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Modelowanie podatności osuwiskowej z zastosowaniem metody indeksowej i wysokorozdzielczych danych z lotniczego skaningu laserowego (LIDAR) na obszarze Gdańska

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Landslide susceptibility modelling using the index method and high-resolution airborne laser scanning data (LIDAR) in the area of Gdańsk
Języki publikacji
The paper presents a statistical approach to landslide susceptibility modelling using the GIS-based spatial data analysis. The area of investigation is an urban district in which the activation of mass movements is of interest to both the local population and the authorities. The analyzes were carried out on the basis of the “Map of landslides and risk areas for the city of Gdansk” drawn in 2011. The research took into account the geological, geomorphological, hydrological, hydrogeological and anthropogenic conditions. Eleven landslide influencing factors were considered in the analyses. The landslide susceptibility map was evaluated by the landslides index method. The obtained results show that the most susceptible to landslides are slopes of angle between 10–29° and areas located at a distance of 50 m from watercourses and reservoirs. The presence of silty sands, silts and clays along a lithological layer and the N, NWand NE aspect of a slope are also of great significance. The final map presents the areas with the greatest probability of mass movement occurrence.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 28 poz., tab., rys.
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