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The one-dimensional time-fractional heat conduction equation with heat absorption (heat release) proportional to temperature is considered. The Caputo time-fractional derivative is utilyzed. The fundamental solutions to the Cauchy and source problems are obtained using the Laplace transform with respect to time and the exponential Fourier transform with respect to the spatial coordinate. The numerical results are illustrated graphically.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys.
- Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa, Faculty of Mathematics and Narural Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42-200, Częstochowa, Poland
- Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics, al. Armii Krajowej 21, 42-200, Czestochowa, Poland
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