Tytuł artykułu
Vol. 23, no. 1

Vol. 23, no. 1
artykuł: Modelling the high‑temperature deformation characteristics of S355 steel using artificial neural networks (Olejarczyk-Wożeńska Izabela, Mrzygłód Barbara, Hojny Marcin), s. art. no. e1, 2023
artykuł: Deceleration behavior of multi‑layer cork composites intercalated with a non‑Newtonian material (Sheikhi Mohammad Rauf, Gürgen Selim), s. art. no. e2, 2023
artykuł: The infuence of turning and burnishing on corrosion resistance of laser cladded Fe-Cr-Ni layer from viewpoints of thermodynamics and kinetics (Zhang Peirong, Ji Guosheng, Lv Tao, Hu Shunrui, Wang Bing, Liu Zhanqiang), s. art. no. e3, 2023
artykuł: Influence of shear depth on seismic performance of shear wall reinforced with BFRP bars: mesoscale modelings (Jin Liu, Miao Liyue, Du Xiuli), s. art. no. e4, 2023
artykuł: Low velocity perforation of thick magnesium alloy AM60 plates impacted by rigid conical‑nose impactor (Nowak Zdzisław, Kowalewski Zbigniew L., Szymczak Tadeusz), s. art. no. e5, 2023
artykuł: Machine learning models for cracking torque and pre‑cracking stiffness of RC beams (Shenggang Chen, Quanquan Guo, Yingying Zhang, Hexiang Hu, Bei Shen), s. art. no. e6, 2023
artykuł: Optimal retrofit strategy using viscous dampers between adjacent RC and SMRFs prone to earthquake‑induced pounding (Asgarkhani N., Kazemi F., Jankowski R.), s. art. no. e7, 2023
artykuł: Performance of the polyurea‑coated steel tank under air blast load: a numerical study (Kiran K. K., Ahmad Shamsad, Al-Osta Mohammed A., Bahraq Ashraf A.), s. art. no. e8, 2023
artykuł: Microstructure evolution of pure titanium during hydrostatic extrusion (Wojtas Daniel, Maj Łukasz, Wierzbanowski Krzysztof, Jarzębska Anna, Chulist Robert, Kawałko Jakub, Trembecka-Wójciga Klaudia, Bieda-Niemiec Magdalena, Sztwiertnia Krzysztof), s. art. no. e9, 2023
artykuł: Creep model of cement and asphalt (CA) mortar based on micro‑meso structure (Zhu Huasheng, Zeng Xiaohui, Lan Xuli, Long Guangcheng, Xie Youjun), s. art. no. e10, 2023
artykuł: Studies of mechanical and technological parameters and evaluation of the role of lustrous carbon carriers in green moulding sands with hybrid bentonite (Kamińska Jadwiga, Stachowicz Mateusz, Puzio Sabina, Angrecki Michał), s. art. no. e11, 2023
artykuł: A technique to achieve an excellent strength-ductility balance in AA2024 alloy (Roodgari Mohammad Reza, Jamaati Roohollah), s. art. no. e12, 2023
artykuł: Enhancement of mechanical properties and wear of AA5083/316 stainless steel surface-composite developed through multi-pass friction stir processing (MPFSP) (Yang Yiran, Paidar Moslem, Mehrez Sadok, Ojo Olatunji Oladimeji), s. art. no. e13, 2023
artykuł: Study on narrow gap welding of martensitic grade P92 and austenitic grade AISI 304L SS steel for ultra-supercritical power plant application (Dak Gaurav, Khanna Navneet, Pandey Chandan), s. art. no. e14, 2023
artykuł: Bending and free vibration analysis of porous functionally graded sandwich plate with various porosity distributions using an extended layerwise theory (Belarbi Mohamed-Ouejdi, Daikh Ahmed Amine, Garg Aman, Hirane Hicham, Houari Mohammed Sid Ahmed, Civalek Ömer, Chalak H. D.), s. art. no. e15, 2023
artykuł: Construction and dynamic identification of aeroelastic test models for flexible roofs (Rizzo Fabio, Sadhu Ayan, Abasi Ali, Pistol Aleksander, Flaga Łukasz, Venanzi Ilaria, Ubertini Filippo), s. art. no. e16, 2023
artykuł: Interfacial enhancement technology in high‑volume fly ash foam concrete: microscopic mechanism and heavy metal safety assessment (Huang De‑ming, Liu Ke, Wang Chao-qiang, Shen Bo-hong, Zhao Hui, Huang Qi-cong, Zhu Yu, Shui Zhong‑he), s. art. no. e17, 2023
