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The effect of cyanobacterial blooms on the phytoplankton structure in the lowland Narew River (north-eastern Poland) was examined. The studies were carried out at stations situated at different distances from the eutrophic Siemianówka Dam Reservoir. In 2008, the investigated lowland reservoir and the outflowing river were characterized by the dominance of toxic cyanobacteria (from July to October). At a station situated 130 km below the dam, species composition in the river was very similar to that in the shallow reservoir. Planktothrix agardhii was the main and permanent dominant, both in limnoplankton and potamoplankton. The current study indicates that the eutrophic Siemianówka Dam Reservoir is the main and rich source of phytoplankton for the outflowing Narew River. Cyanobacteria were dominant in the river phytoplankton at all sampling stations, but their share in phytoplankton biomass gradually decreased with the distance from the dam. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of microcystins (MCs) in water samples collected from June to October. The toxins, mainly demethylated MC analogues, were detected at a long distance down the river, even 100 km from the dam. Maximum concentration of MCs (14.3 μg l-1) was measured on 13 October, 9.1 km below the dam.
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Bibliogr. 31 poz., tab., wykr.
- Department of Hydrobiology, University of Białystok ul. Świerkowa 20B, 15-950 Białystok, Poland, magra@uwb.edu.pl
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