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Texture and petrography of glacial deposits in the northern foothill of the Hruby Jesenik and Rychlebske Mts., Czechia

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The petrographic and mineralogical characteristics of glacial deposits from the localities in the northern foothills of the Hruby Jesenik and Rychlebske Mts. have been studied. Grain-size, petrographic composition, heavy minerals, clast shape and roundness have been investigated. The data obtained have been used to create a probability model to differentiate the stratigraphy of particular accumulations and for partial reconstruction of the advance direction of the ice sheet in the area. The main advance direction of the ice sheet was presumed to be from the NW to SE in this region. The erratic material was probably predominantly transported in the basal ice layers according to the clast shape and roundness. An Elsterian age of the sedimentary bodies investigated is suggested by correlation with analogous deposits in adjacent parts of Poland. This model contradicts previous correlations. However, further constraints on the stratigraphic position of these deposits would require the application of dating techniques.
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tab., wykr., bibliogr.33 poz.
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