artykuł: Microstructure and mechanical properties of L415/N08825 bimetallic composite pipe welded joint using GTAW + SMAW (Wang Liang, Wu Deng, Xu Ming, Hu Yiwen, Zhou Peishan), s. art. no. e18, 2023
artykuł: Effect of cutting process adjustment on crystallographic texture of machined surface layer of titanium alloy (Li Anhai, Zhang Rufeng, Liu Jinyuan, Song Xuhao), s. art. no. e19, 2023
artykuł: Mechanical behavior and constitutive model of lining concrete in triaxial compression infiltration process under pore water pressure (Xue Weipei, Jing Wei, Wang Zhongjian, Zhang Hanwen, Lin Jian), s. art. no. e20, 2023
artykuł: Nonlocal strain gradient‑based quasi‑3D nonlinear dynamical stability behavior of agglomerated nanocomposite microbeams (Yue Xiao‑Guang, Sahmani Saeid, Luo Haopin, Safaei Babak), s. art. no. e21, 2023
artykuł: Pore‑scale hydraulic properties of virtual sandstone microstructures: spatial variations and voxel scale effects (Zhao Zhi, Zhou Xiao-Ping, Chen Jun‑Wei), s. art. no. e22, 2023
artykuł: Study on the influence of damage characteristics of longitudinal ballastless track on the dynamic performance of train‑track‑bridge coupled systems (Shaohui Liu, Lizhong Jiang, Wangbao Zhou, Jian Yu, Xiang Liu), s. art. no. e23, 2023
artykuł: Quasistatic deformation analysis of melt‑based molded die‑cast open‑cell aluminum alloy foam (Raza Mohammad Shahid, Datta Susmita, Saha Partha), s. art. no. e24, 2023
artykuł: Reinforcements in 3D printing concrete structures (Alonso-Canon Sara, Blanco-Fernandez Elena, Castro-Fresno Daniel, Yoris-Nobile Adrian I., Castañon-Jano Laura), s. art. no. e25, 2023
artykuł: New constitutive model based on disturbed state concept for shear deformation of rock joints (Xie Shijie, Lin Hang, Chen Yifan), s. art. no. e26, 2023
artykuł: Efect of heat treatment parameters on microstructure evolution, tensile strength, wear resistance, and fracture behavior of Ni-Ti multilayered composites produced by cross‑accumulative roll bonding (Ye Qing, Li Xuejun, Tayyebi Moslem, Assari Amir Hossein, Polkowska Adelajda, Lech Sebastian, Polkowski Wojciech, Tayebi Morteza), s. art. no. e27, 2023
artykuł: Dynamic similarity criteria in fluid-solid interaction at different fluid-solid relative motions: part I-fundamentals (Flaga Andrzej, Kłaput Renata, Flaga Łukasz), s. art. no. e28, 2023
artykuł: Kinetics of copper leaching from direct‑to‑blister copper flash smelting slag by sulfuric acid (Gargul Krzysztof, Boryczko Bożena, Handzlik Piotr, Noga Piotr, Palimąka Piotr), s. art. no. e29, 2023
artykuł: Biofunctional impact of textured coatings in the application of heart assist therapy (Kurtyka Przemysław, Kopernik Magdalena, Kaczmarek Marcin, Surmiak Marcin, Major Łukasz, Kustosz Roman, Więcek Justyna, Kurtyka Klaudia, Bartkowiak Amanda, Major Roman), s. art. no. e31, 2023
artykuł: Tailoring the mechanical properties of austempered low‑carbon ferritic-bainitic/martensitic dual‑phase steel (Motallebi Reza, Mirzadeh Hamed), s. art. no. e32, 2023
artykuł: The formation of new (Al, Zn)3Zr precipitates in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy after aging treatment and their response to dynamic compression (Khan Muhammad Abubaker, Wang Yangwei, Afifi Mohamed A., Tabish Mohammad, Hamza Muhammad, Yasin Ghulam, Ahmad Tahir, Liao Wei‑Bing), s. art. no. e33, 2023
artykuł: Theoretical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in plate-like structures with sinusoidal thickness variations (Zima Beata, Moll Jochen), s. art. no. e34, 2023
