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Fibre loading in papermaking
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Bibliogr. 24 poz.
- Emerytowany Sekretarz Naukowy Instytutu Celulozowo-Papierniczego (ICP) w Łodzi
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- 11. Klungness J.H. et al.: "Effect of fiber loading on paper properties", Tappi J. 79, 3, 297-301 (1996).
- 12. Lindstrom M., Silenius P., Siven S.: "Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate within Pulp Fiber Walls by Means of Carbon Dioxide Process at Low Pulp Consistency", Lappeenranta 1996, s. 11-24.
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- 15. Permanence/Durability of the Book-VII. Physical and Chemical Properties of Book Papers, 1507-1949. Publication Number Seven, W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, 1974.
- 16. Ibid., Appendices D and E: "Data for the books printed in the years 1507-1599".
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- 22. Laivins G., Scallan T.: "Acidic versus Alkaline Beating of Pulp", Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 26, 6, 228-233 (2000).
- 23. Flynn J.H., Smith L.E.: "Comparative pH Measurements on Paper by Water Extraction and Glass Electrode Spot Tests", Tappi 44, 3, 223-227 (1961).
- 24. Middleton et al.: "A Method for the Deacidification of Paper and Books", Tappi J. 79, 11, 187-195 (1996).
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