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Shape memory effect in TiNiCo alloys

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The shape memory effect was studied in the TiNiCo alloys, which were produced as a wire and melt-spun ribbon. Diameter of the Ti50.1Ni48.6Co1.3 wires was 26.6 % and 45% reduced. The wires were subjected to annealing at 400°C for 30 minutes. The ribbons were spun for two compositions Ti50Ni48Co2 and Ti50Ni47Co3. The wires show wide range of the martensitic transformation. The as-cast ribbons reveal a multi-step martensitic transformation. It proceeds from the parent phase through the R-phase after which two stages of the B19' martensite transformation are observed. The ribbons revealed a shape recovery during thermal cycling under constant load, whereas the wires shows superelasticity during the stress cycling.
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Bibliogr. 16 poz., rys., tab.
  • University of Silesia, Institute of Materials Science, Katowice, Poland
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