Języki publikacji
The research article describes a method of isometric transformation and determining an exterior orientation of a measurement instrument. The method is based on a designation of a “virtual” translation of two relative oblique orthogonal systems to a common, known in the both systems, point. The relative angle orientation of the systems does not change as each of the systems is moved along its axis. The next step is the designation of the three rotation angles (e.g. Tait-Bryan or Euler angles), transformation of the system convoluted at the calculated angles and moving the system to the initial position where the primary coordinate system was. This way eliminates movements of the systems from the calculations and makes it possible to calculate angles of mutual rotation angles of two orthogonal systems primarily involved in the movement. The research article covers laboratory calculations for simulated data. The accuracy of the results is 10-6 m (10-3 regarding the accuracy of the input data). This confi rmed the correctness of the assumed calculation method. In the following step the method was verifi ed under fi eld conditions, where the accuracy of the method raised to 0.003 m. The proposed method enabled to make the measurements with the oblique and uncentered instrument, e.g. total station instrument set over an unknown point. This is the reason why the method was named by the authors as Total Free Station - TFS. The method may be also used for isometric transformations for photogrammetric purposes.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 17 poz., tab., wykr.
- Maritime University of Szczecin Institute of Geoinformatics 46 Żołnierska Street, 71–250 Szczecin, Poland
- Maritime University of Szczecin Institute of Geoinformatics 46 Żołnierska Street, 71–250 Szczecin, Poland
- Maritime University of Szczecin Institute of Geoinformatics 46 Żołnierska Street, 71–250 Szczecin, Poland
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2018)
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