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Bibliogr. 13 poz., rys.
  • Zakład Fotogrametrii, Teledetekcji i SIP, Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii, Politechnika Warszawska
  • [1] Conference of the Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, 2003: Realizing the European Education Area, Berlin, 19 September 2003;
  • [2] Thune Christian, 2005: Standards and Guielines for Qualily Assurunce in the European Higher Education Area, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Helsinki;
  • [3] Newton J., University of Chester, 2006: What is quality? First European Forum for Quality Assurance, Monachium;
  • [4] Amaral A., 2006: Higher Education and Quality Assessment; Many Rationales for Quality, First European Forum for Quality Assurance, Monachium;
  • [5] Macukow B, praca zbiorowa, 2007; System Zapewnienia Jakości Kształcenia w Politechnice Warszawskiej, Oficyna Wydawnicza PW;
  • [6] Białousz S., Ney B., 2007: Bologna Declaration and Ministerial Standards as a Framework for Harmonisation of Education, Congress on Geomatics Education in Europe, Politechnika Warszawska;
  • [7] Bujakiewicz A., 2007: Quality Assurance System for Teaching Process in Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology, jw.;
  • [8] Gocał J., Hejmanowska B., 2007: Regional and Thematic Specificity of Teaching in Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmantal Engineering, AGH, jw.;
  • [9] Pachelski W., Chojka A., Parzyński Z., Sułkiewicz M., Żwirowicz A., 2007: Bases of Geomatics Engineering at Surveying Faculties of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and Warsaw Technical University, jw.;
  • [10] Wilkowski W., 2007: The last Achievements Concerning Modernization of Curricula in Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography. Warsaw University of Technology, jw.;
  • [11] Mączewski K., 2007: What Components of Geodetic Education are Necessary for Regional Administration, Surveyor of the Mazowieckie Voivodship, jw,;
  • [12] Uchański J., 2007: What Knowledge is Useful for the Geodesists Working in Big Towns, Warsaw Geodetic Cornpany (WPG), jw.;
  • [13] Wysocki J., Fronckiel L, 2007: Education for the Geodesists from the Point of View of Geodetic Contracts Realized Abroad, Geokart, jw.
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