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Vol. 22, no. 3
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Zawartość wolumenu
Vol. 22, no. 3
Performance of circular stainless‑carbon steel tube confned concrete stubs under axial compression
Gao Shan
Guo Lanhui
Zhang Sumei
), s. art. no. e104
Theoretical models to evaluate the effect of SiO2 and CaO contents on the long‑term compressive strength of cement mortar modified with cement kiln dust (CKD)
Abdalla Aso A.
Salih Mohammed Ahmed
), s. art. no. e105
The use of thermoelastic stress analysis for stress distribution evaluation of an industrial equipment under regular operating conditions
Misiewicz Robert
Moczko Przemyslaw
Boyce Bradley
), s. art. no. e106
Analysis of annealing on the micro‑porosity and ductility of squeeze‑casted Al7050 alloy for the structural applications
Mufti Nadeem Ahmad
Islam Moiz ul
Ali Muhammad Asad
Raza Muhammad Huzaifa
Ahmed Naveed
), s. art. no. e107
Crack damage evolution in concrete coarse aggregates under microwave‑induced thermal stress
Yuan Yuan
Shao Zhushan
Qiao Rujia
Guo Xuan
Wang Weitao
), s. art. no. e108
Influence of metallic grid and fiber reinforced concrete strengthening on the shielding and impact resistance of concrete walls
Yuan Tian‑Feng
Choi Jin‑Seok
Kim Young‑Hwi
Yoon Young‑Soo
), s. art. no. e109
Experimental study and statistical analysis of bending titanium alloy sheet with continuous wave fiber laser
Hussain Manowar
Gupta Ankit
Kumar Pankaj
Hussain Md. Izhar
Das A. K
), s. art. no. e110
Analytical and experimental study on the surface generation mechanism in shot peening
Zhao Jiuyue
Zhou Weihua
Tang Jinyuan
Jiang Tingting
Liu Huaming
), s. art. no. e111
Piecewise exact solution of the seismic energy balance equation and its verification by shake table tests
Güllü Ahmet
Yüksel Ercan
), s. art. no. e112
Manufacture of complex shape parts by high‑speed electromagnetic hydraulic forming method
Yan Ziqin
Xiao Ang
Zhao Peng
Cui Xiaohui
Sun Xiaoming
Deng Zanshi
), s. art. no. e113
To determine the performance of metakaolin‑based fiber‑reinforced geopolymer concrete with recycled aggregates
Zaid Osama
Martínez-García Rebeca
Abadel Aref A.
Fraile-Fernández Fernando J.
Alshaikh Ibrahim M. H.
Palencia-Coto Covadonga
), s. art. no. e114
Effect of the number of passes on grain refinement, texture and properties of DC01 steel strip processed by the novel hybrid SPD method
Kowalczyk K.
Jabłońska M. B.
Tkocz M.
Chulist R.
Bednarczyk I.
Rzychoń T.
), s. art. no. e115
Fire performance of ultra‑high performance concrete: effect of fine aggregate size and fibers
Zhang Dong
Tan Kang Hai
), s. art. no. e116
Influence of bioactive metal fillers on microstructural homogeneity of PA12 composites produced by polymer Laser Sintering
Gruber Piotr
Ziółkowski Grzegorz
Olejarczyk Michał
Grochowska Emilia
Hoppe Viktoria
Szymczyk-Ziółkowska Patrycja
Kurzynowski Tomasz
), s. art. no. e117
Static and dynamic impact performance optimization of CFRP/Al bolt joint coupling structure-lay-up-connection parameters
Xu Wenchao
Wang Dengfeng
), s. art. no. e118
An implementation of robotization for the chosen hot die forging process
Hawryluk Marek
Rychlik Marcin
), s. art. no. e119
Full‑scale experimental investigation on progressive failure characteristics of shield segmental lining connected through segmental joints containing ductile‑iron joint panels
Zhou Long
Zhu Hehua
Shen Yi
Guan Linxing
Yan Zhiguo
Sun Wei
Li Yaoliang
), s. art. no. e120
Synthesis and characterization of alkali‑activated materials containing biomass fly ash and metakaolin: efect of the soluble salt content of the residue
Jurado-Contreras S.
Bonet-Martínez E.
Sánchez-Soto P. J.
Gencel O.
Eliche-Quesada D.
), s. art. no. e121
Effect and mechanism analysis of hydroxylated nano‑boron nitride on workability and multi‑scale mechanical properties of cement paste
Liu Jianglin
Li Yue
Jin Caiyun
Lin Hui
Li Hongwen
), s. art. no. e122
Changes in fractal dimension and durability of ultra‑high performance concrete (UHPC) with silica fume content
Luan Congqi
Wang Jingyu
Gao Jinxu
Wang Jinbang
Du Peng
Zhou Zonghui
Huang Yongbo
Du Shuang
), s. art. no. e123
Size‑dependent coupled bending-torsional vibration of Timoshenko microbeams
Balali Dehkordi Hamid Reza
Tadi Beni Yaghoub
), s. art. no. e124
Nonlinear buckling mode transition analysis of axial-thermal-electrical‑loaded FG piezoelectric nanopanels incorporating nonlocal and couple stress tensors
Rao Rui
Ye Zijie
Yang Zhicheng
Sahmani Saeid
Safaei Babak
), s. art. no. e125
Infuence of heat treatment (routes) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 300M ultra high strength steel
Kasana Shivraj Singh
Sharma Sandeep
Pandey O. P.
