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Calcium carbide waste (CCW), the rest of the carbide welding workshop industry, is available in quite a lot and is immediately disposed of into the environment. Because CWW has a high pH value and a large specific surface area, it can act as an adsorbent in removing metals from groundwater. The content of metals in groundwater is indicated by a reddish color; however, upon contact with air, groundwater oxidation causes iron ions and manganese ions to precipitate. Synthetic groundwater was prepared in this experiment using reagents containing and . Observations were made in a batch process to assess the potential and ability of CCW to reduce iron and manganese levels in groundwater. In this study, to achieve equilibrium, CCW was mixed with 100 mL of synthetic solution and shaken at 25°C with a shaker. Operating time, levels of Fe(II) and (Mn(II) metals, and the mass of CCW were some of the parameters studied in this study. CCW was very good at reducing levels of iron ions and manganese ions after 60 minutes of operation. The percentage of removal of iron and manganese ions respectively – successively increased from 93.765 to 97.99% for iron ions and manganese ions from 91.83 to 95.14% for the initial concentration range of 40 mg/L, 60 mg/L, 80 mg/L, and 100 mg/L. Furthermore, the adsorption kinetics of CCW adsorbent in a mixture of iron ion and manganese ion solutions is a second-order kinetic equation. This confirms that the adsorption of CCW on iron ions and manganese ions is a chemisorption process. Calcium carbide waste has the potential to act as an absorbent of heavy metals in groundwater, especially iron and manganese ions.
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Bibliogr. 31 poz., rys., tab.
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Palembang, Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani 13 Ulu Palembang, 30263, Indonesia
- Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University, Jalan. Raya Indralaya – Prabumulih KM. 32 Indralaya 30662, Ogan Ilir, Indonesia
- Department of Agricultural Industry Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Jalan. Raya Indralaya – Prabumulih KM. 32 Indralaya 30662, Ogan Ilir, Indonesia
- Department of Agricultural Industry Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung Jalan Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1, Bandar Lampung 35145, Indonesia
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