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New concept of software for calculation of chain gears

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At present, practically all areas of design activities are supported by computer technology, which can be effectively used in the design of gears, belts and chain transmissions, especially in the field of calculations, as well as graphics solutions. However, their use requires mastering the basic principles of computational procedures contained in the programs in question and, on that basis, critically evaluating computer-generated solutions. The presented paper deals with the design proposal and application of program for calculation and check of chain gears. Although there are currently various programs on the market that can design chain transmissions and perform strength analysis, there is still space for improvement and the creation of these programs. The computing program has been created as a spreadsheet in the working environment of the Microsoft Office program by the Excel application through defined sequences of the individual commands. The program serves for design proposal of a chain drive by means of inserted databases, graphs and tables. In the process of designing and checking the input values are entered such as performance, rotations, and number of wheels. Through calculation the software generates speed of a chain, circumferential speed, tensile force, number of chain links, axial distance, etc. At the same time the paper compares generated parameters with manual calculation of the chain gear.
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Bibliogr. 11 poz.
  • Technical University of Košice Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Štúrova 31, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
  • Technical University of Košice Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Štúrova 31, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
  • Technical University of Košice Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Štúrova 31, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
  • Technical University of Košice Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Štúrova 31, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
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