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Cyclic behavior of strong beam–weak column joints strengthened with different configurations of CFRP sheets

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The current paper reports the results of experiments on deficient exterior reinforced concrete (RC) strong beam–weak column connections strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Five RC-joint specimens with half-scale size were manufactured and tested subjected to constant axial and reversed cyclic quasi-static loads. These joints consisted of one control and four specimens retrofitted with FRP sheets used in different strengthening configuration. The study is mainly directed to the examination of the different anchoring methods for longitudinal FRPs at beam–column intersection including L-shaped anchorage or CFRP anchor fans as a modern anchorage technique. Furthermore, the efficiency of transverse CFRP sheets in the form of innovative corner strip-batten technique to improve the seismic performance of the weak column was compared with longitudinal sheets. The externally bonded reinforcement on grooves (EBROG) method was also used in all strengthening schemes to eliminate surface debonding of CFRP. Test results revealed that although all the retrofitting schemes used led to significant improvements of up to 80% in strength capacity, longitudinal FRP sheets applied through the EBROG method and anchored with CFRP fans were more effective in inducing a completely ductile behavior in the joints, while the plastic hinge was also relocated into the beam.
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Bibliogr. 31 poz., fot., rys., wykr.
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan 84156‑83111, Iran
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan 84156‑83111, Iran
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan 84156‑83111, Iran
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