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A joint project of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and CHRONOS database program is to provide detailed global and regional “reference” scales of Earth history. Such scales integrate biostratigraphy (zones, datums for marine and terrestrial realms), sea-level (curves, sequences), geochemistry (trends, events), magnetic polarity chrons and astronomical cycles. The current Jurassic scale contains over 1000 events and zones correlated to Tethyan and Boreal ammonite zones with approximate numerical ages from Geologic Time Scale 2004 (Gradstein et al. 2004). This public database will be progressively enhanced through the efforts of the Jurassic Subcommission of the ICS and by other stratigraphic and regional experts. On-screen display and production of usertailored time-scale charts is provided by the TimeScale Creator, a Java package freely available from the ICS Subcommission for Stratigraphic Information or the TS-Creator websites ( or After specifying the time interval and vertical scale, a user selects a subset of stratigraphic columns and trends. In addition to screen views and a scalable-vector graphics (SVG) file for importation into popular graphics programs, the on-screen display also has “hot-curser-points” to open windows providing additional information on events, zones and boundaries. The database and visualization package are envisioned as a convenient reference tool, chart-production assistant, and a window into the geologic history of our planet.
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Bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University 550 Stadium Mall Dr.West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA,
- 1. Bergen J. A. 1994. Berriasian to early Aptian calcareous nannofossils from the Vocontian trough (SE France) and Deep Sea Drilling Site 534: new nannofossil taxa and a summary of low-latitude biostratigraphic events. Journal of Nannoplankton Research (International Nannoplankton Association Newsletter), 16: 59-69.
- 2. Bown P. R. and Cooper M. K. E. 1998. Jurassic. In: P. R. Bown (Ed.) Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy, British Micropalaeontology Society Publication Series, Kluwer Academic Publ., p. 34-85.
- 3. Gradstein F. M., Ogg J. G., Smith A. G., Agterberg F. P., Bleeker W., Cooper R. A., Davydov V., Gibbard P., Hinnov L., House M. R., Lourens L., Luterbacher H-P., McArthur J., Melchin M. J., Robb L. J., Shergold J., Villeneuve M., Wardlaw B. R., Ali J., Brinkhuis H., Hilgen F. J., Hooker J., Howarth R. J., Knoll A. H., Laskar J., Monechi S., Powell J., Plumb K. A., Raffi I., Rohl U., Sadler P., Sanfilippo A., Schmitz B., Shackleton N. J., Shields G. A., Strauss H., Van Dam J., Veizer J., van Kolfschoten Th. and Wilson D. 2004. Geologic Time Scale 2004. 1-598, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 4. Groupe Francais d'Etude du Jurassique (coordinated by E. Cariou and P. Hantzpergue). 1997. Biostratigraphie du Jurassique ouest-europeen et mediterraneen: Zonations parallles et distribution des invertebres et microfossiles. Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine, Mémoire, 17: 422 pp.
- 5. Haq B. U. and Al-Qahtani A. M. 2005. Phanerozoic cycles of sea-level change on the Arabian Platform. Geoarabia, 10: 127-160 and 2 charts.
- 6. Hardenbol J., Thierry J., Farley M. B., Jacquin Th., de Graciansky P. -C., and Vail P. R. (with numerous contributors). 1998. Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequence chronostratigraphic framework of European basins. In: P. -C. de Graciansky, J. Hardenbol, Th. Jacquin and P. R. Vail (Eds), Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins. SEPM Special Publication (Tulsa), 60: 3-13, 763-781, and chart supplements.
- 7. Miller K. G., Kominz M. A., Browning J. V., Wright J. D., Mountain G. S., Katz M. E., Sugarman P. J., Cramer B. S., Christie-Blick N., and Pekar S. F. 2005. The Phanerozoic record of global sealevel change. Science, 310: 1293-1298.
- 8. Poulsen N. E. and Riding J. B. 2003. The Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst zonation of Subboreal north-west Europe. In: Ineson J. et al. (Eds), The Jurassic of Denmark and Greenland. Special issue of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
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