), s. art. no. e126
Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of spark plasma sintered stainless steel 316L matrix composites with zirconium diboride in sulfuric acid
Stępień Michał
Sulima Iwona
Hyjek Paweł
Kowalik Remigiusz
), s. art. no. e127
Experimental study on seismic upgrading of RC frames using innovative brace system with two‑stage characteristic
Zhao Jianchen
Sun Jian
Qiu Hongxing
), s. art. no. e128
Cold unidirectional/cross‑rolling of austenitic stainless steels: a review
Mohammadzehi Sara
Mirzadeh Hamed
), s. art. no. e129
Spin welding of 3D‑printed and solid acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) components: a preliminary investigation
Bagheri Abbasali
Asghari Vahid
Kami Abdolvahed
), s. art. no. e130
Experimental investigation on the compressive behaviour of FRP‑confined rectangular concrete columns
de Diego Ana
Martínez Sonia
Castro Viviana Jacqueline
Echevarría Luis
Barroso Francisco Javier
Gutiérrez José Pedro
), s. art. no. e131
Buckling analysis of composite conical shells reinforced by agglomerated functionally graded carbon nanotube
Eskandary K.
Shishesaz Mohammad
Moradi Shapour
), s. art. no. e132
Numerical and experimental investigations on Mannesmann effect of nickel‑based superalloy
Zhang Zhe
Liu Dong
Man Tongchi
Li Nan
Yang Yanhui
Pang Yuhua
Wang Jianguo
), s. art. no. e133
Performance of high‑strength green concrete under the influence of curing methods, volcanic pumice dust, and hot weather
Zeyad Abdullah M.
Magbool Hassan M.
Amran Mugahed
Mijarsh M. J. A.
Almalki Ali
), s. art. no. e134
Numerical and experimental investigation on precision forming of ribbed tube by cold drawing process
Li Wei
Wang Baoyu
Liu Shengqiang
Feng Pengni
Shen Jinxia
Yang Xiaoming
), s. art. no. e135
Structural effects and real strain‑rate effects on compressive strength of sustainable concrete with crumb rubber in split Hopkinson pressure bar tests
Feng Wanhui
Chen Baiyu
Tang Yunchao
Wei Wenbo
He Weiming
Yang Yongmin
), s. art. no. e136
Experimental study on demountable steel ultra‑high performance concrete composite slabs under hogging moment
Guo Jun‑Yuan
Wang Jun‑Yan
Wang Yan-Bo
Gao Xiao‑Long
Bian Chen
), s. art. no. e137
Optimization of micromachining operation for particle reinforced UHMWPE composites
Sofuoğlu Mehmet Alper
Gürgen Selim
), s. art. no. e138
Stochastic model describing evolution of microstructural parameters during hot rolling of steel plates and strips
Szeliga Danuta
Czyżewska Natalia
Klimczak Konrad
Kusiak Jan
Kuziak Roman
Morkisz Paweł
Oprocha Piotr
Pietrzyk Maciej
Poloczek Łukasz
Przybyłowicz Paweł
), s. art. no. e139
Study on effect of weld groove geometry on mechanical behavior and residual stresses variation in dissimilar welds of P92/SS304L steel for USC boilers
Dak Gaurav
Pandey Chandan
), s. art. no. e140
Insights into drilling film cooling holes on ceramic‑coated nickel‑based superalloys
Vasudevan Balaji
Natarajan Yuvaraj
Sivalingam Vinothkumar
Krolczyk Grzegorz
Tandon Puneet
), s. art. no. e141
Bending performance of post‑fire lightweight polyethylene metal sandwich panels
Chen Zhihao
Wu Tianran
Zhang Yipeng
Huang Chenxi
Zhou Ru
Jiang Juncheng
), s. art. no. e142
Characterization of the as‑cast microstructure and selected properties of the X‑40 Co‑based superalloy produced via lost‑wax casting
Rakoczy Łukasz
Grudzień-Rakoczy Małgorzata
Cygan Rafał
Rutkowski Bogdan
Kargul Tomasz
Dudziak Tomasz
Rząd Ewa
Milkovič Ondrej
Zielińska-Lipiec Anna
), s. art. no. e143
Development of metakaolin‑based geopolymer rubberized concrete: fresh and hardened properties
Alsaif Abdulaziz
Albidah Abdulrahman
Abadel Aref
Abbas Husain
Al-Salloum Yousef
), s. art. no. e144
A review on autogenous self‑healing behavior of ultra‑high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC)
Yao Chao
Shen Aiqin
Guo Yinchuan
Lyu Zhenghua
He Ziming
Wu Hansong
), s. art. no. e145
Material dynamic behavior in cutting zone of Inconel 718 and its infuence on cutting process
Hao Zhaopeng
Cheng Gang
Li JiNing
Fan Yihang
), s. art. no. e146
Numerical investigation of TBM disc cutter cutting on microwave‑treated basalt with an unrelieved model
Yang Chun
Hassani Ferri
Zhou Keping
Zhang Quan
Wang Famin
Gao Feng
Topa Ameen
), s. art. no. e147
Study on the restoring force model for the high‑speed railway CRTS III Slab Ballastless Track
Liu Lili
Jiang Lizhong
Zhou Wangbao
Yu Jian
Peng Kang
Zuo Yongjian
), s. art. no. e148
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