Warianty tytułu
Landscape's Transformation in the Village of Bielice in the Eastern Sudetes
Języki publikacji
Basing on cartographical materials, source literature and detailed terrain stocktaking of the village of Bielice, the evolution of the village's landscape since the beginning of the 20th century until nowadays has been presented. The changes in the landscape were related to functional and spatial structure changes taking place in Bielice. Special attention was paid to retiring from the agricultural function of the village, which resulted in intensive repeated forest succession on unused pastures. As a result there was observed agriculture-forest border lowering of over 100 meters in relation to the pre-war position. Before the 1980s the village was depopulating fast, threatening complete disappearance, which took place in the settlement of Nowa Biela. The chain structure of the village thinned out considerably, taking a distracted character, particularly in the central part of the village. As a result of the increasing interest in the village of Bielice taken by Wroclaw's intellectuals, its tourist function came back to life, which was important before World War II. Its location in Snieznicki Landscape Park, good skiing conditions and the landscape quality of the village were conducive to it. For the last twenty years most of the residential buildings, especially their farm parts, have been modernized to tourist and agrotourist service needs. Changes, positive from the economic side, had their various scale of impact on the state of visible landscape. The greatest danger concerns the regional character of Sudetes' architecture. The influence of the residents, who were sensitive to the beauty of the local architecture, meant that most of the pre-war buildings were correctly renovated, and most of the new buildings refer to regional architecture standards. There proved to be some legislative inaccuracies, which cannot protect the regional determinant of the visible landscape.
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Bibliogr. 16 poz.
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