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Preparing the construction site for geotechnical works
Języki publikacji
Właściwe przygotowanie placu budowy powinno być podstawą podejmowania jakichkolwiek robót geotechnicznych. Wdrożenie i stosowanie procedur bezpieczeństwa daje wymierne korzyści wszystkim stronom zaangażowanym w realizację projektu budowlanego. Lekceważenie zasad bezpieczeństwa to nie tylko ryzyko awarii czy katastrof budowlanych, ale również zagrożenie życia pracowników, a niekiedy nawet przypadkowych osób.
The correct preparation of a construction site shall be the basis for undertaking any geotechnical works. The implementation and application of safety procedures gives actual advantages to all the parties involved in the execution of a construction project. Not only may ignoring safety rules lead to failures or building disasters but it may also endanger the lives of employees and sometimes even random people. The biggest reason behind failures is the lack of an adequate working platform. Meanwhile, the advantages of carrying out the platform are obvious for the part executing the geotechnical works. They comprise of, amongst others, protection of the lives and health of employees, easier execution of the works, greater efficiency, higher quality of the executed works and protection of expensive equipment. Adequate preparation of a construction site is beneficial to all the parties involved in the construction process.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Badawczy Dróg i Mostów
Identyfikator YADDA