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Purpose: of this paper is to discuss the problem of culture in the workplace, which has been becoming increasingly popular recently. Findings: Culture has many meanings and synonyms in the Polish language - we can talk about good manners, rules of savoir-vivre, social etiquette, or politeness. Most people intuitively know how to behave in situations outside of work. In recent years, discussions about culture in the workplace have appeared more often. It is particularly relevant in the construction industry at a time when new forms of employment are emerging and many organisations are undergoing restructuring processes. Research limitations/implications: It results in, among others, high staff turnover, the employment of more contract workers, frequent changes in the working environment, and working on different construction sites. In such cases, the direct and long-term impact of supervision on maintaining safe and cultural working conditions is increasingly limited. The responsibility should be borne by all site personnel, who should adopt an attitude of active and continuous concern for the culture and safety of their own behaviour and that of others and be personally involved in the process of developing cultural and safe attitudes on construction sites. The article defines culture and suggests its application on construction sites. Practical implications: Consequences include high rates of staff turnover, the need to bring in outside contractors, constant shifts in the workplace culture, and the need to work at many sites. The ability of supervision to provide a safe and satisfactory work environment, both now and in the future, is diminished under those circumstances. All construction workers should take responsibility and adopt an attitude of active and continuous concern for the culture and safety of their behaviour and that of others and be personally involved in the process of shaping cultural and safe attitudes on construction sites. Originality/value: The paper defines culture and proposes its use on construction sites.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys., tab.
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