Języki publikacji
Decomposition is the best method to analyze complicated systems. The whole system is divided into a set of smaller parts, i.e. subsystems. These items are connected to each other by input and output interfaces. Every subsystem could be analyzed using separate algorithms and procedures that are more suitable for solving the local task. In the article, a complicated electrical system is decomposed and the interaction decoupling mode is used to coordinate the local task solution. Each of the first–level subsystems, such as an optimization problem, is defined completely independently from the other problems. The subsystems are instructed to select the local input as well as the local interface output in an optimal fashion. The local task's solution depends not only on the internal subsystems’ parameters, but on the value of interfaces too. To achieve the global task solution, local tasks have to be coordinated using an appropriate coordination principle.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., rys., tab.
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Opracowanie ze środków MNiSW w ramach umowy 812/P-DUN/2016 na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (zadania 2017).
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