artykuł: A review of the seismic performance behaviour of hybrid precast beam-to-column connections (Ghayeb Haider Hamad, Sulong N. H. Ramli, Razak Hashim Abdul, Mo Kim Hung, Ismail Zubaidah, Hashim Huzaifa, Gordan Meisam), s. art. no. e35, 2023
artykuł: Effects of stirrup spacing on shear performance of hybrid composite beams produced by pultruded GFRP profile infilled with reinforced concrete (Özkılıç Yasin Onuralp, Gemi Lokman, Madenci Emrah, Aksoylu Ceyhun), s. art. no. e36, 2023
artykuł: Investigation on seismic damping effect of an innovative amplified viscously damped outrigger for super high‑rise structures (Xue Jianyang, Zhang Wei, Luo Zheng, Qi Liangjie, Yan Sui), s. art. no. e37, 2023
artykuł: Size‑dependent constitutive model incorporating grain refinement and martensitic transformation (Liu Shengqiang, Li Wei, Shen Jinxia, Yang Xiaoming, Wang Baoyu, Liu Jinping), s. art. no. e38, 2023
artykuł: Microstructure-related properties of explosively welded multi-layer Ti/Al composites after rolling and annealing (Solecka Monika, Mróz Sebastian, Petrzak Paweł, Mania Izabela, Szota Piotr, Stefanik Andrzej, Garstka Tomasz, Paul Henryk), s. art. no. e39, 2023
artykuł: Dynamic performance verifcation of the Rędziński Bridge using portable camera‑based vibration monitoring systems (Bocian Mateusz, Nikitas Nikolaos, Kalybek Maksat, Kużawa Mieszko, Hawryszków Paweł, Bień Jan, Onysyk Jerzy, Biliszczuk Jan), s. art. no. e40, 2023
artykuł: Effect of surface integrity on fatigue life of 7075‑T6 aluminum alloy by combination of fine turning with hydrostatic deep rolling (Zhou Yongxin, Chu Xingrong, Zang Shunlai, Sun Jiao, Yang Lei, Gao Jun), s. art. no. e41, 2023
artykuł: Measurement and analysis of pocket milling features in abrasive water jet machining of Ti-6Al-4V alloy (Natarajan Yuvaraj, Raj K. L. Naresh, Tandon Puneet), s. art. no. e42, 2023
artykuł: Microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of friction stir processed AA2014 alloy (Satyanarayana M. V. N. V., Kumar Adepu, Jain Vikram Kumar S., Kumar Rahul, Mishra Sushil), s. art. no. e43, 2023
artykuł: Quasi-static cyclic loading experiment and analysis of double-side slotted steel tube shear damper (Hui Cun, Zhou Zhongyi, Li Yonggang, Jiao Yongkang, Hai Ran), s. art. no. e45, 2023
artykuł: Prediction of high-speed debris motion in the framework of time-fractional model: theory and validation (Malendowski Michał, Sumelka Wojciech, Gajewski Tomasz, Studziński Robert, Peksa Piotr, Sielicki Piotr W.), s. art. no. e46, 2023
artykuł: Tribological properties of hybrid aluminium matrix composites reinforced with boron carbide and ilmenite particles for brake rotor applications (Gupta Rahul, Nanda Tarun, Pandey O. P.), s. art. no. e47, 2023
artykuł: Evaluating the impact of nano‑silica on characteristics of self‑compacting geopolymer concrete with waste tire steel fiber (Althoey Fadi, Zaid Osama, Alsharari Fahad, Yosri Ahmed. M., Isleem Haytham F.), s. art. no. e48, 2023
artykuł: Seismic behavior of interior polyvinyl chloride-carbon fiber-reinforced polymer-confined concrete column-ring beam joints (Yu Feng, Wang Shisi, Fang Yuan, Zhang Nannan, Wang Yan, Nuermaimaiti Maimaiti), s. art. no. e49, 2023
artykuł: Investigation of the effects of colemanite and colemanite concentrator wastes on the rheological and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete (Şeker Oğuz, Durgun Muhammed Yasin), s. art. no. e50, 2023
artykuł: Experimental and numerical investigations of platinum foil/titanium plate interfaces prepared by explosive welding (Wang Fei, Yang Ming), s. art. no. e51, 2023
artykuł: Microstructures and mechanical properties of additively manufactured alumina ceramics with digital light processing (Xin Mingze, Liu Zhanqiang, Wang Bing, Song Qinghua), s. art. no. e52, 2023
