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The shear strength of the round clinching joints formed by using extensible dies

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The clinching joining technology is one of the most popular joining technologies by redrawing sheet material. The joining process parameters, the sheet material and its arrangements influences joints’ strength. Cylindrical axial-symmetrical joints formed by using rigid die and punch are still developed. The change of the rigid die on the die with movable segments affect the forming process and joint strength parameters. So there is a need to do experimental researches of the possibilities of joint formation by unchanged punch geometry and different die shape. In this article the forming process parameters (forming force, process energy consumption and its standard deviations) and joints strength parameters (maximum shearing force, total dissipated energy and dissipated energy up to 0.3 maximum force), according to the ISO 12996 standard, for the joints formed with using die with 2, 3 and 4 movable segments were presented. The punch geometry was unchanged and the minimum thickness of the embossment was also unchanged. For the die with 2 and 4 segments the load force direction influence on the joints strength was also presented.
  • Rzeszow University of Technology, Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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