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Gates and doors in mediaeval burgher architecture in Silesia
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W ostatnich latach badania średniowiecznej architektury mieszczańskiej na Śląsku zaowocowały wieloma opracowaniami. Prezentowały one jednak głównie wyniki badań architektonicznych, w których tematykę dotyczącą wrót i drzwi jedynie sygnalizowano. Z uwagi na brak w dotychczasowej literaturze omówienia tego zagadnienia, konieczne wydaje się zatem przedstawienie obecnego zaawansowania stanu studiów nad gotyckimi drzwiami na obszarze Śląska. Istotne jest również nakreślenie obrazu najważniejszych nurtów artystycznych, mających wpływ na kształtowanie się deko-racyjnych form awersów drzwi.
Recent research on mediaeval burgher architecture in Silesia has resulted in many studies, in which the question of gates and doors has only been indicated. So, it seems essential to touch this subject because studies on joinery carried out hitherto mainly embraced objects from churches and monasteries. Single examples of doors appear when forms of ornaments and door furniture are discussed, especially of the late Gothic period. Decidedly, we find the greatest number of objects in the burgher architecture of France, Germany and Austria. Apart from door hinges in the form of plants (branches, leaves, flowers), also geometric compositions appear (gratings, radial arrangements) readily applied as ornamental elements of gates (for example at and 9 Kanonicza streets in Cracow). One of the most widely used motifs, which came into being around the middle of the 15lh century in Ntirnberg, is door furniture in the form of grating filled with embossed plaques. We find examples of this motif in buildings of Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland. Apart from these forged elements in mediaeval burgher architecture we also find door leaves decorated with wooden lists or wood-carving motifs - these appear in France at the end of the 14* century. Known examples of this decorative form found in Germany, Austria and north Italy come from the 15lh century. The development of mediaeval burgher architecture in Silesia resulted in changes of door construction. Two groups of wooden door construction have been singled out: spindle door leaves (board-spindle) and board leaves (board-lists and board-sill). Also one kind of metal doors: metal door leaves (rectangular and diamond shaped grating as well as radial door furniture). Early examples of spindle doors, from the ll,h and 12lh centuries were found as a result of archeological excavations of two pre-foundation settlements: in Wrocław and Opole. Door leaves of board and metal construction are found in existing municipal and burgher buildings of Wrocław and Świdnica. They present rich door furniture and leaf ornamentation of the obverse. Among the doors presently preserved in burgher interiors we find no door leaf preserved in situ with forged decorative hinges. The only known example exists in the National Museum in Wrocław and originates from an unknown municipal object from the area of Silesia. The most prevalent form of metal ornaments from representative interiors in Silesia is furniture of a door in the form of diamond grating filled with embossed plaques. We come across examples of such solutions in the interiors of the Wroclaw Town Hall and in tenement-houses of Świdnica and Wrocław. Another form of forged door decoration found in tenement-house vestibules is door furniture radially shaped (for instance, in houses at 30 Rynek (Town Square) and 20 Kiełbaśnicza street, in Wrocław). Apart from forged motifs in representative interiors, doors were decorated with rich wood-carving motifs, for example, the door leaf in the portal of the east wall of the Councillors' Hall in Świdnica. A more modest shaping of the obverse was used in doors leading to interiors of inferior use or domestic accommodations. Furniture in the form of grating was used in this case: rectangular and diamond shaped or only a covering of forged metal sheets. Mediaeval Silesian doors originate mainly in the 15lh century and first half of the 16lh. They represent groups of door furniture and ornaments of the obverse decorating late Gothic municipal or burgher interiors. They also show the kinds of construction of door leaves which appear both in the representative interiors as well as of less importance. These objects are an essential element of mediaeval burgher doors in Europe. The outlined picture of closing devices is important not only in the aspect of development of the construction and ornamentation of the door leaves themselves, but it completes, above all, our view of burgher architecture of the Middle Ages in Silesia.
Opis fizyczny
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