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Power Quality Measurements – the Importance of Traceable Calibration

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Standardization has contributed significantly to comparable analysis methods for power quality parameters. However, in order to have undisputable results, the measurement values themselves should also be comparable. This can only be achieved by traceability to international measurement standards. For this reason, at VSL, the Dutch national metrology institute, a fully traceable reference setup was developed for calibration of power quality analyzers. In this paper, we show the calibration results of the critical components of the reference setup, we demonstrate its applicability by test measurements on the public low-voltage supply system for specific parameters, and show its ability to simulate and generate events that can be detected and analyzed by both the equipment under test and the reference setup.
  • VSL Dutch Metrology Institute, Delft, the Netherlands
  • VSL Dutch Metrology Institute, Delft, the Netherlands
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