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Custom scheduling algorithms in real-world applications

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The paper describes the possibility of using of the Preactor Express software as a visualisation and manipulation platform for custom scheduling algorithms. The implementation of a custom scheduling algorithm for a real-world application is often far less time consuming than developing a practical and comfortable user interface for the application. It is the reason why many of scheduling algorithms remain only academic ideas. Preactor Express provides many ways of accessing scheduling data, e.g.: an interactive Gantt chart, resource calendars, a report generator. Preactor Express is free of charge software. Rules of connecting external algorithms to the Preactor Express are presented and a simple example of the connection with a custom algorithm is given in the paper. The purpose of the solution is to provide a bridge between custom innovative scheduling algorithms and a professional graphical user interface characteristic of real-world applications. It can be valuable for prototype projects for industry as well as for researchers that develop scheduling algorithms.
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Bibliogr. 21
  • Department of Computer and Control Engineering, Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, 35-959, Poland,
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