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Sand and common goby specimens were collected from the costal waters in the vicinity of Sopot and Chałupy (Gulf of Gdańsk) from August to October. The relationship between the food consumed and the fish condition was investigated for both species using the Fulton and Clark factors, HSI, feeding intensity, and the index of relative importance. The results indicated that the mean values of the common goby condition factors (20 – 29 mm) were higher in September, the last month of reproduction. The sand gobies (30 – 39 mm) were characterized by lower condition factor values in September, one month after spawning. It was concluded that there is a direct link between diet composition and goby condition during spawning and in the months following it.
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Bibliogr. 32 poz., tab., wykr.
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk, al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk, al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk, al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk, al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
- Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk, al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
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