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Porównanie klasyfikacji obiektowej z tradycyjną klasyfikacją pikselową z punktu widzenia automatyzacji procesu tworzenia bazy danych o pokryciu i użytkowaniu terenu

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Comparison of object-oriented classification to traditional pixel-based classification with reference to automation of the process of land cover and land use data base creation
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The capabilities of land cover and land use classes identification using object-oriented classification and traditional, so-called pixel-based classification are compared in the paper. The comparison is based on the Landsat satellite image showing a study area of over 423 km2, located within the borders of the Commune of Legionowo (near Warsaw). The results of both classifications were generalised, using a working unit of 1 ha for built-up areas and water and 4 ha for the remaining classes. Object-oriented classification was performed within eCognition software environment. The applied tools of object-oriented classification enabled identification of 18 classes. Subsequent generalisation caused changes only to the area constituting 1.1% of the entire study area. Classification accuracy assessment using the method of visual interpretation and creation of the final land cover and land use database was the final stage of works. The accuracy for the entire study area reached over 94%. Traditional pixel-based classification was performed using so-called hybrid classification, which involves performing supervised classification and then unsupervised classification for unclassified pixels. The pixel-based approach enabled identification of only 8 classes. In the process of generalisation, based on the same principles as in the case of object-oriented classification, 26% of the area of the analysed image was changed. The accuracy of pixel-based classification, assessed by comparing the post-generalisation image to the database obtained after the visual verification of object-oriented classification, reached 72% and 61%, according to the comparison method applied. The results of comparing these two methods of classification prove a significant advantage of objectoriented classification over traditional pixel-based classification. The tools of object-oriented classification enabled identification of twice as many number of classes and a high level of accuracy of the classification process. Moreover, object-oriented classification enables proper generalisation, necessary for creating a land use and land cover database with a defined level of spatial resolution of class recognition.
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Bibliogr. 12 poz.
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