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Purpose: The main aim of the article is to present the results of research of entrepreneurs who maintain a certified quality management system in terms of leading factors supporting decisions of a preventive approach to management. Design/methodology/approach: Interview method conducted in manufacturing companies with an implemented and certified quality management system using CATI technique Findings: Research has shown that in large industrial enterprises the key stimulants of preventive actions are, above all, efficient information flow, technical and organizational order, as well as consistent pursuit of the goal. Smaller enterprises put the main emphasis on maintaining good relations with the environment, safety and ergonomics of work, as well as skillful selection of suppliers. Research limitations/implications: The authors of the paper see the need to continue research in the field of in-depth analysis of selected factors in relation to the effectiveness of the actions taken and the possibility of supporting information. Practical implications: Entrepreneurs with knowledge of key stimulants will make decisions more consciously and focused on a targeted analysis of data in order to search for relevant premises to prevent non-compliance. Originality/value: This paper concerns key factors influencing a preventive approach that can support decision-making. For the purposes of multicriteria decision-making processes, it is valuable to know the key stimuli characteristic of effective preventive actions. An additional value of the article is the showing of the factors with a differentiation by company size. This enables a more relevant focus of the research results.
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Bibliogr. 64 poz.
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management
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