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Functional analyses and application and discussion regarding energy storages in electric systems

Treść / Zawartość
Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering 2012 (23-24.04.2012; Poznań, Polska)
Języki publikacji
The current paper focuses on functional properties of energy storages as well as looks at their application in electric power systems. Moreover, the work thoroughly analyzes and compares the parameters and functional properties of batteries and supercapacitors, as frequently used power storages. The discussion has been employed in the functional analyses regarding storing of power in guaranteed power supply systems, as well as power systems used in electric or hybrid cars. The opening chapters of this paper concern the importance of the discussed issues and also feature brief descriptions of the most popular power storages. Next, functional properties and parameters of batteries and supercapacitors are presented. They have also been subject to a comparative analysis as well as an analysis of their application in power systems (illustrated with the example of the UPS EVER SINLINE and power transmission system of a passenger car).
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Bibliogr. 17 poz., rys., tab.
  • Poznań University of Technology 60-965 Poznań, ul. Piotrowo 3a
  • Poznań University of Technology 60-965 Poznań, ul. Piotrowo 3a
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