artykuł: Experimental and simulation study on stiffness of basalt fiber-reinforced plastic door interior trimming panel (Yao Yuanheng, Wang Shaoluo, Xu Liwang, Jiang Hao, Gu Yongqiang, Li Guangyao, Cui Junjia), s. art. no. e53, 2023
artykuł: Dissimilar weldments of ferritic/martensitic grade P92 steel and Inconel 617 alloy: Role of groove geometry on mechanical properties and residual stresses (Kumar Amit, Pandey Shailesh M., Pandey Chandan), s. art. no. e54, 2023
artykuł: A review on the deformation mechanism and formability enhancement strategies in incremental sheet forming (Ullah Sattar, Li Yanle, Li Xiaoqiang, Xu Peng, Li Dongsheng), s. art. no. e55, 2023
artykuł: Nonlinear vibration analysis of sandwich plates with honeycomb core and graphene nanoplatelet‑reinforced face‑sheets (Mohammad‑Rezaei Bidgoli E., Arefi Mohammad), s. art. no. e56, 2023
artykuł: Investigation of the mechanical and hygrothermal behavior of coffee ground wastes valorized as a building material: analysis of mix designs performance and sorption curve linearization effect (Hamdaoui Mohamed Ali, Benzaama Mohammed-Hichem, El Mendili Yassine, Chateigner Daniel, Gascoin Stéphanie), s. art. no. e57, 2023
artykuł: Bonding of graphite to Cu with metal multi‑foils (Cai Yuqi, Xu Biao, Ma Xinjian, Haider Julfikar, Mao Yangwu, Wang Shenggao), s. art. no. e58, 2023
artykuł: An extended 3D limit analysis of slope stability considering prestressed anchor cables reinforcement (Hong Yong, Shao Zhushan, Wu Kui, Shi Guangbin, Wu Saisai, Jiang Song), s. art. no. e59, 2023
artykuł: Enhancing the properties of friction stir welded joints of L-PBF printed AlSi10Mg alloy via multi-variable optimization (Minhas Navdeep, Sharma Varun, Bhadauria Shailendra Singh), s. art. no. e60, 2023
artykuł: The effectiveness of surrogate models in predicting the long-term behavior of varying compressive strength ranges of recycled concrete aggregate for a variety of shapes and sizes of specimens (Ibrahim Aisha Kamal, Dhahir Hyfaa Yasin, Mohammed Ahmed Salih, Omar Helen Ali, Sedo Ammar Hassan), s. art. no. e61, 2023
artykuł: Nano-level mechanical and tribological behavior of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg plates (Murugesan Periyakaruppan, Satheeshkumar V., Jeyaprakash N., Prabu G., Yang Che-Hua), s. art. no. e62, 2023
artykuł: Research on the mechanical and electromagnetic properties of white Portland cement paste containing basalt fiber (Li Yue, Liu Yunze, Cheng Yaping, Jin Caiyun), s. art. no. e63, 2023
artykuł: Behavior of prestressed fiber-reinforced steel-lined concrete slabs under projectile impact (Almusallam Tarek, Abbas Husain, Hodali Omar, Siddiqui Nadeem, Al-Salloum Yousef), s. art. no. e64, 2023
artykuł: Deposition and accumulation of marine aerosol and its penetration into concretes exposed to the marine atmospheric zone: an overview (Yuan Qiang, Zhang Jiajia, Huang Zhibin, Zhang Zhipeng, Wang Xiongbiao, Li Binbin), s. art. no. e65, 2023
artykuł: Structural performance of cold-formed steel cross-arm structure at elevated temperature (Davoudian Amir, Zeynalian Mehran, Abbasi Mehran), s. art. no. e66, 2023
artykuł: A review of flexible printed sensors for automotive infotainment systems (Srinivasan K. P., Muthuramalingam T., Elsheikh Ammar H.), s. art. no. e67, 2023
artykuł: Modelling the high‑temperature deformation characteristics of S355 steel using artificial neural networks (Olejarczyk-Wożeńska Izabela, Mrzygłód Barbara, Hojny Marcin), s. art. no. e1, 2023
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