Warianty tytułu
Preservation of the Cultural Heritage in the Rural Areas
Języki publikacji
The beauty and uniqueness of country lies in its character, shaping the space, existing buildings, as well as the surrounding landscape. Hence it is important to properly recognize all the elements, and specify dependencies that occur between them. This gives basis to the demarcation of the main directions of the correct and harmonious development of the space of the entire locality. In this paper the assumptions have been presented, which guided the development of village development plans, course of conduct which was adopted for field work and the scope of the study papers. Works were carried out in 2002-2008 in the province of Lower Silesia and Opole. There were different rules of the villages' selection in different provinces the method of preparation and the final effect in the form of the submitted documents remained unchanged. Summary consists of proposals concerning the different provinces, both the differences that could be observed in the studied villages, and repeated elements, the approach to the problem of local communities to improve the environment in which they live and the quality of the ongoing projects. It is important that, as in this work were involved as many as possible people and institutions that it is an ongoing process, and the same development plan includes the entire village. Satisfying social needs included in the plan or project the natural both and culture landscape must be properly shaped and not lose anything of its quality and form.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr.12 poz.
- Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu, Uniwesytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA