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Analysis of work-related injuries in mining industry in Serbia

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The mining industry in Serbia has an important place in the country's economic development. Bearing in mind that the number of injuries that occur in the mining industry is unacceptably high, occupational safety and health is a challenge that existing and future mines will have to deal with. Studying injuries in mining, it was noticed that injuries requiring an absence from work for more than three days (especially fatal ones) are diametrically different in relation to the cause and manner of events related to injuries for which an absence from work is not necessary. In this research, authors focused on injuries that were characterized as ones requiring an absence from work. The statistical analysis of work-related injuries in mining is presented, as well as analysis of the direct causes of injuries, which are described as unsafe conduct of employees, unsafe conduct of company's management and/or unsafe working environment. In relation to classification of causes of injuries, a recommendation on what needs to be changed in order to remedy this situation in Serbia is given.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 17 poz., rys.
  • Technical Faculty of Bor, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Technical Faculty of Bor, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Research Center, University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • Technical Faculty of Bor, University of Belgrade, Serbia
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