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The share of renewable energy, which is used for power supply, increases worldwide steadily to avoid the threat of climate change. In the renewable energy production from renewable resources biogas plays an important role. Biogas can be provided continuously by the permanent availability of biomass and it is also easily to store. In the context of competition for land between food and feed production as well as the cultivation of renewables an efficient biogas production is extremely important. Strategies for this aim are installing biogas plants in order to increase the biogas output and take measures to increase the efficiency of existing biogas plants or of concepts of biogas digesters for the new installation.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., fig., tab.
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- Department of Animal Production and Process Engineering, University of Rostock, Rostock, 18059, Germany
- Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, 60-965, Poland
- Department of Animal Production and Process Engineering, University of Rostock, Rostock, 18059, Germany
- Department of Animal Production and Process Engineering, University of Rostock, Rostock, 18059, Germany
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