slovakia
- University of Zilina, Department of Telecommunication and Multimedia, Zilina, Slovakia
- University of Zilina, Department of Telecommunication and Multimedia, Zilina, Slovakia
- University of Zilina, Department of Telecommunication and Multimedia, Zilina, Slovakia
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