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Kamienie użytkowe i dekoracyjne na Dolnym Śląsku

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Building and Decorative Stones in Lower Silesia
Języki publikacji
Stones used as both building and/or decorative material represent three genetic groups of rocks: mag-matic, sedimentary and metamorphic ones. Each of them is characterized by their very specific mineral composition and their internal structure too. Various kinds of rocks were and still are exploited in Lower Silesia, as well in the Sudetes Mountains as on the Sudetic foreland. One of the most popular and very well known rocks are granites. Very special kind of granite characterized by pink colored feldspar is exploited in Szklarska Poreba, near jelenia Gora (Sudetes Mountains). On the Sudetic foreland gray colored granites are exploited on the area between Strzegom and Sobotka, in the vicinities of Strzelin, and in Kosmin near Niemcza. Sandstones used as decorative material occur in several areas of Lower Silesia. High quality red colored variety is exploited between Nowa Ruda and Stupiec. Yellow and beige colored rocks occur in Zerkowice, Wartowice and Czaple near Boleslawiec. Another variety of sandstone in various colors occurs in Stotowe Mountains (part of the Sudetes Mountains) near Radkdw, Dlugopole and Szczytna Slqska. Slightly metamorphosed limestone, which on the cross section shows very picturesque design is exploited in another part of the Sudetes Mountains near Wojcieszow. Marble is a kind of metamorphic rock, which for a long time is exploited in both the Sudetes Mountains and on the Sudetic foreland. In the mountainous region, white, pink and green colored marbles occur in the southern part of the Ktodzko district, near Stronie Sl^skie. Quarries of white, gray, yellow and black colored marble is located in Stawniowice (eastern Sudetes) and in Przeworno, near Strzelin (Sudetic foreland). Serpentinite is a green colored metamorphic rock, mostly used as decorative stone. It is exploited from prehistoric times till now in the vicinities of the Sleza Hill near Sobotka, mainly in Nastawice on the Sudetic foreland. All the mentioned above rocks were in the past and very recently are commonly used as both building and/or decorative material in many towns of Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Some examples of sculptures and buildings made of these stones are given on the photos attached to the text.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 16 poz.
  • Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu, Uniwesytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
  • Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu, Uniwesytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
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