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Purpose: The aim of the article is a theoretical and cognitive characterization of selected instruments for improving university management (such as concepts, systems and methods in the area of quality management), and then analyzing their knowledge and use on the example of the University of Bielsko-Biala. Design/methodology/approach: The article is a theoretical and analytical study in the field of selected instruments for improving university management, based on a case study of the University of Bielsko-Biala. The analytical part of the article was carried out in the last quarter of 2023 and included the university's rector and other management staff. Findings: The case study allowed to indicate which instruments for improving university management are known and used at the analyzed university. The presentation of some of the instruments was supported by practical examples of their use, in particular in the area of value stream mapping. Research limitations/implications: Limitations in the implementation of the case study in the field of university management improvement instruments should be related to the instruments included in the analysis. Such action is usually subjective and the researcher is not always able to comprehensively address the issue at hand, taking into account the methodological and substantive aspects. Practical implications: Through a case analysis, it was indicated which instruments for improving university management are known and used at the studied university. Such an analysis may be a contribution to further research and discussion on management improvement instruments that can be used by universities. Originality/value: The added value of the article is the case analysis, which allowed for the identification of selected improvement instruments that can be used in university management.
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- University of Bielsko-Biala
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